Rich Dad’s Increase your financial IQ


Title: Financial Intelligence

Author: Robert Kiyosaki

Translator: Fariba Bordbar

Publisher: Almas Parsian

Subject: Business ,. Business, capital, finance-personal

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 248

Language: Farsi

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Rich Dad’s Increase your financial IQ by Robert Kiyosaki on “How to Make More Money by Increasing Your Financial Intelligence!” Has been compiled.

The book’s foreword is written by the author: “In the first chapter, we give priority to reviewing feedback and what is your financial feedback? Then we compare this feedback with the per capita income in the world and explain that the basic solution is to increase your financial intelligence.

We have mentioned in this chapter that most people wake up when it is too late! In the following, we will deal with the issue and cause of poverty.
In the second chapter of the book, I started the discussion by defining intelligence, IQ, financial intelligence and genius and used the word flow to define financial intelligence and tried to encourage you to think about the difference between intelligence and genius.

“One reason for addressing the above issues is that mental development reaches maturity around the age of 18 and then remains stable, and only increases or decreases by a few units if there is more environmental and educational change.”

In the description on the back of the book we read:
“The purpose of this book is not to teach you and dictate to you, what to do to get rich, do’s and don’ts are always changing. Instead, I’m committed to equipping you with financial intelligence.

My goal for you is to learn the new rules of money so that when the opportunity to create money comes your way, you will be smart enough to recognize it. Consider how good it will be for you to continue to increase your financial intelligence and increase your knowledge of money.
Fill your surroundings with people who are smarter than you and find as many counseling friends as you can. “My definition of a consultant friend is someone who is currently where you want to be.” The present book has been published by Stos Publishing.

About the author of the book Let’s increase our financial intelligence
Robert Kiyosaki, author of The Rich Dad Poor Dad – The New York Times bestseller, who has been on the New York Times bestseller list for more than six years, is an investor, entrepreneur and educator whose views on money and investing are commonplace. It does not fit.

Almost as a single person, he challenged and challenged the ways of tens of millions of people around the world who thought about money: In connection with his point of view on an old advice – find a good job, then give back the money Measure, do not owe, invest for the long term, and be diverse – which he believes is the wrong advice.

Robert is known for his direct conversation, disrespect and courage. Rich Dad Poor Dad has been on the list of all four weekly magazines as the best-selling book of all time – The New York Times, Business Week, Wall Street Magazine and America Today – and has been named “America’s No. 1 Money Book” for two years in one The row was in place.

The third best-selling book of all time is ‘how to’.
Translated into 51 languages ​​and available in 109 countries. The Rich Dad series has sold over 27 million copies worldwide and has topped the bestseller list in Asia, Australia, South America, Mexico and Europe.

In 2005, Robert entered the Hall of Fame as one of the 25 best-selling book authors. There are currently 26 books in the Rich Dad collection.

In 2006, with the help of Donald Trump, Robert co-authored Why We Want You to Be Rich – Two Men.

The book began at number one on the New York Times bestseller list. Robert A two-week column – “Why the Rich Get Rich” – for Yahoo! Mali writes a column for Entrepreneur Magazine entitled “Rich Return”.

Before writing Poor Dad’s Rich Dad, Robert created CASHFLOW 101 to teach people the financial and investment strategies his wealthy father taught him for years.
These were the strategies that led Robert to retire at the age of 47. Today, there are more than 2,100 CASHFLOW clubs – independent gaming groups owned by Rich Dad – in cities around the world. Born and raised in Hawaii, Robert Kiyosaki is a fourth generation Japanese-American.

After graduating from New York College, Robert joined the Navy and served in Vietnam as a Commander and Armed Helicopter Pilot. After the war, Robert went to work for sales for Xerox, and in 1977, he founded the company that launched the first “surfing wallets” of nylon and velcro.

In 1985, he founded an international education company that taught business and investment to tens of thousands of students around the world.
In 1994, Robert sold his business and, through his investments, was able to retire at the age of 47. During his short retirement, he wrote “Rich Dad Poor Dad.”

Increase the text on the back cover of Rich Dad’s Increase your financial IQ
In this book, Kiyosaki tries to explain that one of the most valuable assets in the world today is “having financial intelligence” and not what many people think can save them.

In today’s world where stocks, currencies, real estate and even gold sometimes lose their value, the only way to succeed financially is to understand and cultivate financial intelligence. Another thing that makes the idea of ​​financial intelligence more comprehensible to the reader is Kiyosaki’s clear and guiding division of the various components of financial intelligence.

According to Kiyosaki, the five types of financial intelligence are: making more money, protecting money, budgeting and planning for money, increasing financial information, and finally using money as leverage tools. It should be noted that Kiyosaki has expressed many of his valuable ideas and opinions in the book “Rich Dad, Poor Dad” with a new expression from the perspective of financial intelligence in this book.

Increase your financial intelligence book is not a financial advice book and it will not tell you what to do. Rather, it will make you more financially savvy so that you can process your financial information properly and find a way to get rich.
Here are five key pointers in moving forward with your business, without having to worry about the economy, stocks, or real estate markets.

Remember that gold, stocks, real estate, hard work or money will never make you rich, but it is your knowledge of gold, stocks, real estate, hard work or money that will make you rich.

Ultimately, it is your financial intelligence that makes you rich. Everyone in society, rich and poor alike, is struggling financially.

Only the type of problems are different and you should know that having money, education, having a job and working hard alone will not solve your problems. But it can be said with certainty that financial intelligence solves many financial problems.
Financial intelligence is not about how much money you make. It’s all about how much money you save, how much your money works for you, and how you pass it on for generations.

Personally, I have made a lot of money in recent years compared to the past. In the beginning, I was very capable scientifically in business, but the problem was that I did not have high financial intelligence. Gradually, my ability to make decisions and solve problems increased through solving problems that I was responsible for.

At the beginning of the business, we had a few friends together and registered the company. Then we started to provide office equipment and at the end we hired some experts.

All the small capital of the company was spent for the launch. The partners’ meeting was held! The main question was: “How do we make money now?” Almost all of us were skilled and endured the passage of time until opportunities arose.
Finally, the spell of defeat and the lottery of opportunities came to an end in our name. We make very good money. As CEO, I spent part of the income on the plans for the next three years, and the rest of the income was spent on rent, staff salaries, running costs, and so on.

Two years ago, we rebuilt computer equipment, bought stylish office supplies, bought better cars, traveled abroad, and so on.

In all this, I was thinking about the future and that our business could not develop and we were slow companies. Honestly, I love speed and humility. Until I became acquainted with Robert Kiyosaki’s books and realized that my business model needed to be improved.

I noticed that most university graduates join a company after completing their military service and create many problems for themselves and others.
Because the business game has certain rules! He takes the exam first, then he teaches! In recent years, after learning how to make money, I realized that I was wasting all my income.

This became more apparent to me when new opportunities arose and I did not have enough money to control them.

One day a young tower builder gave me the book “Increase Your Financial Intelligence” to read, and after reading it, I realized that one of the first steps to becoming rich by becoming more aware of your own money is to take your chances. They show you, hold them.

You have a great fortune right now. My advice to you is to read and reflect on the book Increase Your Financial Intelligence. You will be on the right path to financial freedom and also on the right path to great success.

However, do not forget to think big.
We will see you in the cycle of the victors. The purpose of this book is not to teach or dictate what you can do to become rich.

The “do’s and don’ts” are always changing. Instead, I’ve made it my personal mission to equip you to be financially smart.

My goal for you is to know the new rules of money so that when the opportunity to create money comes your way, you will be smart enough to recognize it.

My goal is to increase your financial intelligence. I encourage you to develop the habit of learning forever.

A financially savvy person will always have something to learn because there is always a new problem to be solved and as you now know, any new problem that is solved is like a headstone in your asset column.
Because you are increasing the real source of your wealth, your financial intelligence. I urge you to seriously consider Chapter 10 of this book.

Consider how good it will be for you to continue to increase your financial intelligence and increase your knowledge of money. Fill your surroundings with people who are smarter than you and find as many counseling friends as you can.

My definition of “counselor friend” is simple; someone who is currently where you want them to be.
The first step in the transformation process is to understand ourselves and accept that we are in trouble.

But never be afraid because we can certainly do something about it.

Table of Contents :
What is financial intelligence?

Five aspects of financial intelligence

Financial Intelligence No. 1: Make More Money
Financial Intelligence No. 2: Protecting Money
Financial Intelligence # 3: Budgeting and Planning for Money
Financial Intelligence No. 4: Leverage Money
Financial Intelligence No. 5: Promoting Financial Awareness (Information)

Money integrity
Improve your financial genius
Develop financial intelligence

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