The grand design


Title: Great design

Authors: Stephen Hawkins; Leonard Melodino

Translator: Abdul Hussein Sabouri

Publisher: Shabgir

Subject: Glossary-Cosmology, Cosmology, Physics

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 212

Language: Farsi

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In The Big Plan, Stephen Hawking and Leonard Melodino discuss the theory of how the universe came into being and ask questions about where the universe came from. What is God’s role in this creation? Is there a need for a transcendental being as the creator of the universe or not? And … pay.

Stephen Hawking’s field of research is cosmology and quantum orientation, and in this book he poses the deepest questions of modern cosmology and deals with the well-known designs of modern physics, from (M hypothesis) and general and special relativity to Dirac bridge hypothesis and uncertainty principle. Heisenberg et al., Have tried to arrive at a complete theory that can define and justify the universe.

Stephen Hawking has been Professor of Mathematics at the University of Cambridge for thirty years and has received numerous awards and honors in his book The Grand Design: We Live in an Amazing World.
We want to know the meaning of what we find around us and we like to ask: What is the nature of the world? Where is our place? Where did we come from and why did we come? What is the origin of the world and why is it what it is today? How will the world end?
These days, the debate over the beliefs of Stephen Hawking and his co-thinkers and critics around the subject of the creation and nature of the universe has risen and has become a hot topic in the world’s scientific media.

Roger Penrose, Dr. Lee Rifield, Dr. Fraser Watts, Dwight Garner, Crick Challander, and renowned Cambridge University professor and mathematician Eric Priest, and many others, are great critics of Stephen Hawking, and the likes of Professor Richard Dawkins, the famous British biologist. He is counted.

With all these interpretations, no one can accuse Stephen Hawking of short-sightedness. His life is devoted to asking fundamental questions about the nature of space-time and the origin of the universe.
Lack of awareness of natural events led to the invention of many gods by ancient people, such as the gods of love and war, the gods of the sun, earth and sky, etc., to rule over aspects of their lives. But about 2,600 years ago, with the advent of the Thales Malatya, the idea emerged that nature did not follow fixed principles.

Before the advent of modern physics, it was thought that all the knowledge of the world could be obtained through direct observation, that is, as seen as perceived through our senses, but the advent of modern physics proved that such an idea was wrong and could not be. Compatible with modern physics. To counter such paradoxes, theories were put forward by the two authors that attracted attention.

In a part of the big plan book, we read:
This revolutionary idea that we are the ordinary inhabitants of the world, not the superior beings living at its center, was first proposed by Aristarchus (from 310 to 230 BC), one of the last Ionian scientists.

Only one of his calculations remains, a complex geometric analysis of the precise observations he made of the size of the Earth’s shadow on the moon during an eclipse. He concluded from his data that the sun must be much larger than the earth.

Perhaps inspired by the idea that smaller objects should revolve around larger objects, and not the other way around, he was the first to argue that Earth is not the center of the solar system, but that Earth and other planets revolve around larger suns.
This discovery was only a small step towards realizing that the Earth is just one planet like the other, and that our Sun is nothing special.
Aristarchus thought so, and believed that the stars we see in the night sky were in fact nothing more than distant suns.

Ionia was one of several schools of philosophy in ancient Greece, each with different and largely contradictory views. Unfortunately, the Ionian view of nature (which can be explained by general laws and reduced to a simple set of principles) had a powerful effect for only a few centuries. One reason is that there seemed to be no place in Ionian theories for free will or intention, or the notion that the gods interfered in the affairs of the world.

These were horrific omissions that deeply saddened many Greek thinkers, as well as many modern-day people.
From the time of the ancient Greek philosophers who wanted to answer only by thinking until today, when scientists have mastered all the technology and human power, man has always wanted to answer his basic questions. Where did the universe come from? Where is the origin of man? Is there a creator for the world? And many other basic questions.

Throughout history, philosophy and science have rushed to the aid of human beings to understand human existential identity and to provide a blueprint for explaining and understanding the world in order to meet the complexities of creation.

About the Big Plan Book
The grand design book with the original title of the grand design was published in 2010. This book was published by Bantam American Publications. The Big Plan became Amazon’s best-selling book in a matter of days after its release on December 7 in the United States. The book was released in the UK on December 9 and became the second best-selling book on Amazon in the UK.

The book outlines the laws governing the behavior and motion of astronomical objects and tries to arrive at the point that science has the ability to explain the universe.

The book The Great Design points out that if we can find the great design of the world, we no longer need a great designer. “No one can prove that God does not exist, but science can prove that God does not exist,” Hawking said.

Hawking and Melodino stated that their purpose in writing this book was to answer questions posed by new discoveries and advances in theoretical physics.

Hawking Melodino wrote the master plan in eight chapters. The title of the chapters of the book is the riddle of existence, the rule of law, what is reality ?, alternative histories, the theory of everything, the choice of our world, the obvious miracle and the grand plan.

In the eighth chapter of the book, the fundamental questions are raised again:
Why is there something instead of nothing?

Why do we exist?

Why this set of rules and not another set?

In the dictionary section of the book, the authors have briefly explained the specialized physical words in the text. This glossary allows the reader who does not have a university degree in physics to communicate better and more effectively with the text of the book.

Who is Stephen Hawking?
The great English physicist Stephen William Hawking was born on January 8, 1942, the anniversary of Galileo’s death in Oxford. He was a specialist in theoretical physics and cosmology, and from 1979 to 2009 held the chair of Lucasian Mathematics at the University of Cambridge.

Stephen Hawking began his university studies in physics at Oxford University. Although he did not have a great start at Oxford, he eventually became the first student at the university and was recognized as eligible for a doctoral fellowship to study at the University of Cambridge.

“If you still want to put up with me here, do not give me the scholarship,” Hawking told them at a meeting with Oxford executives to decide who would receive the scholarship. And so Hawking went to Cambridge University.

At the University of Cambridge, he worked with the great physicist Dennis Shiyama on a standard model of cosmology. This period coincided with the marriage of Stephen Hawking to his wife Jane and the diagnosis of his illness. But Hawking did not lose himself. While doctors did not expect him to even see the end of his doctorate, Stephen William Hawking defended his doctorate at the age of 24.
ALS usually does not give its sufferers more than 4-5 years to live, but Hawking actually defeated the deadly disease, and although for years his connection to the outside world was through special and amazing wheelchair-connected devices, he never gave up.

In addition to his academic writings and valuable essays, Hawking has written more than twenty books for the public, many of which have been accompanied by his daughter Lucy. Hawking’s most famous book is The History of Time, or A Brief History of Time, published in 1998 and which was the UK bestseller for 237 weeks. In 2001, Stephen Hawking wrote another book, The World in Walnut Peel, which traces the history of time.

Stephen William Hawking died on March 14, 2017 in Cambridge. His death coincided with Einstein’s 123rd birthday.

In a part of the book, we read the big plan
Not everyone liked the idea of ​​a big bang. In fact, the term Big Bang was coined in 1949 by Cambridge University astronomer Fred Hoyle. Hoyle believed in a world that expands forever, and used the term to describe ridicule.

The first direct observation to support this view came in 1965 with the discovery that there was a weak background of microwaves throughout space. This cosmic microwave background radiation, or CMBR, is similar to the beam in your microwave but much less powerful. You can view the CMBR yourself by setting your TV to an unused channel;

A small percentage of the snow you see on the screen is created by it. The beam was accidentally discovered by two scientists at Bell Labs who were trying to remove such noise from their microwave antenna. At first they thought that the noise might be caused by the droppings of pigeons sitting on their antennae, but it turned out that their problem had a much more interesting origin;

That CMBR is a beam left over from the very hot, dense early universe that existed shortly after the Big Bang. Today, these microwaves can only heat your food to about -270 degrees Celsius, which is three degrees above absolute zero, which is not very useful for making popcorn.
Each of us lives for a short time in which we try to explore the whole world, if at all. Humans are a kind of curiosity. We ask ourselves questions and seek answers.

Human beings have always asked themselves many questions by living in this vast world, which is both merciful and cruel, and contemplating the infinite heavens: How can we understand the world in which we find ourselves? How does the world behave? What is the reality outside of us? Where did all this come from? Does the world need a creator? We often do not spend much time finding the answers to these questions, but almost all of us think about them sometimes.

Normally these questions are in the realm of philosophy, but philosophy is now dead. Philosophy could not withstand new advances in science, especially physics. In this way, scientists, in an effort to raise awareness, carried the torch of discovery.

The purpose of this book is to answer questions that have been raised through new discoveries and theoretical advances.

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