The body language


Title: Body language

Authors: Alan Pease; Barbara Pease

Translator: Maryam Shafaghi

Publisher: Creative

Subject: Emma and sign language

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 308

Language: Farsi



Body language: How do we follow other people’s thoughts through body movements?

Body Language Book: How to Find Out What Others Think Through Body Movements Written by Alan Pease as a handbook, it examines and examines each of the components of language and body movements.

This book contains many technical features derived from the myriad of video clips and films produced by Allan Pease and others in Australia and abroad.

In addition, it contains some of the experiences and encounters that the author has had with thousands of people over the past fifteen years, interviewing, educating and managing them, and selling goods or services to them.

Body Language Book: How to Find Out What Others Think Through Body Movements (Body language: how to read others’ thoughts by their gestures) is not the latest body language work, nor does it contain any of the magical formulas promised in some bookstores.

The purpose of writing this book is to make the reader more aware of non-verbal signs and symptoms, and to show how people communicate with each other.

Alan Pease has co-authored books with his wife, Barbara, and has advised some of Hollywood’s leading artists and actors, as well as advising several presidents, including Putin, on nonverbal behavior.

He has survived 4 cancers and has traveled to Iran twice so far.

In a part of the body language book we read:

The air bubble radius is usually similar around suburban middle-class people living in Australia, New Zealand, the United Kingdom, North America, and Canada.

This radius can be divided into four distinct distances:

1) Privacy (between 15 and 45 cm or 6 to 18 inches), of all these distances, this is the most important; Because the person protects it as his personal property. Only people who are emotionally close to the person are allowed to enter this space. These people include lovers, parents, spouse, children, close friends and relatives. There is a sub-area more than 15 cm (6 inches) from the body that can only be entered during physical contact. This area is close to privacy.

2) Privacy (between 46 cm and 1.22 m or 18 to 48 inches), this is the distance we maintain at night parties, office parties, formal social events and friendly gatherings.

3) Social privacy (between 1.22 and 3.6 meters or 4 to 12 feet), this is the distance we have with strangers, plumbers or carpenters who are doing repairs around our house, postman, local salesman, new employee at work and people That we do not have a complete knowledge of them, we maintain.

4) Public space (more than 3.6 meters or 12 feet), when addressing a large group of people, this is a good distance that we maintain at our own discretion.

Shaking hands is a loss of a cave-era monument. Whenever cavemen met, they held their arms in the air and exposed the palms of their hands to show that they had no weapons in their hands or that they had not hidden them.

This movement has been modified over the centuries, to movements such as raising the hand in the air and placing the palm on the heart, and thus, various other movements were invented.

The new form of these old-fashioned greetings is the locking and shaking of the hand, which is done in most English-speaking countries, both at the initial greeting and during the farewell. The arms are usually moved five to seven times.

For several years, as the role of cyberspace in life has increased, we have become familiar with words such as like and unlike / dislike.
But it is not only the names of these words that are familiar to us, but also their (appearance) form.

For example, for years, to show victory, we open our index and middle fingers, close the rest of our fingers, and clench our fists.

But the point we have forgotten is: why were “these” shapes chosen to represent these concepts? The roots and meanings of these forms can be found in a concept called body language.

Alan Pease has written The Body Language (Body Language), or Guide to Interpreting Body Movement, by looking at these concepts.

Get acquainted (gain, obtain) with present-day techniques that came from Body Language
In the early chapters of the book, Alan Pease explains the different positions of the limbs in different social situations.

Alan Pease, for example, says that standing on one’s chest is one of the strongholds of man.

This is why children hide behind a sofa or chair when they are scared.

In other words, in adulthood, this stronghold does not disappear, but only changes, for example, men standing with their hands on their chests during office meetings or holding a handbag in front of their bodies for women is a sign of the same stronghold.

Alan Pease has interesting theories about the process of thought formation in human communication.

For example, he defines the process of “comfortable dealing” as follows: Layed on top of each other, it relaxes comfortably.

“Surveys of people in Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the United States show that the process of ‘relaxing’ or standing up is the same in all of these countries.”

The first stage is the defensive position, the arms as well as the legs are placed on top of each other.
In the second stage, the legs are spread apart and the soles of the feet are placed side by side neutrally.
The third stage is the hand that is in the hand-to-chest position at the top. The palm of the hand is shown when speaking, but does not return to the position of the hand to the chest. The outside takes the other hand.
Step 4 The arms are opened and one hand moves or may be placed on the buttocks or in a pocket.
Step 5 Lean on one leg, lean back, and place the other leg in front and straighten it to point to the one you find most interesting.
These steps continue until the two parties can easily communicate.

There is a special chapter at the end of this book that examines the methods of affection.

Alan Pease believes that a major part of our efforts to attract the opposite person takes place unconsciously.

But there are some signs that can tell you whether the person is interested in you or not.

Due to the fact that body language has many details and even changing the position of the fingers can convey a different meaning. The use of photographs and images in the margins of the pages of this book has made you better understand what the author means.

Get to know the author of “Body Language” better
Alan Pease worked as a salesman before writing. Body Language is his first book, and it was after this remarkable success that Alan Pease decided to change jobs.

He and his wife, Barbara Pease, are now one of the most successful experts in effective communication and body language.

This path led Australian Alan Pease to become a writer and body language expert. He has authored eighteen best-selling books and has given seminars on effective communication with body language in more than 70 countries.

“Between seven and ten percent of our communication is verbal, and the remaining ninety percent is actually our non-verbal communication, of which body language is an important part,” says Alan Pease. He believes that body language affects all aspects of life. By learning this skill, you can ensure your success in various fields.

After his marriage, Alan Pease wrote many books with the help of his wife. For example, Why Do Men Lie and Women Cry? It is one of their most popular works.

In 2006, Allen and Barbara Pease rewrote Allen, a body language book written in 1981, and named it the Comprehensive Body Language Book.

They have kept their business to this day and are known as a successful body language couple, and their works are also best-selling in pdf and audio versions.

In a part of the body language book we read:
Thousands of books and articles have been written about the care and protection of the territory of animals, birds, fish and primates.

But in the last few years, it has become clear that humans also have territory.

Once this is learned and the consequences understood, not only can one gain insight into one’s own behavior and that of others, but one can also predict face-to-face reactions to others.

American anthropologist Edward T. Hall was one of the pioneers in the study of the transcendental needs of man, and in the early 1960s coined the term “application space.”

His research in this area led to a new understanding of our relationship with our fellow human beings.

The territory is the area or space that a person claims to own, as if it were the object of his body.

Each person has their own personal territory, which includes the area around their assets.

Like a house bordered by walls, inside a vehicle, a bedroom or a private chair, and just as Dr. Hall perceives the familiar space around his body.
Many animals claim that their environment is their personal space.

The extent of this space depends primarily on the crowdedness of the situation in which the animal grew up.

Man also has a portable personal bubble that he carries with him to and fro, and its size depends on the population density of the place where he grew up.

Therefore, this privacy gap is determined by culture. While some cultures, including Japan, are accustomed to crowds, others prefer “wide open space” and like to keep their distance.

All you need to do to raise your profile and increase your power and influence is to pay a little attention to non-verbal soft exercises in your office or home.

Unfortunately, most managers’ offices are so cluttered that negative nonverbal cues that are inadvertently transmitted to others are seldom noticed.

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آلن پیز, باربارا پیز



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