The perfume collector


Title: Perfume collector

Author: Canlin Tsaro

Translator: Amir Ali Fath Elahi

Publisher: Nik Farjam

Subject: American story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 367 p

Language Farsi



The perfume collector by Kathleen Tsaro is a fascinating historical novel that tells the story of a newlywed named Grace Monroe, who inherited an unexpected inheritance from a stranger.

In her work, Kathleen Tessaro tells the story of the newlywed Grace Monroe, who does not seem to live up to the expectations of any of London’s celebrities of the 1950s. He unexpectedly receives a strange inheritance from a stranger named Madame Eva Dorsey. After this incident, he decides to reveal the identity of his supporter Madame Dorsey.

With her search, Grace finds the story of an extraordinary woman who, after decades in Paris, London, Monte Carlo and New York, inspired one of the greatest perfumers in Paris and was able to immortalize herself with three popular and best-selling perfumes. Dorsey’s life changes a lot within Grace, and she has to choose between the character she has and what others expect of her.
The perfume collector was nominated for Best Historical Novel of 2013 by Goodreads.

In a part of the perfume collector’s book, we read:
The shirt was very expensive. Much more than Grace has ever spent on anything in her life, but which woman turns her back on fate?

Happy and tired, the girls went downstairs, went through the accessories section, through the handbags, and finally on their way out to look for a taxi, to the make-up section.

Grace paused in front of the counter with a row of perfume bottles. One bottle in particular caught his eye. It was round, filled with dark amber liquid and adorned with a golden cap. It was a bottle he was familiar with, but had never really looked at.

Grace stood up and picked it up.

“Oh, I love it,” Mallory said. “It’s my fault … my mother used to hit it.” He stretched out his arm. “Click here to remember the old days …”
Grace sprayed a little on Mallory’s wrist. “It is strong …”

“I know. “Mom always wears it in special situations.” Raise your wrist and smell. “Now that I think about it, I see that it gives me a headache.”

“This is one of Madame Zed perfumes.”

Mallory looked at him and was impressed. “Really?”

There was a picture on it, presented on a gold leaf on glass; An abstract image of a mother with open arms bent over to embrace a child. “Jane Lenvin.” The two bodies formed a single golden arc of love.

About Perfume Collector Book
Grace is a young girl whose opinions and thoughts do not agree with any of those around her. She is a different woman who suddenly inherits from a human being. Grace becomes curious and looks for a sign of the woman and notices her strange life. This book has a fascinating prose that accompanies the reader to the end. The book of perfume collector has been nominated for the best historical novel of 2013 by Goodreads site.

Who do we recommend reading the perfume collector book?
We recommend this book to all those who are interested in foreign novels

Part of a perfume collector book
It was Mallory who was embarrassed, unable to look into his eyes. “A lighter, with a shell on it,” he said under his breath.

Vanessa kindly searched the inside of her bag and held the lighter in her hand with a comfortable and open smile. “One forgets where to get these things!”


He did not have a guilty face and did not pretend to be surprised. If anything, Mallory was someone who regretted taking his time.
It was then that it occurred to Vanessa that she did not even bother to ask who the lighter belonged to.

He did not have to.

Grace was frustrated. Mallory knew he could not do his job well, and it was a shame that he was even impressed by Vanessa’s dignity and courage.

Mallory’s voice was fragile. “What did you want me to say?”

Grace looked out the window. ” I do not know.”

He was unfair to Mallory; Anyway, he had returned the lighter.

Grace put it in her coat pocket, where she often kept it and was available, and had already made a hole in the silk lining.
“I can tell you it was strangely embarrassing. We were at the Royal Horticultural Society’s spring lunch.” It was as if his whereabouts made his efforts seem more heroic. “Please light a cigarette for me, will you?”

Grace turned on two.

For a moment they just smoked.

Mallory turned on the radio, switched from one radio station to another, and turned it off again.

Another part of the text:
The shirt was very expensive. Much more than Grace has ever spent on anything in her life, but which woman turns her back on fate? Happy and tired, the girls went downstairs, went through the accessories section, went through the handbags, and finally on their way out to look for a taxi, to the beauty section. Grace paused in front of the counter with a row of perfume bottles. One bottle in particular caught his eye.

It was round, filled with dark amber liquid and adorned with a golden cap. It was a bottle he was familiar with, but had never really looked at. Grace stood up and picked it up. “Oh, I love it,” Mallory said. “It’s my fault … my mother used to hit it.” He stretched out his arm.
“Click here, to remind you of the old days …” Grace sprayed a little on Mallory’s wrist. “It’s strong …” “I know. “Mom always hit it in certain situations.” Raise your wrist and smell. “Now that I think about it, I see it was causing me a headache.” “This is one of Madame Z’s perfumes.” Mallory looked at him and was impressed. “Really?” There was a picture on it, presented on a gold leaf on glass; An abstract image of a mother with open arms bent over to embrace a child. “Jane Lenvin.” The two bodies of the golden arc formed a single unit of love

About Kathleen Tsaro
Kathleen Tsaro (born June 1, 1965) is an American novelist. Born in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, Tsaro is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and Carnegie Mellon University.

Kathleen Tsaro was born in Pittsburgh and studied drama before moving to London. After ten years working as an actor in films, television and theater, he trained as a drama teacher and voice trainer. During this time, he began to write seriously and produced the first novel, Elegance, which became a bestseller. Kathleen lives in London.

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