Zero to one


Title: Zero to one

Author: Peter Teal, Block Masters

Translator: Vase Alavi, Raheleh Yousefzadeh

Publisher: New Development

Topic: Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Business

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 192 p

Language Farsi



Zero to one a start-up or how to build the future of Black Masters by Peter Teal
If you are thinking of starting a new business and want to experience the path of progress once before that, you should study the lives of those who have followed this path before you. Successful people are in control of almost every single situation. Black Masters and Peterpill ‌ Successful figures in the world of startups, with the book Zero to One, share with readers what it takes to start a business.

An overview of book chapters from zero to one
Zero to One, Zero to One Notes, was published in September 2014. This book consists of fourteen chapters. The first chapter of this book is called “Future Challenges”, which describes horizontal or developmental progress and vertical or severe progress. In this chapter, we become familiar with the term “globalization”; Globalization as defined by the book means “taking things that work somewhere and taking them everywhere”, which is studied as an example of “globalization” in the book Zero to One, China. According to the book, “China is the best example of globalization, the Chinese are blatantly copying everything that works in the developed world.”

“A Brief History of the Nineties” is the title of the second chapter of the book Zero to One. In this chapter, the process of the beginning and growth of technology in the nineties is discussed and the author has a historical look at the nineties. At the beginning of this decade, the Berlin Wall collapsed; The economic crisis in the United States and East Asia affected the capital of all companies at that time. Peter Peel goes on to talk about the founding of PayPal and his experience over the decade, as well as a few tips for guiding business thinking. “Go step by step, be small and flexible, compete better, focus on the product, not the sales.”
The third chapter of the book is called “All happy companies are different”. In this chapter, the author explains the term “monopoly” with examples of different restaurants. Businesses that are monopolized and pursue innovation through monopoly can be successful; Because the stagnation of a company causes the death and failure of that capital and energy. “Happy companies each get a monopoly by solving a specific problem,” says Peter Peel at the end of this chapter. “All failing companies are the same: they fail to escape competition.”

The fourth chapter, called “Competition Worldview”, describes competition in business. Competition has permeated everything from education systems to large corporations. In this section of Book Zero to One, models of competition are presented according to Marx and Shakespeare, and these models are compared.
The next chapter of the book, entitled “The Advantage of the Last Move”, recommends that a new and open mind is necessary to start a new and successful business. If a business is first, it has a huge advantage and is ahead of almost all competitors; But you have to be smart and predict the future in order to capture a large market share.

The sixth chapter of the book is called “You are not a lottery ticket”. In this chapter, the author examines how to succeed. Is success due to luck or skill and hard work? Examining the lives of successful people throughout history, we find that success first requires a suitable environment and environment for growth, and then the need to design a purposeful path that is associated with a lot of effort and hard work.
The seventh chapter of the book, called “Pursue Money”, describes the “law of power”, and the next chapter of book zero to one, entitled “Riddles”, speaks of the inevitable complexity of economics. If a company ignores riddles in the business world, it will surely fail. The ninth chapter of the book is called “Foundations”, which raises issues related to the establishment of companies. Choosing a partner at the beginning of a business is very important; In the beginning, everything goes optimistically, but over time, if an unresolved dispute arises, the company will inevitably fail. The next chapter of the book is called “The Mafia Mechanism” and explains the “corporate culture”;

In this chapter, a set of activities and supplies that lead to the creation of a suitable work environment is reminded, and then examines the employment of people in companies. The next chapters of the book are entitled “Will someone come to him if you make something?”, “Man and machine”, “Green thinking” and “Founding contradiction”, and in general, it can be said that a careful study of the book from zero to one, starting notes or How to build the future, the person on the right path to success
Put in a business or entrepreneurship.

Publication of the book Zero to One in Iran
Book Zero to One has been translated into different languages ​​at a time when many people in different countries of the world prefer to start their own business and different businesses are looking for guides for rapid growth.

In Iran, various translations of the book Zero to One by Black Masters, Peter Teal, have been published. Hossein Rassi first published this book entitled “From Zero to One: A Look at Startup Companies in Silicon Valley and Their Role in Visualizing the Future” at Hestan Publications. The name of the book has been translated as “zero to one”, “from zero to one” and “zero to one” in different versions.

About Peter Peel; Founder of Pipil
Peter Thiel was born in October 1967 in Frankfurt. Peter traveled to the United States with his family as a child and attended Stanford University after high school. He began his studies in philosophy. After graduating from Stanford, Peter Peel studied law and earned his JD (JD) – Professional Doctorate and First Degree in Law -. After graduating, he worked and first worked as a judicial trainee, then representing various reputable companies.

With various experiences in companies such as Credit Suisse, he co-founded PayPal in 1999 with Elon Musk and served as its CEO for three years. Peter Peel started several companies after Pay Peel and in 2004 bought about 10% of Facebook shares;
Mark Zuckerberg was a Harvard student at the time and, as founder, controlled Facebook. Although Peter Peel resigned after eight years, he remains a member of the company’s board of directors. After Facebook, Peter Peel invested in a number of startups and, in addition to philanthropic work, also taught at his university. Books Zero to One, Startup Notes or How to Build the Future, is a collection of materials that Peter Peel taught at the university in 2012.

About Black Masters
Blake Masters Blake Masters is another author of Zero to One, about whom not much information is available. He has a law degree and has been the Chief Financial Officer of Thiel Capital for some time. One of the main concerns of Black Masters is finding the most interesting job so that he can do it well.

In part of the book, we read from zero to one:
Venture capitalists seek to identify, invest in, and benefit from promising start-ups. They take money from wealthy businesses and individuals, put it in a fund, and invest in technology companies that they believe will be valuable. If their opinion is correct, they will withdraw some of the return capital. A hedge fund makes money when one of its portfolio companies becomes more valuable through a public offering or sale to a larger company. It usually takes 10 years for a company to invest in venture capital funds in order for it to grow, become profitable, and exit;

But many companies that have capital support do not go public or are bought, many of which fail immediately after launch. Based on these early failures, hedge funds are more likely to lose money initially.
س.خ. They hope that over the next few years, their capital will increase dramatically as they reach and reach the tipping point; When companies grow exponentially in their portfolio, they exit that portfolio and begin to grow. The question is: where is this starting point? For many fundraisers, the answer is “never” many startups will crash and many fundraisers will collapse with them. Every venture capitalist knows that their job is to find companies that will succeed; But they underestimate the degree of difference.

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