The dynamic laws of prosperity


Title: The Law of Wealth

Author: Katherine Ponder

Translator: Zahra Aloushi

Publisher: Alves

Subject: Success

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 333 p

Language: Farsi

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The dynamic laws of prosperity; forces that bring riches to you is the work of Catherine Ponder.

Wealth Law Book
You have no right to be poor. Katherine Ponder is here to teach you all the secrets of living a life full of wealth and blessings in The Law of Wealth. According to Ponder, everyone should be rich, because it is the right of every human being to live in prosperity and comfort. You do not have to sacrifice your personality and reputation to get rich.

There are much simpler ways. It is enough to think of wealth instead of poverty. You will soon see how life changes and the doors of blessing and wealth open to you. Do not forget that you are all sons and daughters of a great kingdom, but you are a little unlucky and do not have a throne. Think like a powerful and rich prince so that your life will be just as full of blessings and happiness.

Introduction to Wealth Law Book
The author’s true stories and personal experiences form a large part of this book. So you can be sure that you are not dealing with a commercial or promotional book. The professionalism of this book goes beyond the usual slogans of psychologists and educators of positive thinking. As soon as you know that the author is a young woman who has lost her husband and now has to take care of her little boy in poverty, she herself removes much of the skepticism about this book.

Pander lived in a horrible purgatory, thinking that he would be sentenced to live in poverty forever, that his little boy would be displaced barefoot on the streets, and that they would no longer enjoy the day. For fifteen years, he searched all the bookstores to find a book that would tell him the little secrets of getting rich. But there was no such book.

He thought about this subject and the inner strength of his mind so much that he found the way to the rich man’s thought. As soon as his mindset about wealth and money changed, everything changed and life showed itself on the other side.
It was here that Ponder after a while decided to write down everything he had learned in this difficult path so that if one day he reached the place he had reached, he would be able to read this book much sooner and easier. In The Law of Wealth, the author recalls, based on his own experiences, things that you may have heard many times before, but have simply overlooked. He examines all the issues related to getting rich. At the same time, it considers all cultural and social strata of society in different perspectives on wealth.
Poverty is a sin, do not be a sinner. In this book, Ponder reminds us that it is because of this poverty that prisons are full of criminals, and that the streets are full of innocent children who, in all probability, do not have a good and happy future ahead of them. The interesting thing is that there is no human being who does not want to be rich and wealthy. If you see such a person, be sure that he is an abnormal person.

He is the one who disrupts the order of the social life system and the efforts of others to have a better life. According to this author, poverty is a tool for politicians and rulers through which they can control the people. It is a simple method, but in the long run it can prevent popular revolutions. By abusing this issue, they have spread the culture of poverty and simplicity among the people in such a way that people think that the more they live in misery, the more righteous they will be. But today we all know that this is not the case.

Even God says to Moses, “Remember your God, for he is the one who gives you power to become rich.” According to the author, God created this world so that everyone can enjoy its blessings and have a good and happy life. Pander says the present is one of the greatest opportunities you have right now. Know the past is lost. The future has not come yet. So the only possibilities you have are the present and the power of your mind. Forget your empty pockets and just think about what you can do with the facilities you have.
According to the author, in order to get rich, you do not have to violate your personal principles. You are not happy with capitalist systems and big money in circulation, you are disgusted with material things and you prefer to have your own dervish life, spirituality has a much more important place in your life. All this is understandable.

You do not have to break your rules and live in a way that calls into question your values. There are many honorable ways to become rich, none of which are separate from your spiritual and glorious life. The most important thing is that everything comes from within you. So no worries. Just believe in the power of your mind and mind to see the changes in your life and be amazed.

About the author
Katherine Ponder is an American writer and cleric who has lived a difficult life since World War II. Although Ponder is a very honest priest, he still believes that wealth and power make people better human beings. Ponder is the person who has been able to change the lives of many people so far.

Many single women and mothers consider her the goddess of peace, wealth, and happiness, and make her career a model for their lives. By combining religion and the world, he has been able to be one of the few people who have provided the comfort of two worlds for people. “From the State of Love”, “The Power of Prayer” and “Open Your Eyes” are some of the famous books of this great author that have been translated many times in Iran.

Translation of the book The dynamic laws of prosperity; forces that bring riches to you
No one could translate this book better than “Happy Giti”. Academic education in English literature, along with an interest in mysticism and psychology, has led this great translator to translate lasting and influential works in the field of self-cultivation, positive thinking, and psychology. The translation of this book is very fluent and enjoyable. Neither the author nor the translator insists on penmanship and the use of specialized terms.

Their mission is to provide the audience with a book that can teach them the deepest teachings in the simplest language. Khoshdel became very popular and famous with the publication of the book “Four Works” by “Florence Scowell Sheen”. He has translated other works by the world’s great writers such as “Eric Fromm”, “Seven Habits of Effective People”, “The Law of Healing”, “The Story of the Government and Wealth” and so on.

Part of the book The Law of Wealth
I know a doctor who says that if it were not for financial problems, his office would always be empty. Because most people get sick because of anxiety and financial stress. He says most psychiatric hospitals are full of patients who have been under financial pressure for years and this stress has paralyzed their minds and bodies. It is estimated that nine-tenths of human diseases are caused by stress and misery born of poverty.

Let us put aside the idea that poverty is a virtue. Poverty is a common and common sin. If you have lived in misery and poverty, you have been in ruin. This is another shocking fact about wealth. But you do not have to live in financial ruin. Because there is a solution to this problem. The Bible is full of rich and glorious promises about wealth. It is the human right to be rich and wealthy and to possess all blessings. Because man is the child of God and wealth is his divine heritage. Your Creator wants you to be rich! This is another shocking fact about wealth.

Selected Sentences of The dynamic laws of prosperity; forces that bring riches to you:
– The love of God the Forgiving has set us free.
You have to be rich because you have no right to be poor.
Imagination gives a person the ability to push himself beyond time and space and beyond any limitations.
Whenever you have the courage to create a vacuum, the essence of the universe rushes to fill the void.
Divine love now reveals through me all that is necessary for the happiness and fulfillment of my life.
In another part of the book Wealth Law we read:
We are all like magnets! And in the position of a magnet, you do not have to force success and wealth on yourself. Instead of wandering in distress, pressure, criticism, anxiety, depression, unforgiveness, and a sense of ownership that pervades all kinds of misery, trouble, and failure, you can create that joyful mental state and rich hope that everyone The good gifts of the world hasten to you.

Since you can have tangible and intangible equations of everything that you boldly choose, you radiate it with your mind, so do not think of anything as separate or outside of yourself. Stop thinking that people and situations can hurt or hurt you. Begin to realize that nothing can stand between you and the gift that you boldly choose in your mind and reflect through your thoughts, feelings, words, and expectations. Choose your mind and reopen. Choose from the heart and reopen. Choose and reopen continuously and uninterruptedly.
A woman recently explained to me that all members of her family have received wonderful blessings since she consciously awakened the thought of the rich; His wife has been paid extra several times. His brother has become the head of the company in which he works. His two sisters have retired with a meager monthly salary. Another sister has a position in her office that no woman has held before. Another brother has become the CEO of his company. The little dough has brought such a perfect loaf of bread to this family.

Index of the book
Introduction: Gold is falling from the sky for you!
Chapter One: The Shocking Truth About Wealth
Chapter Two: The Basic Law of Wealth
Chapter Three: The Law of Vacuum
Chapter Four: The Law of Creativity
Chapter Five: The Law of Imagination
Chapter Six: The Law of Wealth and Command
Chapter 7: The Law of Increase
Chapter 8: The Law of the Wealthy and Prosperous
Chapter 9: Work is a powerful way to get rich
Chapter Ten: Financial Independence
Chapter Eleven: The Law of Love and Benevolence
Chapter Twelve: The Law of Prayer
Chapter Thirteen: The Law of Self-Confidence
Chapter Fourteen: The Extraordinary Powers You Have!
Chapter 15: The Special Powers You Have for Wealth!
Rule 16: The law of perseverance and perseverance
Chapter Seventeen: What to do with loans?
Chapter 18: Health and Enriching Thought
Conclusion: When gold fell from the sky to the ground

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