Being in balance


Title: Keep Your Balance; 9 principles for creating habits according to your desire

Author: W. Wayne Dyer

Translator: Soraya Karimi

Publisher: Zobde

Subject: Self-improvement

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 96

Language: Farsi



Introducing the book Being in balance: 9 principles for creating habits,  by Wayne Dyer
Maintain Balance (9 Principles for Making Habits According to Your Desire) by Dr. Wayne Dyer discusses the roots of human behaviors and beliefs in maintaining balance in human performance.

According to Wayne Dyer:

“Most people are not aware of the power of their brains. “While when the human brain has been able to do all this in the world, it can undoubtedly eliminate its own impotence.”
Defines the concept of balance in our world. The universe, our planet, the seasons, the water, the air, the fire and the earth are all in perfect balance. We humans are the only exception.

Being in balance is an effort to help you maintain this natural balance in all aspects of life. Balancing is not so much about adopting new strategies to change your behaviors. Just like changing yourself and all your thoughts in a way that balances what you desire and what you do in your daily life.

Dr. Wayne Walter Dyer is one of the most prolific writers and speakers in the field of character development, and he has published more than thirty books and participated in hundreds of television and radio programs, saying many times in his life, everything He has done what he wanted and will continue to do so. He overcomes all the incapacities of his character in such a way that he can eliminate his fatigue, cold and even physical pain with the power of will.

In a part of the text of the book, keep your balance, you will read:

How do you want to be known in this world ?! Anyone who says it does not matter to him seems to be living with a blindfold, which is undoubtedly a relatively unbalanced way. Surely you care about this issue too! In some cases, your life will depend on the answer to this question. Do you want to have a pleasant, fruitful, close, intimate, romantic, helpful, thoughtful, and thoughtful relationship with others? It is the essence of all human relationships that we want to trade these feelings and be connected and feel this connection.

If you are also seeking a spiritual self-awareness, then you need to be more in tune with this spiritual origin. It is the source of love, affection, pleasure, beauty, non-judgment, creativity and boundless abundance. If you think you are the human manifestation of all these qualities, then there is someone who has the opposite idea. Then there is the possibility that you are living in an illusion that will undoubtedly upset your life.

Index of the book Being in balance:

  • 9 principles for creating habits,
  • About the author
  • Introduction Translator
  • Introduction
  • Chapter One: The immortality of the forest lies in the dreams of an oak fruit
  • Chapter Two: More and more valuable things can be found in life than moving fast
  • Chapter 3: You Cannot Kiss Your Face
  • Chapter 4: Your Addictions Tell You: You will never get enough of what you do not want
  • Chapter 5: You are not what you eat, you are the belief about eating
  • Chapter 6: You will not be able to recognize light by criticizing darkness
  • Chapter 7: Fighting any adverse situation will only increase its power over you
  • Chapter 8: When falling in love, love is what remains
  • Chapter 9: Heaven is on earth
    Introducing the book Keep your balance: 9 principles for creating habits according to your desire

Wayne Walter Dyer (1940-2015) is an American author and motivational speaker.

In part of this book we read:

“Apparently we live in a completely unbalanced world. A world in which the desire to live a quiet life is challenged by thousands of restless energies of news value.

But in this area, too, we have the vote. But we can choose to align ourselves energetically with our desire for a life of peace, regardless of what is going on around us, and regardless of all the non-calming energies that often affect us. We can begin to keep calm while others increase our fear, anger, and hatred of violence on the planet. “In addition, a great collective effort throughout human history, by those in power, has taught people to fear or even worse, to instill hatred in themselves.”

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