Business plan template and example


Title: How to write a business plan

Author: X Genadinik

Translator: Marjan Shamil Shoushtari

Publisher: Yoshita

Subject: Business, entrepreneurship, scientific and technical writing

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 160 p

Language: Farsi

Category: Tag:


Business plan template and example is written by Alex Janadinik. This book has been translated by Marjan Shamil Shoushtari. This book is an economic guide for the future.

About the book How to write a business plan
The author of this book, Mr. Alex Janadinik, has written this book based on their personal experiences in business and, of course, their experiences in educating and coaching thousands of successful entrepreneurs. Here are some tips to help you write a great business plan for the profession you want to enter.

Writing a business plan to start a business is one of the most important and necessary steps that should not be ignored. But he has detailed experience and with it leads the reader to a better business and more income.

Who do we recommend reading the book How to Write a Business Plan?

We recommend this book to anyone who wants to start a business

Part of the book How to Write a Business Plan
As you can probably guess, even if you do not need to write a formal business plan for an investor or an organization, you should always choose a careful planning process for yourself so that you can create a good strategy for your business. In my opinion, this is the real value of planning for a business.

Writing a business plan, even an informal one, can help you organize your ideas and refine your overall business model. Do your homework, stop the many mistakes you may make and correct them.

Because then it will be very expensive for you to realize after you started your business that you went the wrong way, whereas if you had planned during the planning process, you would have noticed this mistake. The value of planning for a business is that you identify the problems in the initial idea of ​​your business and during the planning process, you will find a solution to those problems that will be much cheaper for you to do.
Make sure you take the time to plan your business and correct any potential problems with your overall business strategy as early as possible. I say this based on experience, because if you find problems in your business later, fixing those problems will be much more time consuming and expensive.

Book Introduction How to Write a Business Plan
The book How to Write a Business Plan by Alex Gennadinik will help you turn your unattainable dreams into reality by providing practical solutions to start a profitable business.

If you’ve just started your business, or you are about to start a business, this book is definitely for you.

What is the subject of the book How to Write a Business Plan?
Alex Genadinik has written the book How to Write a Business Plan template and example based on his personal experiences in business and his experiences in educating and coaching thousands of successful entrepreneurs.

He will help you to write a great business plan for the profession you want to enter, because writing a business plan to start a business is one of the most important and necessary actions that should not be ignored.
Genadinik also makes mistakes that you can read to prevent them from happening in your business, so you do not waste your time, energy and money. In fact, this book has been written with care and enthusiasm about your business and starting your own path to help make your path as an entrepreneur easier.

Selected Sentences of the Book How to Write a Business Plan:
Whatever you think you can do, or think you can not do, you have rightly thought, because it happens.
– If you can not explain something to a six-year-old, then know that you did not understand it yourself.
– Life is very simple, we insist on complicating it.
Progress is not about increasing what you have, but about progressing towards what you want to be.
When you fail at planning, you definitely plan to fail.
Insight is the result of abandoning logic because of impatience.
In a part of the book How to write a business plan, we read:
Are you still thinking about getting a job? Or have you started your own business and maybe even made a prototype of your product? Or maybe you already have an income from yourself and a team and your focus is on the growth and development of your work?

No need to go into too much detail here. Explain very simply what stage you are in to start your company, so that the reader understands the context in which you are going to present.

You need to make a big difference if you are just planning for your company, or if you have already set it up and achieved some level of success. The further you go in the process of starting and growing your business, the more credible your strategies will be and the more acceptable they will be.
Although it is better to move forward along your work, do not be ashamed that you are currently in the ideation stage of getting your job done. Be it in every step, both the planning stage and the idea stage to get the business done. Every successful company has been in the planning stage for some time. Just be honest about where you are right now.

Table of contents of Alex Janadinik’s book
Introduction to the translator
Read this introduction before starting the main discussion
A gift to you
Get to know me and my work better
Chapter One: An Introduction to Business Planning
1. What is a business plan?
2. When do you need a business plan?
3. What makes a good work plan?
4. What does business model mean?
5. My personal experiences with business plans and programs
Chapter 2: Introducing a Business Plan 3 Sentences That Will Help You Start Planning With The Simplest Business Plan Possible
1. Introducing a 3-sentence business plan
2. Sample 3-sentence business plan for a technical product
3. Sample business plan 3 sentences for jobs related to green space
4. Practice for your business
Chapter 3: Slowly Stepping Into the Complexities of a Business Plan: A One-Page Business Plan
1. Introducing a one-page business plan
2. Sample one-page business plan for a technical product
3. Analyze a sample one-page business plan for a technical product
4. An example of a one-page business plan for a traditional job
5. Analyze a sample one-page business plan for a traditional job
Chapter 4: How to Write a Business Plan
1. Executive Summary (Management)
2. Your service or product
3. What level of business are you in?
4. Your target market
5. The size of your target market
6. Marketing plan: How can you offer your product to your target users?
7. Income model
8. Finance
9. Forecast for the coming months and years
10. Overview of the single economy
11. Current team
12. Your competitors
13. Previous investors and funding
14. What I am looking for
15. Attachment of business plan
Chapter 5: Examples of the thought process for writing a business plan
My thought process when evaluating new work ideas
Chapter 6: Possible Mistakes in Business Planning and Exercises to Overcome Those Mistakes
Mistakes related to rewards and rewards
Chapter 7: Choosing a special and correct position in the business market
1. What is a special market position for a business?
2. Why do you need a special place in your job market?
3. Examine yourself inside and out
4. Extra tips on finding a special business position
5. My own personal mistakes when choosing a particular position in the market
6. How pristine ideas come to our minds
7. Talk to your best friends for real and honest feedback about your job
8. How to talk to your job experts
Chapter 8: Planning Strategies for Monetization
1. The benefits of planning for long-term use and employment
2. Long-term revenue generation strategies with their advantages and disadvantages
3. How to turn our customers into long-term customers in any job
Chapter 9: Become a Top Entrepreneur and Start Your Own Business
1. Postponing things
2. Motivation
3. Focus, Pomodoro time management technique, elimination of interruptions and intervals
4. Focus on the bigger picture to dramatically increase productivity
5. Representation, control and guidance automatically
6. Three types of occupational hazards
7. Steve Blank and methods for customer development
8. Eric Rice and the methods of starting and running a lean business
9. Change of mindlessness
10. ضمیر‌تان
11. How to deal with stress
12. How to deal with failure
13. Being open with open arms
14. Fill your surroundings with positive and honest people
15. The embodiment of success

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