Excerpts from Fereydoun Moshiri’s poems have been published by Negah Publishing.
This collection includes selections from seven poetry books of Fereydoun Moshiri, along with comments from writers and poets, including:
Excerpt from Shahriyar’s letter to Moshiri, Mohammad Reza Shafiei Kadkani, Dr. Sirus Amoozgar, S. ح. الهامی. It is said that Moshiri’s poetry paved the way for Nimai’s poetry for today’s poets. In fact, Moshiri’s poetry was a bridge between yesterday’s poetry and Nimai’s poetry. A poem that penetrated the masses and became the narrator of a part of our social history.

Introducing the book of selected poems by Fereydoon Moshiri
The book of selected poems by Fereydoun Moshiri is a selection of poems by Moshiri, a prominent contemporary poet and one of the leading poets of modern Iran.
Fereydoun Moshiri tries to present his poems to a wider class of our society who now does not have the patience to search and try to unravel the codes of the poetry of extremist poets and his favorite criteria are more or less derived from traditional poetry and has succeeded in this way. Fewer poets than our contemporaries.
The secret of this success can be found in two or three characteristics of Moshiri’s poetry, the first of which is his soft, smooth and simple language. His poetry gives the reader all his beauties and secrets at once.
Saadi also presents the beauties and arts of his poetry to the reader in an instant. The themes of Moshiri’s poetry are events that may happen to everyone but not everyone can express it poetically, and this is a great achievement for him.
In a part of the book of poems by Fereydoon Moshiri, we read:
If your ear is familiar with my moaning,
From the ships that go to the moon,
From a passenger arriving around the road,
Beware of the land of sedition!
If this human foot reaches the sky
Your days are dark like ours
Index of the book
Comments of writers and poets
Part of Master Shahriar’s letter to Fereydoun Moshiri
Mohammad Reza Shafi’i Kadkani
Dr. Cyrus Teacher
Believe in spring
1. Koch …
2. The last sip of this cup
3. Umbrella
4. There is no voice from God
5. Travel at night
6. O returned
7. O always good
8. Clusters of tears
9. Soukat Yad
10. Which dust …?
11. My best best
13. A light on the horizon
14. Effective magic
15. Blue dust
Thirsty for the storm
1. Sea
2. Displaced
3. The white sheets of my office
4. Thirsty
5. Treasure
6. Nightmare
7. The sky
The sin of the sea
1. Hidden fire
3. Dried flowers
5. O hope of my despair
6. The story of the flower of sorrow
7. The blue sky
8. The Golden Gate
9. Chameleon
10. Captive
11. Worship
12. Silence
13. Return
14. For the last suffering
15. Wine
16. Sunset
Clouds and alleys
1. On our small porch
2. If the cup breaks …?
3. Garden
4. Venus tears
5. The Eternal Sun.
6. Dad, do not lullaby
7. Safir
8. Lotus bell
9. Blind Star
10. Flying with the sun
11. Sweet poison
12. Happy half-open buds
13. Plain
14. Cold gamer
15. Servo
16. thorn
18. Find me, sea
19. Alley
20. پند
21. The magic of silence
22. Cloud
From the land of reconciliation
1. Tell her that her heart is full of sorrow.
2. Maybe it is not impossible …
3. The sun of a sonnet
4. From spring to plain
5. Brave
6. Instant
7. Friendship
8. Purple
Oh rain
1. Yalda
2. Horizontal horizons
3. Leaves and wind
4. Lonelier than ever
5. The light of your eyes
6. Be human
7. Caravan nights
8. Link links
From silence
1. broken
2. Saqi
3. Still, always, never
4. You are always there
5. Not a spring flower
6. Secret
7. The way
8. In the clear night
9. After sunset
10. Weekly reader
1- Introducing the book on YouTube
2- Introducing the book in Aparat
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