The Psychology of Self-Esteem


Title: Psychology of Self-Esteem

Author: Nathaniel Brandon

Translator: Mehdi Qaracheh Daghi

Publisher: First

Subject: Psychology, Leadership

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 304 pages / table

Language: Farsi



Introducing the book The Psychology of Self-Esteem by Nathaniel Brandon
The Psychology of Self-Esteem is a book by Nathaniel Brandon, first published in 1994. This book is an essential work for anyone interested in personal or professional aspects of self-esteem. This work shows why self-esteem plays an essential role in mental health, success, personal satisfaction and positive relationships. Brandon offers six action-oriented exercises for everyday life that give the reader a thorough understanding of the basics of self-esteem. He also discusses the importance of self-esteem in the five areas of workplace, child rearing, education, psychotherapy and culture. The book Psychology of Self-Esteem is a practical and reliable guide for teachers, parents, administrators and therapists who are responsible for the growth and development of self-esteem in other people.

The purpose of this book is to identify and comprehensively examine the most important factors on which self-esteem relies. If we consider self-esteem as the health of the mind, then it should be said that few subjects can be found that are so urgent to study.

The turbulent conditions of our time require that we have a strong kinship with a clear knowledge of our identity, merit, and value. The loss of cultural protection, the lack of valuable role models, the rapid and ever-changing transformation of life, has placed us at a dangerous juncture in history. Unaware of the nature of ourselves, we neither know who we are nor can we trust ourselves. We must create stability in ourselves that we can not find in the world. Living with a lack of self-esteem puts us in a very unfavorable situation. These considerations are part of my motivation for writing this book.

The book is an answer to four basic questions:

What is self-esteem?

Why is self-esteem important?

How can we increase our self-esteem?

What role do others play in building our self-esteem?

Self-esteem is affected by internal and external factors. Internal factors are factors that originate from within or are created by the person himself. Points, beliefs, actions or behaviors. External factors are the same as environmental factors; The messages that are conveyed verbally and non-verbally and the experiences that are sponsored by parents, educators, important people in life, organizers and culture. I have examined self-esteem from within and without; What is the role of the individual in creating self-esteem and what role do others play in it? As far as I know, no such extensive action has been taken to examine self-esteem before.

About the author of the book Psychology of Self-Esteem, Nathaniel Brendan

Nathaniel Brendan is a doctor, professor, practical psychotherapist, and author of 20 books on the psychology of self-esteem, romantic love, and the life and thought of the extroverted philosopher Ain Rand. His work has been translated into 18 languages ​​and has sold over 4 million copies, including titles such as Responsibility, Six Principles of Self-Esteem, and My Years with Ayn Rand. Brendan’s name is synonymous with the philosophy of self-esteem, a field in which he pioneered 30 years ago.

Nathaniel Brandon – one of the pioneers of the self-esteem debate and one of Mero John – has done this three-part division very cleverly.

In the first part of the book, he introduces the concept of self-esteem and the external display of self-esteem. In other words, it answers the questions of what self-esteem is and how a person with high (or low) self-esteem manifests this high self-esteem or lack of self-esteem in their behavior.

The second part of the self-esteem psychology book deals with six pillars of self-esteem. The six pillars that Branding calls the inner sources of self-esteem:

Living Consciously

Self-acceptance = Self-acceptance



Living Purposefully

Personal Integrity

To be internal means that all six pillars (or six sources) are completely at your disposal and no one can enter or occupy them. If we do not live consciously, if we are not responsible, if we are weak in our ability to express ourselves, these all come from within us and we must do something for them ourselves.

We can not ask someone else to make our lives purposeful or increase our self-acceptance.

In the third part of his book, Brandon deals with the role of external factors. Factors such as school, family, culture and work environment that can play a role in fostering (or undermining) our self-esteem.

We should not see the third part in conflict with the second part.

In fact, Brandon explains that part of our self-esteem today (low or high, weak or strong) is shaped by our environmental conditions and our learning from the environment. But on the other hand, if we want to increase our self-esteem today, we can no longer go to family, school and workplace and say, “My self-esteem is low because of your work. “Come and help yourself to increase my self-esteem.”

All six pillars of self-esteem are at our disposal, and if we have not taken them seriously to date, we can take the time to strengthen and nurture them.

Self-esteem is a dimension of personality that empowers people and protects them against social deficiencies, shortcomings, and misconduct. Self-esteem is affected by internal and external factors. Having a healthy self-esteem is a basic need that people are constantly striving to achieve. What’s the role of the individual in building self-esteem and what role others play in it are issues that this book addresses.

The book Psychology of Self-Esteem written by Nathaniel Brandon and translated by Mehdi Gharacheh Daghi. Dr. Nathaniel Brandon is well known for his work on the psychology of self-esteem. In the past, in collaboration with Ayn Rand, he played a prominent role in advancing the Ain Rand philosophical school, namely objectivism. The description on the back of the book states: Self-esteem is affected by internal and external factors. Intrinsic factors are factors that originate from or are created by oneself, one’s point of view, beliefs, actions or behavior. External factors or environmental factors are the messages that are conveyed verbally and non-verbally and the experiences that are the cause and cause of the organizers and culture. I have examined self-esteem from within and without, how much one plays a role in creating self-esteem and what role others play in it. As far as I know, no such extensive measure has been taken to assess self-esteem before. This book was published by the first publication.

This is without a doubt one of the best psychology books you can read. The book does not only cover theoretical topics, and the author has included various sections in the book for practice, and you can get well involved with the book and its topics.

Nathaniel Brendan believes in her book:

This book believes in action. It is possible to achieve self-actualization. Success can be touched. This book is addressed to all men and women who dynamically want to be involved in the destiny of their lives and follow the path of evolution and excellence. This book is also suitable for all psychologists, parents, teachers and all those who are responsible for the culture of organizations. This book is about things that can be done.

This book is about self-esteem issues. And I must mention at the outset that this book is one of the best sources for boosting self-esteem.

Self-esteem is a very important factor in everyone’s life, and Nathaniel Brandon tries to acquaint the audience with self-esteem in this book, and after explaining its importance, he tries to offer the audience strategies to increase it.

Introducing a good book on self-esteem is not difficult. The book Psychology of Self-Esteem has the characteristics of a general and applied psychology book.

This book has seventeen chapters that are organized in three sections.

Nathaniel Brandon, one of the pioneers of the self-esteem debate and one of its promoters, has cleverly done this segmentation.

In the first part of the book, he introduces the concept of self-esteem and the external display of self-esteem. In other words, it answers the questions of what self-esteem is and how a person with high (or low) self-esteem manifests this high self-esteem or lack of self-esteem in their behavior.

The second part of the self-esteem psychology book deals with six pillars of self-esteem. The six pillars that Burning calls the inner sources of self-esteem.

In the third part of his book, Brandon deals with the role of external factors. Factors such as school, family, culture and work environment, which can play a role in cultivating (or undermining) our self-esteem.

Excerpts from the book The Psychology of Self-Esteem

The value of self-esteem is not just that it allows us to feel better, it also gives us the opportunity to live better. It allows us to face the challenges of a better life and take full advantage of opportunities.

The higher our self-esteem, the more obvious, honest and appropriate our communication becomes because we come to the conclusion that we have thoughtful thoughts and therefore we are not afraid of being exposed. The lower our self-esteem, the darker and more obscure our relationship becomes. Because we are not sure of our thoughts and feelings and we are afraid of our listeners’ reaction.

Self-acceptance is a precondition for growth and development. Therefore, if I face the mistake I made, if I accept that it was my fault, I can learn from it and look better in the future. I can not learn from a mistake I do not think I have made.

The purpose of this book is to identify and comprehensively review the most important factors on which self-esteem relies. If we consider self-esteem as the health of the mind, then it should be said that few topics can be found that are so urgent to study. The turbulent conditions of our time demand that we have a strong kinship with a clear knowledge of our identity, merit and value. The loss of cultural protection, the lack of valuable role models, and the rapid and ever-present transformation of our lives have put us at a dangerous juncture in history. Self-esteem is affected by internal and external factors. Internal factors are factors that originate from within or are created by the person himself. Points, beliefs, actions or behaviors. External factors are the same environmental factors, the messages that are conveyed verbally and non-verbally, and the experiences that are the cause and cause of parents, teachers, important people in the life of organizers and culture. There are facts that can not be avoided, one of these facts is the importance of self-esteem. Whatever we do, we can not ignore our growth and excellence. However, self-esteem is a basic need for human beings, knowing and not knowing opens its way inside us.

We are free to understand the dynamism of self-esteem or to remain unaware of it. Trusting in the mind and knowing that everyone is always worthy of happiness. The essence is self-esteem. The strength of this belief and self-confidence lies in the fact that it is more than a judgment or a feeling. It is a motivator, it inspires behavior. But for its part it is directly affected by action. The cause is current on both sides. There is a continuous cycle of feedback between our actions in the world and our self-esteem. Our self-esteem affects our actions and behavior, and the way we act affects our self-esteem. Our self-esteem affects all aspects of our being.

Self-esteem is affected by internal and external factors. Internal factors are factors that originate from within or are created by the person himself; Points, beliefs, actions or behaviors. External factors are the same as environmental factors; The messages that are conveyed verbally and non-verbally and the experiences that are the cause and cause of the father, the teachers, the important people in life, the organizers and the culture. I have examined self-esteem from within and without; What is the role of the individual in building self-esteem and what role others play in it?

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