The subtle art of getting rid of worries


Title: The delicate art of getting rid of worries

Author: Mark Manson

Translator: Milad Bashiri

Publisher: Milkan

Topic: The way of life

Number of pages: 182

Language: Farsi

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Introducing the book The Fine Art of Getting Rid of Concerns by Mark Manson
The Subtle Art of Relieving Concerns by Mark Manson is a fascinating and surprising book that teaches us a new way to live well. This book does not teach you how to win, but aims to show you how to lose and give up.

Milad Bashiri’s psychic translation has turned the book of delicate art of getting rid of worries into a readable book that answers your questions.

About the book The Fine Art of Getting Rid of Concerns
Mark Manson addresses this issue in his book The Fine Art of Relieving Concerns: This is the hidden truth of life; There is really no such thing as getting rid of worries. Finally you have to worry about something. It is part of our biology to always care about something and therefore have concerns. So the question is, what do we care about?

In his book The Subtle Art of Relieving Concerns, Mark Manson expresses complex concepts in fluent and readable prose. He conveys these concepts to the reader by giving different examples from the real lives of different people. The author also includes his own life in the text of the book, and this makes the reader feel close to the book. Delicate art of liberation from worries narrates and explores concepts such as suffering, pain, worry, death and life in a real and tangible way, and as stated in the text of the book, its motto is one word: “honesty”.

The book The Fine Art of Getting Rid of Worries is a book that teaches you how to draw attention to everything in life except the most important.

To whom do we recommend the book Art of Delicate Relief from Concerns
The book The Delicate Art of Relieving Concerns is for all people who like to consciously choose what to think.

About Mark Manson
Mark Manson was born on March 9, 1984 in Texas. Manson graduated from Boston University. The book The Fine Art of Relieving Concerns was a work that brought fame to its author, Mark Manson. Prior to that, Manson worked for his blog. He currently lives in Manhattan, New York.

Sentences from the book Art of Delicate Relief from Concerns
The real problem is this: our society today, through the wonders of consumerist culture and social media and ostentation, and behold, my life is much more attractive than yours, and … has raised a generation that believes in having negative experiences such as anxiety, fear, guilt, and so on. … It is not good at all. I mean, if you look at your Facebook feed, you see that everyone out there is having a great time. Eight people are married this week, a 16-year-old on TV got a Ferrari car as a birthday present, and another child has pocketed $ 2 billion by inventing a program for toilet paper and automatic renewal if it runs out.

Now you are cleaning your cat’s teeth at home and you think your life is even more disturbing than you thought.

Introducing the book The Fine Art of Getting Rid of Concerns: A New Way to Live Well
Fine Art of Getting Rid of Worries: A New Way to Live Well One of the New York Times bestsellers by Mark Manson is an opportunity to think more about the worries you have in life or made yourself. A way to change and improve life.

Today, the culture of societies is summed up in positive but unrealistic expectations, but if you think for a moment, you will realize that these recommendations are actually focused on what you do not have. In other words, it targets what you consider to be your personal shortcomings and failures, and highlights the same for you.
Mark Manson, in his book The Subtle Art of Not Giving Affection: A New Way to Live Well, asks you to see this work as a guide to how to suffer more easily and meaningfully, and Look at it with more humility. This book does not want to teach you how to gain or gain, but rather to show you how to lose and give up. It teaches you how to make a list of your life and write down everything but the most basic.

Yes, you have to close your eyes and make sure you can leave yourself behind, even if you are going to fail. In other words, Manson intends to teach you to have less worries. According to him, all valuable things in life are obtained by overcoming the bitter experience associated with it. If you try to avoid negative things, you will only get the opposite result. Escape from suffering is itself a kind of suffering.
Admittedly, the hidden truth of life is summed up in this: there is no such thing as relief from anxiety. Anxiety must have something in mind. It is part of our human nature to always care about something and therefore be concerned. So the fundamental question now will be, what should be the concern?

The present book is a remarkable work; Manson conveys complex concepts with fluent and skillful expression, narrating different examples from the real lives of different people. He also brings his life into the bustle of the book, and that makes you feel close to the book.

Perhaps the content of the present work can be summarized in this story: One day in Chicago, a man goes to the emergency room and complains about the loudness of his heart. Doctors do not take it seriously at first and think that the problem is rooted in the person’s mind, but after many tests, they find out that the problem is related to a previous injury. This means that the man’s heartbeat is really loud and there is no cure for this problem. Finally, the experts decide to show the man’s heart to him through sono and say to him: Look, this is your heart, in an endless battle to keep you alive! To help the man reconcile with this voice.
This story is exactly the same as Manson’s performance in this work. Instead of helping you, like the rest of his work, show you the solution to get rid of suffering and problems, he wants to bring you to the final understanding that life is all suffering and is not meant to be anything but.

Some Selected Sentences of Fine Art Getting Rid of Concerns: A New Way to Live Well:
Self-cultivation and success often occur together; But this does not necessarily mean that they are one.
Getting rid of anxiety means facing the scariest and most difficult challenges in life and still keep working.
– Problems never stop; They are just changing or updating.
Self-awareness is like an onion. It has several layers, and the more layers you put aside, the more likely you are to start crying at the wrong time.
– We are responsible for experiences that are not always our fault. This is a part of life.
In a part of the text of fine art, we read about getting rid of worries:
If I could come up with a superhero, I would come up with one called “Disappointing Panda.” He wore ridiculous spectacles and wore a shirt (with a capital T on it) that was too small for his big panda belly. His power was to tell people bitter truths about himself; The truths they need to hear, but are not willing to accept.

This superhero of mine, like a Bible salesman, went from house to house knocking on doors and saying things; Like, “Of course, a lot of income makes you happy; But it does not make your children love you “or” If you ask yourself if you trust your wife or not, then you probably do not trust me “or” What you think of as friendship is just a relentless effort to impress people. ” Then he would say goodbye to the landlord and walk to the next house.
It was extraordinary and annoying and sad and inspiring and necessary. After all, the most important facts in life are often the most unpleasant to hear.

It was a disappointing panda hero that none of us wanted; But we all needed it. It was like vegetables, in the middle of unhealthy foods and full of our mental hustle and bustle. Even though it made us feel worse, it made our lives better. It made us stronger by destroying us, and it made our future brighter by showing darkness. Listening to him was like watching a movie in which the protagonist dies: you will love him; Even though it makes you feel awful, because it speaks to reality.

Introducing the book of delicate art of getting rid of worries
Mark Manson and Moses; In the fine arts, getting rid of worries

If you want to accept everything only with a specific formula and promoted by the majority of society, and instead of being a creator or an initiator, just follow others, we definitely do not recommend going to the book “The Fine Art of Relieving Concerns”. Because this psychological book is for becoming a shepherd and not for being a lamb !!!

Mark Manson, the author of the book, contrasts a new perspective, such as that of the famous shepherd, Rumi’s poetry with that of the more famous and common view of society’s muses. To offer a “new way to live well” in the motivational and lifestyle genres, according to the book’s motto. The book, titled “The Subtle Art of Not Giving a F * ck”, was first published in 2016 by the New York Times.

Although it was previously published intermittently in the same publication. In the first three years, more than three million copies of this self-help book were sold worldwide. And entered the realm of more than twenty-five living languages ​​of the world, including Persian. Along with many translators who have translated the work into Persian, Milad Bashiri has created the best version of the market with his fluent translation for Milkan Publishing, with fifty-three reprints.
In addition to the name we mentioned, this book is also available in the Iranian market with letters such as “Carefree Rendezvous Art”. In 224 pages, Mark Mansen’s fine art deals with changing attitudes in the human lifestyle to achieve a better life. It consists of 9 main chapters and several thematic subsections. Mark Manson, who also has books such as “Love Is Not Enough” and “Things Are Too Bad,” has a long history of blogging. And is one of the most successful entrepreneurs in the United States.

Swimming in the opposite direction
Suppose you are driving on a busy highway. Suddenly you see a strange car moving in the opposite direction of the road. He is none other than Mark Manson! What if the majority of today’s roads, like the semantic schools of the world, were classified into two main factions? And if we can consider perfectionism (idealism / perfectionism) or nihilism (nihilism) above all of them, Mansen chooses “none” or “third option”. And is closer to existentialism and absurdism. In fact, contrary to the thesis of idealists who describe man as flawless and set the standard for the highest level of performance. Or the antithesis of the nihilists who define the world as empty of any meaning and purpose, Manson creates a synthesis.

In many places, like ontologists, he believes that the world is inherently meaningless. But man can make sense of it. And in many places, like the absurd, meaning is conceived. But given man’s innate inability and limitations in understanding the truth, he believes that the world should be accepted and enjoyed as it is.
Manson’s theory for a better life can be summarized in two main points. At the very beginning of the book, he reminds readers that they should not look for a life free of hardships and problems. And also never imagine that by reading this book, they will achieve eternal happiness and success. Because in his view, such a situation does not exist at all in the world around us. The first part of this argument emphasizes the avoidance of idealism. And the second part of Manson’s statement, despite its apparent negativity, is in fundamental contradiction with absurdism.

Lovely problems
Manson bases his unusual view of the world on a few basic principles. He believes that self-cultivation and success often occur together. But this does not necessarily mean that these are synonymous. So we must first face the most frightening and difficult challenges of life by getting rid of annoying worries and wrong mindsets. And despite any problems or inconveniences, just keep going. He described this practice as “going to the Bedouin, sitting in falsehood; And if I do not intend to try as hard as possible “gives superiority to any idea. In my opinion, problems never stop, because they merely change appearance or improve over time.

Manson defines self-awareness as an onion that has several layers. And the more layers we remove from it, the more likely we are to cry and be offended at the wrong time. But since we are responsible for experiences that are not always our own fault, we accept this part of life as well and try to cope with it.
The author considers happiness and joy as a constant effort to solve life’s problems. But in a clear contradiction, he sees the solution of one problem in the construction of the next. And they give the example that when we register at the club to solve our fitness problem, we create a new problem to wake up early in the morning and go to the club!

But we must look at each threat as an opportunity and never stop creating new problems (in appearance). Because blood is washed with blood and problem by problem! And since only the frog is served on the table of life, we should at least enjoy swallowing this food…

To win, lose!
The author considers Charles Bukowski to be a successful example of his ideology in the interpretations given earlier. He considers Bukowski’s final victory in accepting the author’s many previous failures, including alcoholism, adultery, stinginess, hand and foot, discredit, and gambling. And he believes that he spent thirty years of his life in darkness and emptiness, because he knew most of his concerns not in achieving what everyone knew to be success, but in being honest with others and, of course, himself.

With such an allegory, Manson questions today’s culture and its unrealistic positive expectations, calling it unrealistic and delusional. A culture that constantly emphasizes that you need to be happier, healthier, more attractive, more famous, more enviable, and more admirable in order to spend your days doing pre-arranged things!
But what is the problem with such advice? The bottom line is that they all focus on what human beings do not have, defining human beings as backward instead of forward. And they target things that are personal shortcomings and human failures. So, for example, if you are learning the best way to make money, it is because you have accepted that you are now penniless. If you repeat to yourself that you are beautiful, you actually feel that you are not beautiful. And if you do success exercises, you will find yourself as a failed human being!

Manson proposes the inverse law of Alan Watts, which states:
Wanting a positive experience is a negative experience. And accepting negative experiences is positive experiences.

Mansen does not see the reason for calling the law upside down. He considers getting rid of worries as the real principle of success! For example, he believes that the suffering we endure in the gym is a reason for improving our health. And considers pursuing a negative phenomenon as leading to a positive goal.

Sit down and breathe a sigh of relief
Mark Manson sees pain as an integral part of the fabric of life. And he finds the attempt to pull it out with absurd practices not only impossible but also destructive. This kind of view is a coercive view that is closer to Eastern philosophers such as Khayyam and poetry

Arise and eat the sorrow of the world
Sit down and breathe a sigh of relief
In the nature of the world if you were faithful
It was not your turn to come from others
Is reminded…

In fact, the present book is carefree education. But not in a bad way! Manson’s carelessness is not equated with irresponsibility and is defined in the feeling of being free and free from negative worries; Manson himself says on the back cover:

This book does not teach you how to gain or lose, but it does teach you how to lose and give up. It teaches you how to make a list of your life and write down everything but the most important ones. It teaches you to close your eyes and be sure that you can push yourself back, and if you fall, there is no problem. It teaches you to have less worries.
Thus, rejecting this algebra leads to a futile struggle between the circle of hellish feedback, and he says that primary anxiety is a precondition for creating subsequent anxieties and reaching insanity!

You are not special
The main chapter of the book Delicate Art of Relieving Concerns emphasizes a precise delicacy about relieving mental stress! Manson first suggests to his audience, “Do not try.” He then sees happiness (apparent) as a problem and finds it acceptable only in solving problems. So he believes that human beings must accept that they are not special in order to stay away from exceptionalism and not to dismantle everything with exaggerated feelings and to put aside nonsense values!

In his opinion, man is always making choices. Therefore, he believes that the sophistry of responsibility should be avoided. And instead of following the fashion of being a victim, he accepted the tragedies of life and was the architect of his own ideas. And portrayed a committed freedom for himself…

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