

Title: Sub-habits

Author: James Kalbir

Translator: Zahra Sadeghi

Publisher: Malikan

Subject: Habit, Quitting Habit, Behavior

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 254 p

Language: Farsi



Atomic Habits is a work by James Claire whose subtitle provides the audience with the content of the book: an easy and proven way to build good habits and break bad ones. So this book, which has also been translated as Atomic Habits, is going to work on our habits!

The method the author uses in his book is to focus on developing positive habits. In fact, the author does not pay much attention to negative habits and does not expect the reader to eliminate these habits all of a sudden.

The sub-habit book system is similar to the composite book system or the slight superiority book. In these books, the focus is on small steps that may seem insignificant at the moment but cause big changes in the long run.

The author of this book, like all other books that try to help the reader, starts from the beginning and shows the reader how he has developed positive habits in his life over the years and has achieved remarkable success by doing these habits.
James Claire begins his life story as a child, when he was severely injured by a baseball bat and went through a difficult time. He then talks about returning to normal life and being drawn back to baseball, and in the meantime he talks about the same habits that led him to return to a healthy body, ideal weight and baseball sport over the years. In a part of the book it is said about this:

“To write a great book, you have to become the book itself,” said Nawal Ravikant, an entrepreneur and investor. I originally learned the ideas in this book because I had to live with them.

I had to rely on sub-habits to heal my injuries, become stronger in the gym, perform better on the field, become a writer, start a successful business, and simply put, become an adult and a responsible person. The little habits helped me realize my potential, and since you chose this book, I guess you want to realize your potential too.

On the back cover of the book of habits is:

This book teaches you how to:

Create a system that you can use to get one percent better every day.
Give up your bad habits and stick to good ones.
Avoid the mistakes that most people make when changing habits.
Overcome apathy and helplessness.
Find a stronger identity and believe in yourself more.
Even when you are very busy, find time to develop new habits.
Design your surroundings in a way that leads to great results.
If you miss your plan, try again.
And most importantly, how to implement these ideas in real life.

The book of small habits
James Clear intends to answer a question at the beginning of the book of habits. Why do small changes lead to big changes? A question you have probably heard the answer to many times from different authors and people. If you pay attention to the English of the present book, you will understand the original answer of the author in answering this question.

The title of the book speaks of “atom” and in Persian the word “wisdom” is used for translation, which conveys almost the same meaning. The whole point of James Claire is that small habits, insignificance and wisdom in life should not be ignored.

Of course, we should not forget that the author’s goal is to use these small habits in the long run. And that’s perhaps the hardest part of James Clear’s story. Doing small things for many years is not made by everyone.

We often like things that we can see the result of quickly, but in this book we have to pay attention to what the author is saying and take a long-term view.

The system provided by the book of habits is a four-step system. In fact, to establish a positive habit, we need to follow the four rules of the book. Four rules that you will probably read the contents of the chapters. These four rules are: make it clear – make it attractive – simplify it – make it enjoyable.

The main topic is written in 20 chapters in the book of sub-habits, which are:
The Amazing Power of Sub-Habits / How do habits shape a person’s personality and vice versa? How to make better habits in four simple steps? / A man who did not look good. / The best way to start a new habit. Exaggerated about motivation, the environment is often more important. / The secret of self-control. / How to strengthen a habit? /
The role of family and friends in shaping habits. / How to find and correct the cause of your bad habits? / Take a slow step, but never back? Law of least effort. / How to use the law to set aside a two-minute delay? / How can good habits be made unavoidable and bad habits made impossible? The main law of behavior change. / How to continue good habits every day? / How can a responsive partner change everything? / A truth about talents (when do genes matter and when do they not matter?) / Goldilocks Law: How to stay motivated in life and work? The downside of developing good habits.

Imagine that you have developed a positive habit of “reading a book” and, for example, you read 20 pages of a book every day. Then you can read at least 24 300-page books a year, which is amazing.
Or imagine, for example, that you could read these books in one year: The Book of Love – The Book of Waiting for the Fallen – The Book of the Faded Village – The Book of Room 6 – Madame Bovary’s Book – Shutter Island – The Book of St. Petersburg – The Book of Zeno’s Conscience – The book of war and peace – The book of killing the enamel chicken – The book of the perverted path of truth – The book when Nietzsche cried – The book of the sufferings of the young Werther – The book of the suicide shop – The book of the Karamazov brothers.

About the book of small habits
In general, it can be said that the book of sub-habits is a good and thought-provoking book, but like any other book, success has its own drawbacks. For someone who is literally looking for change, the hints of the book can be very helpful, but for someone who is not in a bad situation and just wants to improve the situation, the book may be long, tedious and even unpleasant. So our suggestion is to analyze your situation first and see where you stand. And don’t forget that in Success Books, you have to bear all the costs.

Sentences from the book of sub-habits
Habits are like the atoms of our lives. Each is an essential unit that will contribute to the success of our kidneys. These small units may seem insignificant at first, but they soon come together and lead to bigger achievements that will be bigger and bigger over and over again. They are both small and powerful. This is the meaning of sub-habits. A regular action or flow that is not only small and easy, but also a memorable source of power and part of a productive growth system.

We often expect progress to be linear. At least we hope it will be achieved soon. In fact, the results of our efforts are often delayed. Months or years later we can reach the true value of our past efforts.

This leads to a “valley of despair” that people experience after months or years of trying without success. However, these efforts have not been in vain, but the impact has always been there. It only takes a little while to realize the true value of the efforts made.

The importance of a defining moment can easily be overemphasized and the value of making small improvements in daily work can be overlooked. You often convince yourself that great achievements require great action. To lose weight, start a business, write a book, win a race, or achieve any goal, you put so much pressure on yourself that the ground under your feet shakes and you make progress that everyone can talk about.

One percent progress is not noticeable and sometimes not even visible at all; But it can be very effective, especially in the long run. The impact of small improvements in the long run is astonishing. In fact, it can be said that if you get one percent better every day of the year, you will end up thirty-seven times better than before. On the other hand, if you get one percent worse every day of the year, you have dropped to almost zero; So a small victory or success is a great success.

When it seems that nothing will help, I go and look at the masonry that strikes the stone for the hundredth time, without creating a crack; But in the 110th blow, the stone breaks into two pieces, and I know that it was not the last blow that crushed it, but all the previous blows that caused it.

It will never destroy your first mistake. The destructive problem is the recurring mistakes that follow.

The real reason habits are important is not because they can do better (although they can), but because they can change the way you think about yourself.

Showing pictures of blackened lungs to smokers only raises their anxiety, which causes many people to smoke. If you do not pay attention to the stimuli, you can cause the same behavior that you tried to avoid.

One of the most effective ways to develop better habits is to join a group in which your desired behavior is considered normal behavior. New habits seem achievable when you see others doing the same thing every day.

Habits are like the atoms of our lives. Each is an essential unit that will contribute to the success of our kidneys. These small units may seem insignificant at first, but they soon come together and lead to bigger achievements that will be bigger and bigger over and over again. They are both small and powerful. This is the meaning of sub-habits. A regular action or flow that is not only small and easy, but also a memorable source of power and part of a productive growth system.

We often expect progress to be linear. At least we hope it will be achieved soon. In fact, the results of our efforts are often delayed. Months or years later we can reach the true value of our past efforts. This leads to a “valley of despair” that people experience after months or years of trying without success. However, these efforts have not been in vain, but the impact has always been there. It only takes a little while to realize the true value of the efforts made.

The importance of a defining moment can easily be overemphasized and the value of making small improvements in daily work can be overlooked. You often convince yourself that great achievements require great action. To lose weight, start a business, write a book, win a race, or achieve any goal, you put so much pressure on yourself that the ground under your feet shakes and you make progress that everyone can talk about.

One percent progress is not noticeable and sometimes not even visible at all; But it can be very effective, especially in the long run. The impact of small improvements in the long run is astonishing. In fact, it can be said that if you get one percent better every day of the year, you will end up thirty-seven times better than before. On the other hand, if you get one percent worse every day of the year, you have dropped to almost zero; So a small victory or success is a great success.

When it seems that nothing will help, I go and look at the masonry that strikes the stone for the hundredth time, without creating a crack; But in the 110th blow, the stone breaks into two pieces, and I know that it was not the last blow that crushed it, but all the previous blows that caused it.

It will never destroy your first mistake. The destructive problem is the recurring mistakes that follow.

The real reason habits are important is not because they can do better (although they can), but because they can change the way you think about yourself.

Showing pictures of blackened lungs to smokers only raises their anxiety, which causes many people to smoke. If you do not pay attention to the stimuli, you can cause the same behavior that you tried to avoid.

One of the most effective ways to develop better habits is to join a group in which your desired behavior is considered normal behavior. New habits seem achievable when you see others doing the same thing every day.

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