Deep work


Title: Deep Work

Author: Whole Newpert

Translator: Leila Eskandari

Publisher: Atisa

Subject: Psychology, success, distraction, intellectual work, cognition, Mental work, success, distraction, psychology

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 232

Language: Farsi

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Deep Work by Cal Newport The author of the book, who is a professor at the University of Computer Science in the United States, addresses one of the major human challenges to personal or professional development, which is the increasing decline of human ability to perform deep work.

From the author’s point of view, the tasks that require high concentration and thinking to do are distinguishable from superficial matters. Things like learning complex skills and producing quality products in any job require deep work.

That is, works that create different value in the life of a person or even other human beings. Many of the most successful thinkers and entrepreneurs have a great ability to do deep work, and perhaps the most famous example is the book by Bill Gates, who with 8 weeks of hard work was able to prepare the initial version of his software and based on it one of the most profitable business Create things in the world.

This book deals with the factors that have greatly affected the deep work in the present age, the most important of which is the increasing and unplanned use of the Internet to do things like useless surfing, checking emails and social networks that are possible. Focus on valuable things has drastically diminished, resulting in an increasing decline in professionals in many fields.
The author of the book, who according to himself is not a member of any social network, in this book deals with various strategies for the correct use of time and minimizing the disturbing factors in doing deep work.
Deep Workbook, Cal Newport’s work on the onslaught of technology and its destructive effect on deep focus while doing things, as well as how to deal with it, has been written. Train to increase your output and productivity. On the other hand, you can make the most of your free time.

This book is for those who need to focus on intellectual work or whose day is filled with technology, social media and the like and who are eager to learn better and improve their performance.

By reading the book Deep Work, you will realize that your potential will flourish through deep and focused work. The author is Cal Newport, an assistant professor of computer science at Georgetown University. Newport specializes in the theory of distribution algorithms.

Several publishers, including Inc. Magazine, The Globe and Mail, and 800CEO-Read have named his latest book, “A Book That Is So Good You Can’t Ignore It,” in its special list of Business Books of the Year.

Deep and focused work is one of the most valuable skills in our economy. A skill that is becoming increasingly forgotten as online social networks become more prominent.
When we talk about deep work, we usually think that we do not have enough time and energy to do it. In a turbulent world where a lot of data is pointed at us from all sides, especially from social networks, focusing on important tasks seems impossible.

But if we become aware of the value of deep work and learn how to apply it in our work and daily life, we will also benefit from its benefits.

Most of us have a laid back attitude when it comes to painting a picture about ourselves. While this is not the case.

What we often do all day is superficial work. Things that do not have much effect on improving our lives and those around us, but take a lot of our time. The amount of time and energy that this model of superficial work takes from us is much more than what we need to do such work.

What does deep work say ???
Deep work deals with the important issue of “focusing” on important and core tasks. In this book, Cal Newport tries to get the reader to accept the value of deep work in two general sections, “ideas” and “rules,” and then to learn ways to do deep work.

If we realize the importance and value of deep work, we have come a long way. With this diagnosis, we will definitely try to find a way to do it.

Newport has many techniques to present in this book. Having the skill to do deep work leads to amazing results and major changes in our working lives.

According to the author of the book, Carl Jung, one of the most influential thinkers of the twentieth century, has a good understanding of the concept of deep work and has applied this basic concept. If we look at other influential figures of other times as well as contemporaries, we come to the same conclusion about them.

Commitment to deep work is a common feature of all these characters. For example, Neil Stevenson, a well-known author, explained why he withdrew from social media and even e-mail:

I can write a novel if I organize my life in such a way that I can have long, consecutive times without much interruption.
If I had a lot of scattered times instead, what would replace it? Instead of a novel that will be popular for a long time, there will be a bunch of emails that I send to different people.
The term deep work is coined by Newport, which provides a clear definition of it in more detail in later chapters.

Eric Barker, author of “Losing the Prayer Hole,” calls deep work a 21st century superpower. Deep work is a capability that allows you to learn complex information faster and deeper, and to produce better and more valuable results in a shorter period of time. Newport’s definition of in-depth work is formed by emphasizing three important concepts of focus, value creation, and skills improvement:

Professional activities performed in a state of complete concentration without distraction, which maximizes your cognitive abilities. These efforts are worthwhile, improve your skills, and are difficult to replicate.

In the first part of his book, which he presents in three chapters, Newport talks about the idea of ​​deep work. He considers deep work valuable, rare and purposeful. Deep work is essential for the full utilization of mental talents and capacities.

Even the stress of doing deep work affects our ability to improve. In almost all professions, deep-seated cultivation will lead to great results and great benefits. Unfortunately, in the current situation, the existence of extensive communication tools and networks that provide communication services has diverted the attention and focus of the majority. د
At the same time, we see that most people say they are busy and full of time. What can explain this contradiction is the important difference between deep work and superficial work.

Deep work and superficial work
Surface work is the exact opposite of the idea of ​​deep work. That is, we do not need a lot of focus to do it. These tasks are usually non-cognitive and non-skillful and do not require distraction.

Also, unlike deep work, they do not create value and are not difficult to replicate. They do not improve our skills either. So these works do not contain any of the key concepts of deep work.

At a time when communication tools are so readily available that most people replace shallow work with shallow work. They are constantly checking emails and replying to their messages, and choosing shallow work instead of deep work will have a huge negative impact.

But the choice of shallow work can not be easily replaced by deep work. Because if we spend a lot of time in a shallow and chaotic state, our ability to do deep work is permanently diminished. Such an atmosphere destroys a person’s ability to concentrate and think deeply over time.

Some important points about deep work
To achieve the best and most complete result possible by using all your capacities, you need to have a deep work commitment.
The ability to quickly master hard work and the ability to produce at a high quality level, in both speed and quality, are the two main capabilities for progress in today’s economy.
In order to learn hard work quickly, you need to be fully focused without any distractions.
Your work is an art, and if you can use your abilities and combine it with respect and care for your work, then you can figure out the meaning of your life in the daily endeavors of your professional life.
Deep work requires willpower and you need to fight your superficial and immediate desires. Know that the will is like a muscle that gets tired and you have limited use of it. So use it to do the main, meaningful and valuable things in your life.
Techniques for doing deep work
Deep work is the rule for success in focusing in a troubled world. Before learning any technique, it is necessary for you to be aware of your habits. The key to developing a deep work habit is to go beyond good intentions and, to minimize the use of your limited willpower, perform clever routines such as spending time in a quiet place away from distractions.

We can not rely on our limited will alone. We can only try to make deep work a priority.

The strategies you learn in the book will increase your chances of success. These strategies will support your decision. Finally, you need to know that deep work schedules are different and unique to each person.

In the second part of his book, The Rules of the Four Laws, Cal Newport provides a detailed instructional way to transform the reader’s mental habits so that he can replace deep work with superficial work. These rules are:

Work deep
Acknowledging that we may get bored
Leaving social media
Deep reduction
According to the rules mentioned in the book, in order to achieve techniques for achieving deep work, pay attention to the following points:
Stay away from social media as much as possible. Eliminate Instagram, Facebook and Twitter from your daily life.
And ruthlessly try to distance yourself from any website or social network that does not help improve your quality of life.
Give yourself limited time to do something specific. This limitation keeps you focused on your work.
Use travel, cleaning, exercise, and other repetitive tasks to practice concepts and instill them in your mind.
Prioritize your tasks.
Pay attention to the superficial things you do so that you can put them aside more easily. Things like checking emails, responding to public messages, and so on are all superficial tasks.

The 304-page book Deep work by Cal Newport was first published in English in 2016 and is categorized as a self-help book.
About the author of the book Deep Work: Cal Newport
Cal Newport holds a Ph.D. in computer science and is currently a professor at Georgetown University. He lives in Washington and is a writer. Newport has a public blog called Study Hacks: Decoding Patterns of Success, in which he writes. Deep Work is his fifth book. Cal Newport’s most recent book is Digital Minimalism.

Deep Worker Calvin Newport was born on June 23, 1982. He is the author of six self-help books. His books are about success at university and success at work.

Try saying yes to something that makes you terribly passionate. (Cal Newport)

Selected sentences from the Deep Workbook; Rules for focusing in a chaotic world:
– The relationship between deep work and collaboration requires skill.
– Deep work helps you to provide work at an excellent level.
Deep work helps you to learn difficult things quickly.
Do not rest in the midst of distractions; Instead, relax between concentrations.

Part of the text of the book Deep Work; Rules for focusing in a chaotic world
Rick Forr is a blacksmith. He specializes in ancient and medieval metalworking techniques, which he painstakingly reconstructs in his workshop at County Forge Works. Fourer describes his art as follows:

I do all my work by hand and use tools that multiply my ability, without limiting my creativity or interaction with raw materials. What may take me 100 strokes can be done in one big press with one stroke.

This contradicts my goal, and to achieve this goal, all my work shows evidence of the two hands that made it.

In 2012, PBS produced a documentary program that provided an overview of the Führer world. In this program, we find out that he works in a grain warehouse, on a rural farm in Wisconsin, which has been turned into a workshop, not far from the view of Lake Michigan.

The forerunner often leaves the barn doors open (one possibility he does this to dissipate the heat from the furnaces), and thus his efforts in the workshop are placed next to a frame of farmland that extends to the horizon.

The environment is pleasant, but at first glance, what is being done there may seem harsh. In the documentary, Forer tries to reconstruct a Viking sword. He begins by using a 1,500-year-old technique to melt steel.
The result is a bar that is not much larger than three or four stacked smartphones. After that, this dense ingot should be shaped and polished into a long and slender sword blade.

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