The quick easy way to effective speaking


Title: The Rite of speech

Author: Dale Carnegie

Translator: Mohammad Mohammadi

Publisher: Atisa

Topic: business, self-reliance, public speaking

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 240 p

Language Farsi



The quick easy way to effective speaking by Dale Carnegie is one of the best-selling contemporary books that contains useful rules and instructions for overcoming fear and gaining self-confidence, which have been studied in practical ways.

In today’s world and in the developed countries of the world, eloquence is considered as a factor of growth. Talking and establishing social relationships make people connected and in addition, having this skill is considered a fundamental and important issue for different segments of society because this skill creates many changes in human relations.

In 1926, Dale Carnegie wrote his first book, The Quick Easy Way to Effective Speaking, a classic book on how to speak in public and to this day, one of the most comprehensive and universal books in the world. Courses and classics are in the field of public speaking and human relations.
The book has sold well in recent years and has been translated into more than twenty living languages ​​of the world, but it is still not accessible to many who are interested in reading it.

The book of rhetoric contains many valuable ideas and instructions for the daily affairs of all human beings. At present, Dale Carnegie Speech Training courses have many branches around the world, and more than one million people have already graduated from these classes. These courses help people to achieve a happier, more courageous and more productive life by discovering their hidden talents and using them.
The rules studied in this book and applying them, help each person to meet with different people or groups, to speak with them with openness, ease of thought and in an effective and convincing way.

Learn more about Dale Carnegie:
Dale Carnegie was born on November 24, 1888, into a poor family. He is a prominent American writer and speaker who had a very difficult childhood. Most of the books he has written are in the field of psychology and provide many tips in the fields of sales, self-improvement, lecturing, personal development that have led to their increasing progress and success.

In a part of the book, we read:
As the Yale University College of Religious Studies celebrated its 100th anniversary, Dr. Charles Reynold Brown, the College’s director, delivered a series of lectures on the art of preaching. The series of lectures was later published by McMillan Publishing in New York City. Dr. Brown himself had prepared these sermons gradually over less than half a century, and he himself taught others how to prepare and articulate them. Therefore, he was in a position to give wise advice in this regard; Advice that can be useful to any speaker, whether a preacher whose subject is the songs of the Prophet David or a cannery owner who speaks to guide his workers.

So it is not unreasonable to mention here some of his advice:
“Think carefully about the title and context of your talk beforehand. Study the topics in such a way that they are completely in your mind and clear. While developing and completing the details of the topics you are discussing, some “Interesting thoughts and ideas also form in your brain that you need to add to your speech.”

“It would be much better to analyze your content long before the lecture. For example, if you are scheduled to speak on Friday, do not postpone it until Thursday afternoon. If a speaker can deliver a topic for one If he thinks for 6 months or even a year in his mind, always before giving a speech, a mass of new thoughts and ideas will gradually blossom in his brain, until finally his speech will become a big tree.

Public speaking is a difficult and stressful task that can be mastered through practice and repetition. Most of the most successful and famous people in the world are skilled and influential speakers who are eagerly listened to by a large crowd. The ability to speak in public is not God-given like any other skill and can be achieved by observing the principles and practicing various techniques. Dale Carnegie teaches you everything you need to know about a professional and effective lecture.
This book is one of the books in the Dale Carnegie Religion Collection. In these series, he has taught various social skills. The book examines the rite of passage through the lens of the psychology of interpersonal communication. In this work, he teaches his audience in a simple and engaging language how to succeed with the ability to speak in a principled and accurate way.

Public speaking and influencing people are among the skills that can have a significant impact on the performance of managers and employees of an organization and lead to increased sales of products or services. The study is recommended for anyone interested in lecturing in family gatherings, business meetings, lectures, talking to customers, and persuading them to buy.

An overview of the chapters of the book of rite of passage
Chapter One: Increase your confidence and courage
Chapter 2: The Proper Way to Prepare for a Lecture
Chapter 3: How did famous speakers prepare their speeches?
Chapter 4: Strengthening Memory
Chapter 5: Important points in the successful execution of a speech
Chapter 6: The Secret of a Successful Speech
Chapter 7: Your character on the podium
Chapter 8: How to start your lecture?
Chapter 9: How to end our talk
Chapter 10: How Can We Make Our Purpose Clear?
Chapter 11: How can listeners be interested in the subject of the talk?
Chapter Twelve: How to Improve Your Expression?
Chapter 13: The Right Way to Nominate Someone to Give a Lecture or Receive an Award
دیAbout Dale Carnegie, author of The Speech Ritual
Dale Carnegie is a famous American writer and speaker. He was born on November 24, 1888, in Missouri, USA.

1911 was an important and influential year for him. Carnegie gradually gained experience and knowledge in this field by teaching and lecturing, which were his two favorite works. And gave enduring lectures during this period. His fame in Iran is also due to his powerful and effective collection of books. The subject of Carnegie’s books on lifestyle is dating and lecturing, which is why many people around the world have changed their lives with his books.

Translation of the book of rite of speech into Persian
Mahnaz Behrangi is a translator of Dale Carnegie’s works into Persian. He was born in 1341 and has translated various works in his portfolio. You can read the collection of “Marriage Rite”, “Life Rite” and “Friendship Rite” with an accurate and fluent translation by Mahnaz Behrangi. Shabgir Publications has published the book “Rite of Speech” translated by Mahnaz Behrangi and made it available to those who are interested.

Why read this book ?
This book is in the category of lecture teaching books. The rite book is suitable for the adult age group. The number of pages of the printed version of the book is 240 pages, which you can read in 12 days by reading for 20 minutes a day.

The book of rite of speech is one of the large and long books on the subject of lecture teaching. This book is a good choice for people who have more time to study and want to spend more time studying in the field of lecture teaching.

‌ In a part of the book, we read the rite of speech
When we start learning something new. We do not progress in it gradually. Instead, we move forward with a sudden leap. After a while, we become stagnant and may even go back and lose some things. Most psychologists approve of these regression periods and call it a uniform area of ​​the learning curve. Sometimes lecture students stay in one of these monotonous areas for weeks and no matter how hard they try, they will not be able to get past it.

Meanwhile, people with weak wills give in to extreme despair. But those with strong will and perseverance resist, and one day suddenly, without realizing what happened, they realize that they have made significant progress. They suddenly rise from a uniform area and ascend like an airplane, and become well acquainted with the art of speech. They can easily deliver their speech in a natural and powerful way.
As I said before, in your first speeches to the audience, you may temporarily experience a sense of fear of stress and surprise. But if you persevere, you will soon overcome these obstacles and after a couple of sentences you will continue your speech with a strong spirit.

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