The art of Thinking Clearly


Title: The Art of Thinking Clearly

Author: Rolf Dubli

Translators: Zohreh Karami, Hanieh Ayanmanesh

Publisher: Arastagan

Subject: Decision / Cognition (Psychology)

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 328

Language: Farsi

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Introducing the book The Art of Thinking Clearly is a book on psychology by Rolf Dubli.

Rolf Dubli is a Swiss writer, novelist and entrepreneur, graduating with a bachelor’s degree in economics and a doctorate in economics from the University of St. Gallen in Switzerland. Rolf Dubli became famous for writing The Art of Clear Thinking, and his book quickly topped the German bestseller list and was translated into several languages.

On the back cover of The Art of Clear Thinking is:
do you ever…

Have you spent time on something that you feel is not worth it in the future? Have you paid a lot of money for online shopping? Have you insisted on doing something that you know is harmful to you? Have you sold your stocks too soon or too late? Success is the result of your work and failure is the result of the influence of external factors? Wrongly bet on a horse?

These are just some of the mistakes that we all make in our daily thinking. But by knowing what they are and how to identify them, we can avoid them and make smarter decisions.

The Pope asked Michelangelo, “Tell me the secret of your genius.” “How did you make the statue of David, the masterpiece of all masterpieces?” Michelangelo’s answer was “simple. “I shaved everything that was not David.”
Let’s be honest. We do not know exactly what’s the key to our success. We can not say for sure what makes us happy. But we can say with certainty what destroys our success and happiness. This understanding, despite its simplicity, is very basic: knowing the negative (knowing the do’s) is much more powerful than knowing the positive (knowing the do’s).

Clear thinking and cleverness means using Michelangelo’s method: Do not focus on David. Instead, divert your thinking to good things in life, not just David. About us: Eliminate all errors. In this case, clear thinking appears. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Mukhreh)

Content of the book Art of Clear Thinking
This book contains what are known as mental errors. In fact, we make mistakes during various mental processes, including decision-making, selection, and sometimes we do not even know anything about them.

Rolf Dubli writes in the book’s introduction:

The inability to think clearly – or, as experts call it, “cognitive error” – is a fundamental deviation from logic, a deviation from optimal, rational and reasoned thoughts and behavior. I do not mean the “principles” of occasional mistakes in decision-making, but rather the common mistakes and obstacles to our logic that constantly plague us: patterns that are repeated by different generations in different centuries. For example, it is much more common to overestimate our own information than to underestimate it. Or the risk of losing something arouses us much more than the possibility of gaining something similar. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 15)

Adel Ferdowsipour also writes in the introduction of the book The Art of Clear Thinking:
In this book, Rolf Dubli seeks to identify, reread, and introduce major errors based on his personal studies, research, and experiences. As he mentions in the introduction to his book, his list of errors is incomplete and other things can be added. Based on scientific observations, statistical results, arguments and logical inferences (in the field of social sciences), he presents his worldview about cognitive errors by mentioning concrete examples and examples.

In 99 short sections, this book examines each of the mistakes that the mind makes unintentionally and unconsciously, with various and generally simple and understandable examples. Some of the interesting chapters of this book are:

Why should you visit cemeteries? – Survival error
Does Harvard make you smarter? The illusion of a swimmer’s body
Why do you see clouds in different ways? – The illusion of categorization
Why do you constantly increase your knowledge and abilities? -The effect of overconfidence
You have less than you think. Illusion control
Why does the last candy in your mouth water? Deficiency error
Everyone looks beautiful at the peak. – Halo effect
Decide better – Decide less. Fatigue of decision making
Why should you burn your ships? – Inability to close the doors
Why do New Year’s resolutions not work? -اهمال
The one holding the hammer only sees the nail. – Professional transformation
Why not follow the news? -The illusion of news
Rolf Dubli writes in another part of his introduction:

In fact, my dream is quite simple: if we can recognize the biggest intellectual mistakes and avoid them in our personal, professional or government lives, we may see a leap in our success. No need for new tricks, new designs, unnecessary tools and tedious tasks; All we need is to avoid foolishness. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 16)

Thinking about the book The Art of Clear Thinking
We are all constantly making decisions, thinking, choosing, comparing, and so on throughout the day. That is, things that are done by the mind. But are we really doing it right? Do we always make the right decisions? Do we always choose the best option and do not make mistakes in comparison? This book is a guide that tries to help us in these cases and in fact gives us a clearer view.

It is impossible for you to read the book The Art of Clear Thinking and not change your way of thinking after that. Or, for example, there is no difference in your decision-making or there is no change in the way you think in general. If, after reading a book, you think exactly like you did before reading the book, there is no doubt that nothing is right. You may need to read the book again.
Our suggestion for making the most of the Art of Clear Thinking book is to read the book over time. You may be overwhelmed by the attractiveness and readability of the book and not realize that you have read a large volume of the book in one sitting. Therefore, we suggest that you plan before reading the book and try to read only one or two chapters of the book during the day and try to use its concepts during the day. Or at least think about it and see if you have had it in the past. I think when you think about the contents of the book, you realize that you yourself have fallen into the trap of many of these mistakes, and you may smile with a smile at how stupid some of these things are.

Perhaps it is not bad to point out that: you should not expect a miracle from the book The Art of Clear Thinking. Do not think that after reading this one book, your thinking will change completely. Maybe this way of thinking is a mental error in itself!

The author says in this regard:
This book does not contain instructions. You will not find “seven steps to a flawless life” in it. Cognitive errors are so ingrained in us that we can not get rid of them completely. Turning them off requires superhuman will. But that is not really our main goal. Not all cognitive errors are fatal. Even the presence of some of them is essential for a successful life. While this book may not have the key to happiness, it can at least act as an insurance against voluntary illness.

Finally, I recommend reading this book to all of you. We all need to think more clearly.

Sentences from the text of the book The Art of Clear Thinking
Why should you visit cemeteries? – Survival error

Behind every successful author you can find hundreds of other authors whose books never sell. Behind them are a hundred other writers who have not found a publisher. Behind them are another hundred people whose unfinished manuscripts are crumbling on the ledge, and behind them are another hundred people who dream of writing a book one day. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 17)

If fifty million people say something stupid, it is still stupid. -Social approval
On the way to a concert, at a crossroads, you meet a group of people, all staring at the sky. You stare up without thinking. Why? Social approval. In the middle of the concert, when the soloist shows the peak of his art, someone starts applauding and suddenly everyone in the audience joins him. you too. Why? Social approval. After the concert, you go to the locker room to pick up your coat. You can see how people put coins on the plate as a reward, even though the cost of the service is included in the ticket money. what are you doing? You will probably give a reward too. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 26)

Why do we prefer a wrong map to no map at all? -Availability error
If something is repeated enough, it becomes the queen of our minds. Even if it is not true. Nazi leaders repeatedly used the phrase “Jewish issue” to finally make the public view it as a serious issue. Just repeat the words “UFO”, “Vital Energy” or “Karma” long enough for people to believe them. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 48)

Why does misery seem greater than happiness? – Hate loss
If you want to convince someone about something, do not focus on its benefits, but try to show it how it can be avoided. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 111)

Sweet little lies. -Cognitive inconsistency
Suppose you buy a new car. But you immediately regret your decision. Its engine makes the jet sound light up and you are not comfortable in the driver’s seat. what are you doing? Returning the car will mean confessing wrongly (which you do not want!) Of course, the seller will probably not be happy to return all your money. So you will convince yourself that loud engine noise and uncomfortable seats are safety features that will prevent you from falling asleep behind the wheel. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 165)

If you have nothing to say, do not say anything. – Tendency to exaggerate
When asked why a fifth of Americans could not find their country on the world map, a decent South Carolina girl who had just graduated from high school replied in front of the cameras, “I personally think Americans can not do that because people in our country. They do not have a plan, and I think our education is like, say, South Africa or Iraq, everywhere, for example, and I think they should be our education here, that is, America should help America, help South Africa, and “Help Iraq and the countries of Asia, so that we can build our future!” This crazy video was released in cyberspace. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 185)

The difference between risk and uncertainty. Hate uncertainty
We have two boxes. Box A is a hundred balls, fifty red and fifty black. Box B also has a hundred balls, but you do not know how many are red and how many are black. If you take one of the boxes without looking and take the red ball out of it, you will win a hundred dollars. Which box do you choose? A or B? Most people choose box A. (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 254)

The one holding the hammer only sees the nail. – Professional transformation
A man borrows money, starts a company, and goes bankrupt shortly afterwards. He becomes depressed and commits suicide. What do you think about this story? As an economic analyst, you want to know why his business idea failed; Was he a weak manager? Was the strategy wrong, the market too small or the competition too big? As a marketer, do you think the campaigns were poorly organized or that he failed to reach his target audience? If you are an economist, you question borrowing as a suitable tool.

As a local reporter, you realize the potential of the story: How lucky he was to kill himself! As a writer, you think about how this story could have turned into a Greek tragedy. As a banker, you believe that there is a mistake in the lending sector. As a sociologist, you blame the failure of capitalism. As a religious conservative, you see this as divine punishment. As a psychiatrist, you diagnose low serotonin levels. Which view is “correct”? (The Art of Clear Thinking – Page 290)

The Art of Clear Thinking is one of Rolf Duble’s unique and unique books written on the right way of thinking, making informed decisions based on the right attitude. There are many times when we can not make the right decision because of the wrong thoughts we have, and as a result we miss the many opportunities that lie ahead.
The Art of Thinking Clearly teaches us how to think right and make good decisions. Rolf Dobelli, after much research, has come to the conclusion that our minds make a series of errors and mistakes that if we know these mistakes, we can save ourselves from falling into their trap. In this book, Dubli points out 100 of these mistakes. In this article, we want to review a summary of this valuable book. If you want to know some of your mental errors, join us until the end of this article.

Lessons from the Art of Thinking Clearly
We are human beings and mistakes are an integral part of our lives. A large part of our mistakes are mental and intellectual. Interestingly, many of these errors and mistakes are common among humans. Our task as human beings who love growth and development is to take steps as much as possible to recognize our mental errors so that we can think and make decisions with better vision and precision.

Rolf Dubli made our work easier by writing the book The Art of Clear Thinking. He has compiled a collection of 100 mental errors that our minds may fall into. In the following, we will review some of these mistakes together.

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