

Title: Nausea

Author: Jean-Paul Sartre

Translator: Samira Bayat

Publisher: Rain Rain

Subject: French story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 310 p

Language: Farsi

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Nausea is one of the forty selected works of the twentieth century, a philosophical novel that recounts part of the thoughts of the great French philosopher Jean-Paul Sartre about man’s free will.
By reading it, one can get to know Sartre’s mental world to some extent. Rockanten is a young researcher who lives alone without friends, family and group interactions. Tired of the stereotypes and false feelings of those around him, he thinks about existence, the body, and everything around man.
In Nausea, we read the confused Rochante notes that seek meaning in an absurd world. He writes down his distress and changes in his view of inanimate objects in his notebook. Notes that show the evolution of his consciousness and understanding of himself.
Introducing the book Nausea by Jean-Paul Sartre
What does existence mean? Why do we come into being? It may have happened many times that we do not feel everyday after starting something, but after a while, we experience repetition and fatigue and discouragement. Feel lonely in public and spend most of our time in the corner of our room. The book “Nausea” with the original title Nausea has such a theme and describes the mood that many experience at some point in life.

Criticism of stereotypes and attention to objects

Sartre’s story

Jean-Paul Sartre is one of those people who has tried different professions and has made a name for himself in them. From philosophers, writers, journalists, playwrights and screenwriters to prominent twentieth-century French political activists, critics and intellectuals. At that time, Sartre’s name was so famous that whatever happened in the world, everyone wondered what Sartre’s position was against that event. Sartre was everywhere: in World War II, Cuba, Algiers and the 1968 student movement.

Sartre (1905-1980) lived a tumultuous life that changed his thinking at times. He spent his childhood alone. A boy who lost his father early and had no friends. He began writing to escape the world that had rejected him.

As a young man, he became interested in philosophy by reading Henry Bergson’s “Time and Will” and, inspired by philosophers such as Hegel and Heidegger, received his doctorate in philosophy.
It was at this time that Sartre became acquainted with Simone de Beauvoir; The only friend and love that was with him until his death. During this time Sartre was teaching philosophy until World War II.

Sartre took part in the war and was captured by German forces. After his release, he organized a resistance circle with a number of intellectuals. After experiencing war, he quit teaching and devoted himself entirely to writing.

Sartre was a staunch defender of communism until in 1956, after the Soviet invasion of the Hungarian people and the suppression of their uprising, he decided not to campaign in any party. Sartre, however, was not passive on political issues and voiced his opposition to Marxism.
In 1964, Sartre was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature for more than twenty years of literary life, but he refused to receive the prize. Sartre also took part in the street protests of the protesting youth, thus becoming a symbol of the ’68 uprising. Until Sartre’s deteriorating physical condition prevented him from writing, and his life ended in 1980.

About different translations of the book

Sartre reading in Iran has made various translations of the book “Nausea” available and it is difficult to buy a suitable translation. One of the oldest of them was published by Niloufar Publications in the early 1980s, translated by Amir Jalaluddin Alam.

In addition to Amir Jalaluddin Alam, Mehdi Roshanzadeh, Mehr Afarid Bigdeli Khamseh, Mohammad Reza Parsayar and Bahman Khosravi have also translated this book. A new translation of “Nausea” has also been published by Hossein Soleimani Nejad and published by Cheshmeh. Soleimani Nejad, who has previously translated Sartre’s The Age of Wisdom, with sufficient knowledge of Sartre’s narrative space and his characterization, has provided a fluent translation of “nausea,” excerpts of which are as follows:

“To be honest, no one has cared about my daily life for a long time. When one is alone, one does not even know what it means to define: truth-telling and friends disappear at the same time. Lets events go their own way;
Suddenly he sees people talking and walking; “Then he drowns in their headless tales: they make him a disgusting witness.”

“There is a white hole in the wall; Mirror. It is a trap. I know I’m getting caught. go right ahead. Now a gray object appeared in the mirror. I approach and look at him. I can not go anymore.

It is a reflection of my face. I often stand and watch these wasted days. I do not know this face at all. The faces of others make sense. Not mine. I can not even tell if it is beautiful or ugly. I think it’s ugly, because I’ve been told that before. But it does not bite. Honestly, I am shocked that such features can be attributed to it; “It’s like calling a piece of land or a rock beautiful or ugly.”

Philosophy of Existentialism

Jean-Paul Sartre believed in the fundamental freedom of man and believed that “man is doomed to freedom. Influenced most by philosophers such as Descartes, Husserl, and Heidegger, he published in 1943 his fundamental and important philosophical work, Existence and Non-Existence, and developed the philosophy of existentialism.

Existentialism means being and being, and it refers to beings aware of a particular reality, and it is referred to as ontology and the originality of existence. According to Sartre, human identity depends on freedom and the power of choice. Sartre believes that there is something in this freedom and ability that makes one feel responsible: something like “apprehension,” the same feeling that Rockantan, the character in “Nausea,” has.

According to Sartre, apprehension occurs when a person realizes that his choices are bound to respect the rights of others. Therefore, whatever way and method he chooses for his life, by his choice, he influences the situation of his society and is responsible for it.

Other books by the author

Nausea is Sartre’s first novel, written in 1998 after his studies in Berlin. His trip to Berlin enabled him to communicate and be influenced by Husserl’s phenomenology and Heidegger’s existentialism. Writing this book, Sartre became interested in using literature in the form of novels and plays to express his thoughts. It was the publication of this book that made Sartre a famous author.

Several books have been translated into Persian by Jean-Paul Sartre, some of which are: Existence and Non-Existence, Existentialism and Human Originality, Flies, Hell, What is Literature, Age of Wisdom, Altona Deserters, Words, Nekrasov, The Undead, and Burial, the exaltation of the ego, the women of Troy, the suspension, the typhus, the childhood of a boss, the closed room, the torment of the soul, the work of the past, a testimony to my life.

Sartre and Simone de Beauvoir

Simon Dubois’s name is associated with Sartre. Two lovers with an intellectual relationship who never married so that their freedom would not be harmed. “When I’m not with him, time is wasted,” Simon said of Sartre. Sartre was imprisoned in thought, and love was an escape for him.

As an active feminist, Simon also believed that marriage is the killer of love and deprives a woman of her freedom.
The two spent months in a cafe facing each other, writing novels and looking for a publisher to publish Sartre’s first novel, Nausea. A book that sparked controversy in Paris. Everyone was wondering who this bitter newcomer was, who said that in the city he loved, his life was nauseating. Sartre, despite his conscious love for Simon Adam, was completely alone and their love affair was up and down.

Sartre and Camus

Camus and Sartre’s friendship is one of those literary adventures that remains a story in itself and has many ups and downs. Occasional disagreements tore this friendship. Their skepticism about Sartre’s attachment to communism and Camus’s political activities froze their friendship, especially after World War II.

Camus has repeatedly stated that he is not an existentialist and that what he is interested in is not empty discoveries, but their results. Camus believed that Sartre had exaggerated the ugliness of life.

In part of the book, we read:

No one lives in this part of Boulevard Noir. Its climate is so nonsensical and its land is so barren that it is impossible for life to flourish there.

The Sally Brothers’ three woodworking workshops open to the west with all their doors and windows overlooking the quiet Jean-Burt Coroa street, which is filled with snoring noise.

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