The 21 day consciousness cleanse


Title: Clearing the conscience

Author: Dubai Ford

Translator: Shahnaz Majidi

Publisher: Atisa

Subject: Spiritual life, self-improvement

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 232 p

Language Farsi

Category: Tag:


The 21 day consciousness cleanse : a breakthrough program for connecting with your souls deepest purpose is the work of Debbie Ford. This book takes us into a wonderful world. The world we have always dreamed of.

You are better off reading the book of clearing the conscience; Throw away the past and all the limitations you have set for yourself and look for a way to your future life.

The human conscience acts like a tape recorder, in fact whatever you owe him, you will receive the same, which is why they say that as you judge others, so you will be judged.

In this book, you will be taught 21 days of practice to clear your conscience. In fact, it is called spiritual awakening in 21 days.

Read this book to get rid of past problems and teach your subconscious mind new and positive ways to bring positive results back into your life.

Introducing Debbie Ford’s book on clearing the conscience
In a part of the book of purification of conscience, we read: To deal with this divine game, you must temporarily release yourself from the outside world so that you can comply with the desires of your soul. As you do this, you can hear the whisper of wisdom coming from the hustle and bustle of your mind-analyst.

The powerful silence of life that is directed inward nourishes your soul… This book takes us on a personal and wonderful journey, opens our eyes to what we are and are worth, transforms your conscience, and your purpose, meaning, and passion. It shows us life.

Debbie Ford is a book on clearing the conscience. This book takes us into a wonderful world. The world we have always dreamed of.

You better read this book; Throw away the past and all the limitations you have set for yourself and look for a way to your future life.

The human conscience acts like a tape recorder, in fact whatever you owe him, you will receive the same, which is why they say that as you judge others, so you will be judged.
In this book, you will be taught 21 days of practice to clear your conscience. In fact, it is called spiritual awakening in 21 days.

Read past book cleansing to get rid of past problems and teach your subconscious mind new and positive ways to bring positive results back into your life.

About the author of the book Purification of Conscience; Dubai Ford
the writer; Teacher; He is a well-known American speaker. He is best known for his book The Dark Side of Existence and the Effect of Shadows. At the age of 13, he was under severe psychological pressure due to his father leaving the family. In her youth her daily motto was sex; It was material and dance. At a young age, she met a man named Rick at a large conference; But this acquaintance and marriage did not last long and soon declined.

In her second marriage, Debbie Ford thought the man had found her dreams and entered Dan’s house with love and became pregnant. After the birth of her child due to leaving work; The loss of social status and eventually pregnancy did not last, and they separated before the birth of their one-year-old son.

After attending psychotherapy classes, Debbie Ford decided to serve the people for her own comfort, but the thought of writing a book suddenly crossed her mind, and she began writing the book Semi-Dark.
In this handbook, you will learn how to erase your past in twenty-one days and replace it with the future. During this journey, you intend to immerse yourself in mystical reconstruction, emotional transformation, and reconnection with the deepest desire of your being. This period of purification will help you to achieve a deep and unique relationship with infinite love by letting go of the wrong beliefs and assumptions of the past.

The 21 day consciousness cleanse : a breakthrough program for connecting with your souls deepest purpose

Debbie Ford, the best-selling and best-selling author in her most practical and instructive book to date, now offers a three-pronged process that empowers us to let go of poisonous thoughts and destructive behaviors and achieve the deep peace that lies within.

The first seven days of release overshadow all the issues of the past that diminish our vitality and hinder our growth. After refining these old emotions, such as old sorrows, bitter resentments, deep regrets and outdated beliefs, we gradually find a new passion for life.
For the next seven days, Dubai will lead us to take an honest look at the situation we have today and who we are today, to look at everything and see which ones are useful and which ones are not. Eventually we realize our power and ability to respond to the call of our souls. The final week brings the most exciting change.

Then we look to the future and discover who we want to be from today onwards. Clearing consciousness in twenty-one days takes us on a personal and wonderful journey that opens our eyes to who we are and who we want to be. This journey transforms our consciousness and blossoms the purpose, meaning and passion of our lives.

Excerpts from the text of the book on clearing the conscience:
The first part is clearing the conscience
Clear the conscience in twenty-one days
This program is dedicated to twenty-one days and nights to establish a sincere and deep relationship with your soul and an infinite force that motivates you to achieve your highest potential; A fruitful and successful process of clearing the past, honestly confronting the present, and envisioning a future beyond what you have ever imagined.

It allows you to immerse yourself in vision renewal, emotional transformation, and reconnection with your deepest purpose. This cleansing is designed to help you let go of all false beliefs and assumptions that are no longer useful to you and move on to a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the highest possible love; A love that is only possible when you are reconciled to yourself, others and your current life as it is. I can say with confidence and without any doubt that if you allow, this program will be useful for you.

If you cleanse your body of accumulated stress and toxins, you will enjoy the energy of vitality and desired performance. You will also gain deep, extraordinary strength, confidence, and inner peace by clearing consciousness designed to refine your mind and emotions.
Past annoyances and resentments weaken your comprehension power, and current selfish desires and distractions deprive you of the power to make good choices. By clearing your consciousness, you are on a journey of vitality. In this journey, your attention is diverted from the outside world and focused on the sacred.

This cleansing, like the physical cleansing, frees you from the toxins of the past, reconnects you with the purpose of your life, and gives you a light and a passion for caring for yourself that you have never experienced before.

If you are ready to take back the gold that lies beneath the surface of the self you know, this is the place for you. I can better describe this journey by telling an anecdote. In 1957, a temple was moved to Thailand, and several monks were responsible for transporting a large clay statue. On the way, one of the monks noticed a crack in the statue.
The monks, worried that the statue might be damaged, decided to stop. One of them examined the very large statue in more detail with the light of a flashlight. As soon as the light shone through the gap on the statue, the monk was surprised to see a glow beneath it. His curiosity was aroused and he carved the clay statue with a pen and hammer.

The more the mud fell, the brighter the statue became, until finally, after hours of work, the monk was confronted with a statue of gold; A very valuable treasure that had never been seen before. Historians believe that a few hundred years ago, Thai monks covered the statue with mud to protect it from the Burmese army.

The monks had muddied the statue to protect it from being snatched away by enemies. All those monks were killed in the war and the unique value of this statue had not been discovered until that day.
Your outer shell, like the clay covering the statue, is designed to protect the outside world; While the precious gem is real, that is, the purpose of your soul is hidden within. You have unknowingly hidden your inner gold under a layer of human mud.

To discover the true value and gold of your soul, just have the courage to shave your outer shell. The outer shell or persona (8) prevents you from seeing the true light within, which is your purest essence, power and true value. Until you can see who you really are and what you are, you will be content with the person you know as yourself, and you may suffer a lot in vain.

The 21 day consciousness cleanse : a breakthrough program for connecting with your souls deepest purpose

Life gives you countless opportunities to reveal your divine nature. Usually these opportunities are found in the hardships and difficulties of life. It is at this time that you have the opportunity to explore the world within you and begin the sacred process of becoming intimate with your whole being;

Intimacy with bright as well as dark spots, with wins and losses and with your pride as well as your humiliations. When you examine your suffering and accept it with open arms, that suffering becomes your guide, shows you new ways, and ultimately leads you to emotional freedom and frees your soul. However, you do not have to wait for a crisis or a lot of suffering to achieve such an achievement.
There is another way to penetrate this usually impenetrable wall. Clearing your mind helps you to understand the feelings and experiences you may have been avoiding for years. In the cleansing program, every day is designed to call you to the infinity of your being and to reveal the glory and greatness of the possibilities of your life. For this reason, it is necessary to free yourself from the hook of the “igo-centered” life (9) so that you can give a new order to your consciousness and live according to the inspirations of your heart and the desires of your soul.

Therefore, I ask you to free yourself from the shackles of the outside world and to establish a deeper connection with the world inside you. In other words, I ask you to dedicate twenty-one days – only twenty-one days of your life – to your inner journey. This program may seem short, but it is very effective. If you have the courage to clarify your consciousness, you will achieve a feeling of love, empathy, joy and deep peace. Then you create a space for inspiration and creativity and let the character and genius of your soul be manifested through you.
When your consciousness is clear, you can see that everything you need to protect and enjoy yourself is already inside you; It is not outside you, but inside you.
If the 21-day awareness-raising program has caught your eye seriously, it is probably because you know your share of life is much greater than what you are experiencing right now. Being moderate in any area of ​​life is no longer your choice, because either your pain has intensified or your desire to achieve your desires has increased.

You want more than that and you know you deserve it. You know there is something you do not have yet, but you are ready to get it. Therefore, today is the day when you can withdraw your strength from the outside world, bring it in, and begin your journey on the path of reconnecting with the spirit that motivates you. You can clean your consciousness with this regular program and experience your life.
The love of human travel – with all its challenges and joys – shaves our limited hard shell. I will never forget this violin Jennings song: “I was looking for love everywhere wrong. For several months these words were repeated in my head, because they revealed a deeper truth: a truth that changed the nature of my existence. I saw that the subject of this singer’s song is not only love between men and women, but he speaks of a universal truth; The truth that we all have to face.

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about love, happiness and contentment. After fifteen years of training and talking to thousands of people who live happily ever after, I can assure you that this is true for almost everyone.

The 21 day consciousness cleanse : a breakthrough program for connecting with your souls deepest purpose

Most likely, every successful person will say that external achievements alone were not enough for him to achieve happiness and satisfaction; Why?! Because the thirst of our souls is not quenched by achievement, money or attractiveness. It does not even go away with what we can get from someone else. The truth is that there is only one source of pure, unconditional, and endless happiness, and that source is within us. At what cost do we get this source? Only with despair!

It may seem simple, but in a world where motives are usually external, it is easier to ignore the call of life and accept the rational and extreme justifications of the human mind. Living in the service of the highest existence is something that lasts every day and for the rest of your life, but because of this it seems difficult to look out into the world to meet your needs and get the good feelings you want. Do you think that if you just get the right body or the right relationship, if you just finish this program or access all the love and money you want …. you are sure there must be something in the outside world Which, in the end, will bring you the satisfaction you want in the depths of your soul.
It usually takes a break in the outer shell to return to the inner sanctuary that is the source of your meaningful life. You have to get confused in one area of ​​life, hit an obstacle and get out of control. Then the events, conditions and experiences of the outside world will make you realize the illusion that has gripped you inside the human shell. You may have to lose your job or your money, your loved one dies or you are betrayed, or you get so caught up in the addiction that you have to go through the closed doors of your ego.

I can assure you that in the end, all your challenges are there just to look inward. No matter how you get to this point – through a desire to grow, a quiet grief, or a painful ego cracking – however, this cleansing bridges the gap between inside and outside so that you can reconnect with Reach the divine essence of the deepest purpose of your soul.

The 21 day consciousness cleanse : a breakthrough program for connecting with your souls deepest purpose

We do stupid things when we crave something that makes us feel good about ourselves but unwilling to take care of our inner needs. Then we enter into repetitive patterns that we know will not get us anywhere and we succumb to our addictions; Whether it ‘s an addiction to surfing the internet and reading emails, whether it’ s forced shopping, watching inappropriate pictures, eating, drinking, smoking or spending.
But most who suffer from a deep sense of emptiness know that nothing exists; There is really nothing that can fill that inner cavity. Immediate solutions and short-term incentives only deepen our pitfalls and make us even more frustrated. This is how this door and that of human knocking begins.

There is a hungry ghost inside you that always wants more; More love, more money and more respect, approval or wealth. No matter how much you have, if you are emotionally deprived and spiritually weak, a hungry ghost will take over and you may not be able to quench your insatiable craving. This rejected part of you will never be satisfied.

Surprisingly, when you allow yourself to be connected to the soul, your desires diminish because you are rich inside. If your only purpose in prayer is to have a deeper connection with your divine origin, all that is in harmony with the higher levels of consciousness and vibration, including abundance, contentment, and peace of mind, will come to you. While when you are disconnected from the source, you are ready to quench your thirst with whatever makes you feel happy.
But the truth is that this inner craving has only one solution; There is only one way to feed the hungry ghost: to fill your being with love and higher consciousness. You have to connect with who you are and what you are. When you are connected to your true nature, you feel an energetic satisfaction within. Then you are one with your soul and the spirit that sustains you. You can rise above the petty emotions of the loneliness of your helpless heart, which seeks its divine helper.

When you are connected to the deeper purpose of your life, you can offer the world what you desire. When you are filled with a force greater than yourself, you naturally feel love, empathy, and kindness toward yourself and others. Then you have the strength and confidence to be who you are, to do those things, and to have those things that best express your soul in the best possible way.
When you are connected from the inside, you will have the same experience that the famous twentieth century storyteller Franz Kafka beautifully put it: “You do not even need to leave your room. Stay and listen while sitting at your desk. Do not even listen; Just wait. Do not even wait; Just stay calm. The world freely gives itself to you to remove the veil from the glow, because it has no other choice.

The 21 day consciousness cleanse : a breakthrough program for connecting with your souls deepest purpose

Then the world will roll at your feet with joy and happiness. Because when, full of faith, you trust in the divinity of every single soul in this world, you can see that God is responding to the request of your individual soul; Not in the ego time frame, but in the divine time. If you are calm and focused enough to hear the voice of your soul, you will be given a life beyond your greatest desires.
Life is truly an amazing harmony between inside and outside; A journey in search of human needs and desires of your soul. You need outside experience to learn, grow and develop. If you just go out and do not go in, you will end up empty and very disappointed. If you only seek refuge in the inner world, you will most likely experience isolation, loneliness, and deprivation; Unless you have chosen to be a monk or a saint. The powerful truth is that you are a child; A particle of the divine spirit that regulates your highest being.

In order to truly experience a satisfying and happy life with endless Thanksgiving, you have to accept that you are part of a much bigger game. In this game if you win, I win and if I win, you win. In this game, if I lose, you lose, and if you lose, I lose. In this game, wins and losses are heavy and the number of winners is small, because the basic rules of the game are usually ignored.
I call life a game, not to belittle it, but to remind you that life was supposed to be an adventure. When you approach life from an ego perspective, you see it as a difficult and exhausting journey, and in the end you feel annoyed, trapped, strict, and confused. When you look at life with your own eyes, you see it as a playful dance, a school for your soul, or an ever-changing phenomenon. If you follow what I call the “rules of the game”, you can enjoy all the manifestations of life without getting caught up in any experience. In order to get the most out of awareness cleansing, you need to follow these rules.

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Debi Ford



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