Wuthering Heights


Title: Love Never Dies (Windy Heights)

Author: Emily Bronte

Translator: Hanieh Ahmadzadeh

Publisher: Yaghoot Kavir

Subject: English stories

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 496

Language: Farsi

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Introducing the book Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte
“Love Never Dies” is a sad and romantic novel by Emily Bronte. The prose of this book is fluent and simple and the traces of Romantic style can be seen in it. In addition, he has used the style of realism in telling his story. The story is told by a narrator named Nellie. The story of this family is the result of what he has seen and heard, which invites the reader to judge and recognize the characters, and wherever in the story Nellie is not present, he narrates the narration in the language of other characters.

Introducing the romance novel Love Never Dies, by Emily Bronte
Crazy loves and carpentry of two lovers play a prominent role in classical literature. But not all stories end with the sweetness of a carpenter, and this failure is the beginning of hatred and an excuse for revenge. Emily Bronte is the creator of the enduring novel Love Never Dies. In this book, he tells the story of a failed and painful love in the nineteenth century. This novel is one of the top 100 novels in the world.

About the book Love never dies by Emily Bronte
The novel has 20 chapters and is the product of the nineteenth century. In the 19th century in England, talking about issues such as gender and class inequality, religious issues and unconventional love was somehow forbidden, but in this novel we see that Emily Bronte bravely goes beyond her time and speaks openly about concepts. .

The events, characters and spaces of the story reflect the personal life of Emily in this novel. In fact, by looking at Emily Bronte’s life and knowing her morals and spirits, one can see the elements used in this novel in her personal life.

Synopsis Love never dies
“Love Never Dies” is another title for Windy Heights. This novel is the story of the failed love of Heathcliff and Catherine. The story begins in the distant past, when Hatcliffe and Catherine’s childhood.

Mr. Earnshaw, Catherine’s father, finds an abandoned child named Heathcliff and decides to take custody of him. But the family’s eldest son, Hindley, has been hostile to Heathcliff since his arrival. Hindley’s behavior does not change over the years, and he still treats his father with contempt after his death.
Katherine, the daughter of the family, has had an intimate and emotional relationship with Heathcliff since she was a child, and a string of love has been formed between the two. But Hindley, who hates Heathcliff and treats him aggressively, becomes an obstacle in the way of his sister’s love with Heathcliff and forbids them to meet.

Things get worse when Catherine marries a wealthy man named Edgar. Heathcliff now retaliates and returns to the village three years later to seek revenge. A return that changes the fate of two families forever.

عشقAbout Emily Bronte, author of Love Never Dies
Emily Bronte was a British writer and poet born in 1818 in the north of England. She was the fifth child in the family and the younger sister of Charlotte Bronte and the older sister of Bronte, each of whom is considered one of the world’s leading classic writers.

Emily and her sisters lived in Victorian England. The Bronte sisters began composing poetry and writing stories in the midst of the British economic crisis. At this time, they wrote under the pseudonym of poetry, but their poetry collection was not very well received.
The three sisters decided to work and become French teachers despite their father’s poor financial situation and pressure. Emily became a teacher in 1838, but too much work pressure forced her to quit. Six years later, he and his two sisters started a school, but no students enrolled.

In 1847, after the successful publication of Charlotte Bronte’s Jane Eyre, Emily Bronte published her only novel, Love Never Dies. He spent two years writing the novel, and his only incentive was Charlotte.
The novel Windy Heights failed at first. But after the author’s death, it was included in the list of the best English novels. This classic romance has been reprinted around the world for over 150 years and is still very popular. Emily died of tuberculosis at the age of 30, just one year after the publication of her book.

The translation of the book Wuthering Heights in Persian
Negah Publications has published the book Love Never Dies, translated by Parviz Pajhwok, and made it available to those who are interested.

Why should you read the book Love Never Dies?
Love Never Dies is in the category of English novels and short stories and is suitable for adults. The number of pages of the printed version of the book is 469 pages, which you can read in 23 days by reading it for 20 minutes a day.

Love Never Dies is one of the longest-running books on romance and English literature. This book is a good choice for people who have more time to read and want to spend more time reading English novels and stories.

We read in a part of the book Wuthering Heights
When I went up the stairs with Zila’s guidance, he ordered me to hide the candle and not make the slightest noise because his master had a particular opinion about the room where I was to sleep that night and would never willingly allow anyone to enter that room. And spend an hour there.

I asked him the reason for that, but he did not know anything, and he replied that he had not been working there for more than one or two years, and that he saw so many strange and unusual currents around him that he could not bear the curiosity.

I myself was so confused and tired that I did not want to be more curious, so I closed the door on myself and looked around to find the bed. All the furniture in the room consisted of a chair, a hanger closet, and a very large box of oak, with rectangular vents like carriage windows at the top.
As I approached the box and looked inside, I realized that it was an old type of bed, arranged in such a way that everyone in it could find themselves independent and free from the annoyance of others, and that there was no need for any family member to Have a separate room.

The inside of the box was actually like a room, and the window door, which enclosed it on one side, was used as a table. I pushed the door openings aside and entered with the candle in my hand, closing the doors again. At the time, I was recovering from the harassment of Heathcliff and others.
In the niche on which I placed the candle, there were a number of books with moldy covers, and the whole niche was covered with lines that had appeared as a result of scratching the color of the wood. The lines represented a name in small and large forms, with Catherine Arnsha in one corner and Catherine Heathcliff in the other, and the same name being changed to Catherine Linton a little further on.

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