Empty City is Ransom Riggs’ Second Strange Kids Story Ransom Riggs (February 3, 1979) Creator, Writer, and Filmmaker
A native of the United States, she is best known for Miss Pergerin’s Library for Strange Children.
A summary of your empty city book
The second installment of Ms. Pergreen Orphanage begins immediately after the end of the first book in 1940.
Jacob and his new friend have to travel to London, the bizarre capital of the world, after barely surviving Ms. Pergreen Island.
Along the way, they encounter new friends, an exotic animal exhibit, and unpredictable red prizes.
Sentences from the text of the book
After three hours of rowing, like the slaves of large rowing boats, our distance from the island was reduced by only a palm. The castle I first saw a few weeks ago was surrounded by a precipice
It looked very fragile and vulnerable now, and it was like a piece of rock that was in danger of being destroyed by the waves of the sea.
“Look,” said Enoch, standing in the boat beside us. “The island is disappearing!” A spectrum of fog covered the island and obliterated it. We stopped paddling and watched it disappear.
After three hours of rowing, like the slaves of large rowing boats, our distance from the island was reduced by only a palm.
The castle, which I first saw a few weeks ago and was surrounded by a precipice, now looked very fragile and vulnerable, and looked like a piece of rock that was in danger of being destroyed by the waves of the sea.
“Look,” said Enoch, standing in the boat beside us. “The island is disappearing!”
A spectrum of fog covered the island and obliterated it. We stopped paddling and watched it disappear.
We paddled through the harbor, past the boats with rusty grooves floating on the water, through the community of extinct seabirds nesting on the remnants of the sunken platforms.
We stared at the fishermen, whose nets had been thrown into the water and were fading away, wondering if we were imaginary or real beings.
Part of the text of your city book is empty
Your empty city We rowed in the middle of the harbor by boats with rusty grooves floating on the water,
Among the community of extinct seabirds nesting on the remnants of sunken platforms,
We stared at the fishermen, whose nets had been thrown into the water and were fading.
Confused about whether we are imaginary or real beings.

1- Introducing the book on YouTube
2- Introducing the book in Aparat
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