How to keep people from pushing your buttons


Title: I will not let anyone get on my nerves

Author: Albert Ellis

Translator: Azam Nouri

Publisher: Nik Farjam

Subject: Differences between individuals, self-control, relationships between individuals, adjustment, rational and emotional behavior therapy

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 232

Language: Farsi

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How to keep people from pushing your buttons, written by Albert Ellis and Arthur Lang. The purpose of this book is to show you how you can live an active, lively, lively and even expected life without falling victim to your own efforts.

We give you a powerful set of skills so that bosses, co-workers, supervisors, spouse, children, parents, neighbors, friends, loved ones and others you deal with every day can not get on your nerves.

Rarely do all of these people always upset us, but many of us have occasionally let someone push our nerves.

Today’s world can be somewhat confusing, not only globally, but in our daily lives. No wonder such people and things like this can really push our nerves.
This may be someone pushing our nerves: the “omnipotent” co-op, a very critical boss, a defensive supervisor, an insensitive spouse, a stubborn child, an excuse-making friend, a careless repairman, a negative kinship.

The book How to keep people from pushing your buttons provides you with specific and realistic ways to keep people and subjects from pressing your buttons.

In this book, there is no talk of theoretical words and simplistic psychology, the method of superficial positive thinking.

Instead, it refers to a set of very specific skills that, when people and subjects push your nerves, steer your reaction in the right direction, and it works!

Life is short and precious.
Dr. Albert Ellis and Arthur Lange will help you succeed in what you do and enjoy the journey.

They will show you how to control your extremist reactions to the people and things that are pushing your nerves.

The book “I will not let anyone get on my nerves” teaches you the skills to control the pressures, stresses and worries that exist and thus enjoy life.

In the description on the back of the cover we read:
“The purpose of this book is to show you how you can live an active and constructive life with enthusiasm and even expectation and not be a victim of your own efforts.

We give you a powerful set of skills so that bosses, co-workers, supervisors, spouse, children, parents, neighbors, friends, loved ones and others you deal with every day can not get on your nerves.

Rarely do all of these people always upset us, but many of us have occasionally let someone push our nerves.

Life is short and precious. We want to help you succeed in what you do and enjoy the journey. “We will show you how to curb your extremist reactions to people and things that are pushing your nerves.”

The present book has been published by the “New Generation of Thought” publications and has been made available to the audience.
I will not let anyone get on my nerves Written by Albert Ellis and Arthur Long:

How can we control our extremist reactions to people and things that push our nerves?

Reading books I do not let anyone get on my nerves is beneficial for all people who are in contact with a wide range of friends, acquaintances and colleagues.

I will not leave any part of the text of the book for anyone to get on my nerves
There are four “stupid” feelings in this world. This means that every time you experience one of these feelings, you will not be able to handle the situation effectively and you will most likely upset yourself;

A person or a subject gets on your nerves.

These feelings include: excessive anxiety, anger / defensiveness, depression / boredom or guilt. (We will tell you soon what we mean by extremist). First, if you make yourself very anxious (or nervous, tense, upset, angry, frightened, frightened, worried, intimidated, and terrified), you will not be able to effectively control that person or situation.

For example, you may become extremely nervous during a job interview or when talking to a bullying boss.

Find out that you are very upset about the expiration date at work, or an important decision in your life, or your child’s recent behavior.

If so, then someone or something is upsetting you.
Second, if you are very angry (or defensive, angry, fiery, obscene, controversial, annoyed, failed), you are also likely to lose your nervous balance.

You may feel defensive when your spouse criticizes your job, cooking, parenting style, or lovemaking style.

You may lose your temper when your teenager ignores or disrespects you, or your co-workers are incompetent at work and do not cooperate with you.

I will not let anyone upset me is a work by Albert Ellis and Arthur Long, translated by Fariba Bordbar and published by Almas Parsian.
The author of the forthcoming inspirational book, by providing practical and instructive examples, explains how to prevent nervous breakdown by others in different environments such as school, work, family, etc., and teaches ways to deal with misconceptions and beliefs. gives.

Excerpts from the book
When someone presses the button to crush your nerves like this, you may often start arguing because you are afraid to hit them, or you may “push your knots” until you end up with all the sores on your tongue. You hit him to empty your knots on his head.

If you think about realistic priorities, you can deal with them in a more useful and serious way without overreacting. So you will be bolder but you will not deal with hostility and aggression.

Then you will increase the chances of persuading the person to change and you can really feel good about the way you deal with it.

The purpose of this book is to:
Show you how you can live an active, lively and even expected life and not be a victim of your own efforts.

We give you a powerful set of skills so that bosses, co-workers, supervisors, spouses, children, parents, neighbors, dear friends, and others you deal with every day can not get on your nerves.

Rarely do all of these people always upset us, but many of us sometimes allow someone to push our nerves.

Life is short and precious. We want to help you succeed in what you do and enjoy this journey.

We will show you how your extreme reactions to people and things that push your nerves are
Let No One Get Involved is a book by Albert Ellis and Arthur Long, first published in 1994. Life can be hard.

Unemployment (or overwork), divorce, anxiety, and new and unpredictable challenges in general can overwhelm us.

In addition, the staggering speed of the modern world forces us to constantly have the necessary things to do.

No wonder the issues and people around you easily make you nervous.

In this transformative and influential book, you will learn a very special and powerful skill that will help you not to underestimate people and nerve-wracking issues and keep your composure.

Behavioral Rational Therapy (REBT) provides realistic, simple, and proven techniques that reduce anxiety levels and help us respond more effectively, both in our personal and professional lives. .
We give you a powerful set of skills so that bosses, co-workers, supervisors, spouse, children, parents, neighbors, friends, loved ones and others you deal with every day can not get on your nerves. .

Rarely do all of these people always upset us, but many of us occasionally let someone push our nerves.
Life is short and precious.

We want to help you succeed in what you do and enjoy the journey.

We will show you how to control your extreme reactions to people and things that push your nerves.

Table of Contents :
Chapter 1: How to Let People and Subjects Push Our Nerves
Chapter 2: Unreasonable Beliefs That Allow Us to Get Rid of Nerves
Chapter 3: Realistic Preferences: A Good Alternative to the Irrational Thinking That Makes Us Upset
Chapter 4: Ten Unreasonable Beliefs That We Use to Allow People and Subjects to Unnecessarily Break Our Nerves
Chapter 5: How to Change Your Irrational Thinking: Four Steps to Success
Chapter 6: How not to let people and topics get on your nerves at work
Chapter 7: Spouses: The main cause of nervous breakdown
Chapter 8: Parenting: The One-to-One Test
Chapter 9: A multitude of factors that upset your nerves
Chapter 10: Stand Against Them

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