The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark


Title: Winter story

Author: William Shakespeare

Translator: Fouad Naziri

Publisher: Third

Subject: Hamlet tragedy – play

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 204

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


The play “The tragedy of Hamlet, Prince of Denmark” is written by “William Shakespeare”, which is less heard among his other plays such as “Macbeth”, “King Lear” and his other works. This play has been translated into Persian many times and with names such as ” “Winter Tale”, “Winter Tale” and “Winter Tale” are also known. “Winter Tale” is one of Shakespeare’s comedies written in 1611.

In the first part of the play, the king of Sicily casts a baseless suspicion on his wife, King Banu Hermione. To return.
But “Hermione” urges him to stay with them a little longer. But the story does not remain a doubt and has serious consequences such as the imprisonment of “Hermione” and the order to kill the king “Bohemia”. Shah does not run and gives him a runaway.

This work of “Shakespeare” is a play in five scenes.

William Shakespeare, born 1564 and died 1616, was an English poet and playwright. He is considered by many to be the greatest English writer. Shakespeare was baptized on April 26, 1564 in Stratford, England. His reputation as a poet, writer, actor and playwright is unique and some consider him the greatest playwright in history. However, many facts of his life are obscure.

Among Shakespeare’s plays, the name “Winter’s Tale” is perhaps less common than plays such as “Hamlet”, “Macbeth”, “Shahluir” and “Othello”. Although this play has been translated into Persian three times before;
Once with the title of Winter Tale and in the book “Five Stories” translated and adapted by Ali Asghar Hekmat, once with the title of Winter Tale, translated by Abolfath Eugene Bakhtiari and the third time with the title of Winter Tale in “William Shakespeare” by Dr. Aladdin Pazargadi . Now another translation of this play has been published, translated by Fouad Naziri.

After “Romeo and Juliet” and “Athenian Timon”, the play “Winter Tale” is the third play by William Shakespeare, which has been translated by Fouad Naziri and published in a third edition. This play, as stated in the translator’s introduction, is one of Shakespeare’s comedies and was written in..

The first part of the play, which is unquestionably dedicated to his wife by the King of Sicily, deals with Shakespeare’s tragedies and, in particular, as Fouad Naziri rightly points out, Othello’s play.
The story is that Hermione, the queen of Sicily, insists on Polyxense, the king of Bohemia, who has been their guest for some time and now wants to return to her country, to stay with them a little longer. This insistence arouses suspicion in the heart of King Sicily. A suspicion that, while ridiculous and unfounded, has dire consequences. The king imprisons the queen on this suspicion and orders a courtier named Camilo to kill the king of Bohemia.

Camilo does not obey the order and instead flees King Bohemia. Years pass and everything goes in such a way that the end of the story ends well and that tragedy of the first half leads to a happy and unexpected end. In “Winter Tale”, Shakespeare, like his other works, delves into the dark and elusive corners of the human soul. This work is a play in five scenes. Among the attractive and, of course, marginal characters of this play, who, while being marginal, have a prominent presence somewhere in the play, we should mention the deceitful and deceitful Otolikos.
Fouad Naziri’s translation of “Winter Tale” also has a later version, taken from Martin Lings’ book “Shakespeare’s Secret” and translated by Soodabeh Fazaeli. This post is selected from the part of Lings’ book that is devoted to the interpretation of “Winter Tale”.

In one of his commentaries, Lings compares “Winter Tale” to Dante’s “Divine Comedy” and writes: Of course, it should be noted that even this play does not go as far as Dante’s play. “However, like his epic, it is divided into three separate parts.”
At the beginning of his introduction to the translation of “Winter Tale”, Fouad Naziri writes about Shakespeare’s work, referring to the commentators and commentators of this play, as well as referring to “one or two places in the text of the play”: It is on long, dark and cold winter nights. This has been accepted and referred to by almost all commentators and commentators on the play. “An impression that is taken from one or two places in the text of the play.”

What follows is that part of Fouad Naziri’s translation of the play in which “Zaman” enters and speaks in the choir: Pleasure and horror, for the sake of whoever is good or bad, wherever I make or open the secret of every slip, – now, I have named myself time, to open my wings. Do not make a crooked drawing on me or my sharp transition, because my slip is soft, beyond sixteen years, and I do not look at its growth and development, in the wide period of embarrassment; It is not for me to overthrow the law in an hour, and, whatever the old tradition, to draw a new path and a new way, at that hour.

So let me go my own way, because I was before every law and I am good at every deed. I witnessed him to establish all the etiquettes on Audi Kan. I will also be the observer of every Kurdish and new work at the top, – Ko Zand Zangar, on every radiant present, as well as my legend, Ko does not look old in forgiveness now.
Patience, leave me, to turn me upside down, the hourglass, to advance the scene of the story, if it takes you to sleep, in the middle of the game. We leave Leonts alone, captivated by the torment of his soul, the result of those foolish rants. And you, the watchmen of purity, imagine me in the land of Bohemia. And remember the hints that I took the king’s purse … “

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ویلیام شکسپیر



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