The last letter from your lover


Title: The Last Letter of the Beloved

Author: Jojo Moyes

Translator: Forouzandeh Dolat Yari

Publisher: Nik Farjam

Subject: English stories

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 379

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


The last letter from your lover is a book by English author Jojo Moyes (1969). This book is one of the most successful romance novels of 2011.

About the book The Last Letter of the Beloved
“The Last Letter from Your Lover” is a novel by English author Jojo Moyes (1969). After the book was published, Moyes won the Best British Romance Novel Award for the second time in 2011.

He is the only author to win the award for two books, “Foreign Fruit” in 2004 and “The Last Beloved Letter.” This novel has a completely romantic story.

Two women named Jennifer and Ellie find love letters at two different times, and this story reconstructs the nostalgic sense of correspondence in the past (not so long ago) for the fans and narrates the impact of the letter in their lives.

The parallel narratives and female characters of the story, like other books by this author, gradually make the reader interested in the author’s writing style. In each of his books, Jojo Moyes uses an object to connect two different times and to intertwine the lives and events that occur for the characters in the story.

In the book The Last Letter of the Beloved, as its name suggests, this time he used love letters to build a time tunnel for a 40-year journey, and he did it very artistically:

He was finally told one morning that he could leave the hospital. From then on, he stood up, walked in the ward, and met other patients. He would occasionally look at magazines. He talked to the nurses and sometimes listened to the radio.

The second operation was performed on his hand and he was recovering. But he was still afraid of the wound on his hand and always pulled down the sleeve of his dress to hide it.
They measured his eyesight, they measured his hearing. The wound on the operation site was the same as on the first day. There were no signs of bruising, and his ribs and clavicle were welded well enough that he did not ache by shaking his body.

The nurses said that over time he remembered everything again. Her mother was constantly flipping through old black-and-white photographs to recall Jennifer’s past.
He recalled that he had been married for four years and had no children. According to the mother, everyone had given up on her ….

In part of the book we read:
“He is waking up.”
There was a whistling sound, a chair was dragged on the floor, then with a quick movement the curtain rings were fastened together. Two people were whispering to each other.
“I’m going to get Dr. Hargreaves.”
Then there was silence. Meanwhile, he noticed different, muffled noises coming from a distance as a car passed by. It seemed strange. It was as if a voice was coming from under his feet. Listen to absorb sound. Let it be clear. As he tried to recognize the sounds, his mind was making up for this ignorance. The pain made its way up: first his arm felt a sharp, aching sensation from his elbows to his shoulders, and then his head became heavy. His whole body ached. This was what happened when he …
When he …?
“He says the curtains are drawn.”
His mouth was very dry. He pursed his lips and swallowed in pain. He wanted water to be brought to him, but the words did not come out of his mouth. He opened his eyes a little. Two unrecognizable images moved before his eyes. Every time he thought, he realized who they were, they moved again. They were dressed in blue.
“Do you know who just went downstairs?”
One of the voices calmed down.
Introducing the book The Last Beloved Letter by Jojo Moyes
The Last Letter of the Beloved is a breathtaking and nail-biting novel by the author of my best-selling books Before You, After You, and One Plus One. The story of the book takes place in 1960. When Jennifer Sterling wakes up in the hospital, she remembers nothing, not the heartbreaking accident that took her to the hospital, not her husband, not even her identity.

He feels alienated and homeless in his life until he encounters an emotional letter signed with the letter B and asks him to leave his wife. Long after, in 2003, a journalist named Eli found the same mysterious letter in a folder in his newspaper archive.
He is deeply involved in the novel The Last Letter of the Beloved and hopes that this letter will save his shaky career path from falling. If the story of these two lovers had a good ending, maybe Eli will be able to find the person he wants in his life.

Ellie’s search will change the course of history and help her realize the reality of her life’s romantic relationship. The Last Letter of the Beloved is a mesmerizing love story that has a lot to say to all audiences who have experienced love.

Excerpts from the book The Last Letter of the Beloved (text pleasure)
I’m not as strong as you. When I first saw you, I thought you were very fragile; Someone I should take care of, but I realized I was completely wrong. You are a strong woman, someone who can endure a life with such love, and the fact that we never have a right to this life. Know that my heart and all my hope are in your hands.

You are not the first married woman I fell in love with. You know my situation and if I want to be honest, this kind of relationship, as it is, is enough for me. I do not want to approach anyone at all.

His mouth was very dry. He pursed his lips and swallowed in pain. He wanted water to be brought to him, but the words did not come out of his mouth. He opened his eyes a little. Two unrecognizable images moved before his eyes.
Every time he thought he knew who they were, they moved again. They were dressed in blue.
The book The Last Letter of the Beloved by Jojo Moyes is the story of a woman who marries him in bad times, at the insistence of her parents, and in a good position economically and socially, but has no love for him.

This woman is called “Jennifer Sterling” and she marries a man named “Lawrence Sterling”. The Last Letter of the Beloved is the name of the eighth novel by popular English author Jojo Moyes. Moyes won the British Romance Novel Award for the second time in 2011 after the book was published. He is the only author to have won the award for two foreign fruit books in 2004 and the last letter of the Beloved.

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