Supernanny: how to get the best from your children is a book by Joe Frost that was first published in 2005. The good news for parents is that Joe Frost knows the solution to all of the behavioral and parenting anxieties. Frost’s simple but practical methods in this book provide a solution for parents to understand and solve all problems related to children (eating, bathing, bedtime, bedtime, homework, jealous competitions, aggressive behaviors and many other things). brings. At a time when parents are facing all kinds of increasing problems and often have to listen to their children’s commands, the book “Adequate Mother” can bring order and harmony to the home by providing basic and behavioral solutions. Return your contacts.
Adequate mother’s book describes the stages of a child’s development in the first five years of life. And it will teach you how to easily go through the delicate and golden stages of your children’s development.
Also, for couples who are expecting a child, and for parents who have children under the age of six, it is important to read the book Adequate Mother, and we recommend reading it to all parents today and future parents.
About the author of Joan Frost’s book Supernanny: how to get the best from your children: how to get the best from your children
Joan Frost (born 27 June 1971) is an English television programmer and writer. Frost grew up in south-west London. According to him, he had a happy and active childhood and loved going to various museums. In 1994, Frost lost his mother to cancer. She travels a lot because of her job (running a popular TV show about raising children). Frost has been living with his wife in Orange County, California since 2014.
In the three sections “From birth to six months”, “Six to 18 months”, Toddler “from 18 months to three years” and Preschool “Three to 5 years” a little about each age period is explained.

From birth to six months, all the baby’s needs and cries should be taken into account to feel safe and secure … In this section, there are tips for the novice mother to calm down and adapt.
From 6 months to 18 months, the trial and error period begins for the child. At this time, your child’s job is to explore the world. Therefore, the environment should be made safe for him and as much as you can when the child wakes up, do less homework and take care of him more …. Separation anxiety occurs at this age … Strategies to deal with this issue in the book It has been suggested … including the game “Dolly the Mouse” which prepares the child to understand that if he does not see something, there is no reason that the object does not exist … as well as to inform the child before leaving. .
18 months to three years is an intermediate period and an important phenomenon that occurs in this period is the “misfortune” of the child. The same problem that we all saw many times in the shops and cars and houses around us, which causes embarrassment to parents in the community … The child in this period is faced with the reality of the world around him and realizes that his wishes are not always answered positively … He feels powerless enough to do things about himself and does it by running in any direction, screaming, sitting on the floor or even sleeping! , Shows punching the ground and in some cases hitting the ground with the head and furniture ……..
The strategies in the book to deal with misfortune in general are to stay calm and cool … Do not waste your time to argue and explain to the child and do not pay much attention to it.
One of the characteristics of a toddler is that he does not have patience … he does not understand the meaning of danger … he does not understand the meaning of promise … he can not choose one of several options … he does not understand the meaning of turn.
This period is also the period of the child’s attachment … Some children experience emotional and hysterical reactions so far away from their mother that the parents close all their work and life to avoid repeating it ….. to leave the child During this period, you should observe some points, such as not leaving him alone with the stranger … leave him calmly … explain to him that you are coming back … and repeat these issues until he gets acquainted with this pattern and gets acquainted with it. Get used to it.
Supernanny: how to get the best from your children
During the age of three to five, the child has more control over his behaviors. Instead of playing with children like a toddler, he can play with them at this age … and the child’s favorite word at this age is “why”. Understands your arguments and explanations .. understands the turn … learns the rules and following them .. his imagination becomes very strong and does not differentiate between reality and fantasy ……. and start making friends .
Supernanny: how to get the best from your children
After these explanations, a series of general issues are raised in the book, such as safety ……….. the house should be it is better to look from the child’s point of view and think like him … kneel And look at the house at the height he sees ………. The keys and locks are interesting for the child. ..Pervices that are higher than the child’s height and only part of it is visible are very dangerous … Do not put the handle of the pot out and put the pot on the back flame of the stove …… the sockets with a protector Cover and move the audio cord away from the viewer.
Supernanny: how to get the best from your children
Note that most accidents happen at home because usually the person outside pays more attention to the child ……… Also do not tell the child too much “Do not touch” … Anyway, this is also his house !!
Now begins a topic called “Establishing a certain procedure and setting the rules”:
The author of the book believes that you should have a schedule for the daily life of the child and of course yourself … This helps the child to know what is going to happen and what to do. In this way, the child is constantly faced with unexpected events. It does not open and it does not take away its peace and comfort ..
Supernanny: how to get the best from your children
The first thing you need to do is prioritize things. Set aside a special time and separation for yourself and your spouse.
Then talk about the program with the child … The child at this age does not have a long memory, so repeat the program regularly like a clock … For example, “We want to go to the bathroom for another 5 minutes .. Let’s take clean clothes” .. ………………. Always use news sentences. Do not use conditional sentences … For example, do not say “If you wear shoes, we will go to the park together” .. Say, “When you put on your shoes, we’ll go to the park together.” In your control and he has no chance to take the situation to his liking.
The other point is to set some rules for the child … If the parents do not set the rules and do not obey them decisively, the child will start making rules for himself and other family members ……….. Make rules realistically. Do not expect the child to be misplaced … Be consistent and agree with your spouse on the first rules. If the parents are not united and like-minded, the child will move quickly. He learns to create divisions between them and to implement his government at home !!! ……………………. A few specific and clear laws Better than more rules, but vague. Start with simpler rules as your child gets older, and work your way up to more complex rules.
And that you are flexible in following your rules. In vacations, travel and special programs, you can move a few programs.
Excerpts from the book Supernanny: how to get the best from your children
First of all, after your baby is born, remember to sleep late and forget about it. If your child wakes up early in the morning, change your bedtime if possible to get up earlier than usual and solve the problem because if your child is up early, keeping him in bed will not be easy.
This is the most practical and best way to solve this problem.
If you can not wake up early or the baby wakes up too early, accompany him to bed and remind him that it is too early to wake up. If he does not want to sleep, let him play with his toys in bed until it is time to get up. This is similar to the way you stay in bed, which limits your child’s access to parents. This method is very effective for mothers who wake up early to take care of household chores but their child also wakes up early and prevents them from working.
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2- Introducing the bookSupernanny: how to get the best from your children in Aparat
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