The merchant of Venice


Title: The merchant of Venice

Author: William Shakespeare

Translator: Aladdin Pazagardi

Publisher: Scientific and Cultural Publishing Company

Subject: English play

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 187

Language: Farsi

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The merchant of Venice is a comedy-romantic play by the English poet and playwright William Shakespeare, which tells the fascinating and readable story of a Venetian businessman and his conflict with a Jewish usurer.

Introducing the book of The merchant of Venice
The famous author William Shakespeare wrote The Merchant of Venice from 1596 to 1598.

Among the works that have influenced this comedy-romantic play is the Maltese Jew Christopher Marlowe, who is in conflict with the trial and punishment of Lopez, a Jewish doctor who intended to assassinate the Queen.

The book tells the story of a Venetian merchant named Antonio, who borrows money from a Jewish usurer to arrange his friend’s wedding.
The usurer, Shylock, who hates Christians, bets that Antonio must give him a piece of his flesh for each day he owes his debt. Antonio also accepts this condition. But in business, his ships are in trouble and he can not go to the Jewish usurer to repay the loan.

The news reaches Antonio’s friend Basatio and his bride Tare, and they rush to their friend’s aid. But the Jew, because of his hatred of Christians, does not want to take money and, on the condition that he sets out, wants Antonio’s body meat and takes him to court.

In court, the young lawyer asks Shylock to pay three times as much for his loan, but Shylock, who has already been humiliated by Antonio and seeks revenge, is satisfied only with the meat close to the young man’s heart.
So the lawyer asks Kardan for medical treatment so that he can heal Antonio’s wounds, but Shylock opposes and replies that such a thing is not mentioned in the text of the contract. So he picks up the knife and starts cutting, but suddenly something comes to the lawyer’s mind and he says, “You have to cut the meat so that no blood is spilled; “Otherwise, half of the assets will go to the victim.”

Shylock, who now finds himself in a stalemate, agrees to take the same three times as much money from Antonio, but the lawyer does not hesitate: “It is not possible; “Because you have already made that decision.”

In a part of the book of the Venetian merchant we read:
Porcia: [See to yourself] how every suspicion and affliction that had been imprinted on my heart’s, as well as the unjust doubt and depravity of the liver-eater and the unspoken illusion and greed of the one who is said to have Mishifam visions, hastily vanished and set me free. ‌

O love, who instead has filled all these suspicions and evils of my being, calm down and show your roar. Measure your server and keep a module account so that it does not overflow. The end of the swing has robbed me of a little haste that I can not bear to endure such a frenzy.

[Basanio opens the lead insert. ]
Basanio: What have I got? Yes, it is the face of Nazi Porsche … Which goddess has been able to create such an image of reality? Are his eyes wandering? Or is their movement a reflection of the role that has fallen on my eyes?

Also, his half-open lips carry an amber tip; The barrier that separates his lips, this recurring sugar. Look at him like a rope, like a rope in a crusher that has woven and spread so many golden spiders of their spiders so as not to save the hearts of men, and not like flies that catch themselves much more mournfully.

Barry, what can I say from his eyes? I wonder how Rassam looked at them and drew them?
It seems to me that he looked at the first and drew it, and in the background he certainly did not find room for the second, because he was fascinated and left his work unfinished. Again, what can I say that my language is incapable of description and far from being right, just as the quantity of this image is hard to show in the essence of its reality. Look …

Index of the book
Translator Notes
Show characters
First curtain
Scene 1: An alley in Venice
Second scene: Belmont, Porcia Mansion
Scene 3: Near Venice Market
The second curtain
Scene One: Belmont, Porcia Mansion
Scene 2: An alley in Venice
Scene 3: Shylock House
Scene 4: An alley in Venice
Fifth scene: Shylock’s door
Scene 6: The same place
Scene 7: Belmont, Porcia Mansion
Scene 8: An alley in Venice
Scene 9: Belmont, Porcia Mansion
Third curtain
Scene 1: An alley in Venice
Second scene: Belmont, Porcia Mansion
Scene 3: An alley in Venice
Scene 4: Belmont, Porcia Mansion
Scene 5: A garden in Belmont
Fourth curtain
Scene One: Presidency of the Court of Venice
Scene 2: An alley in Venice
Fifth curtain
Scene 1: Belmont, the alley leading to the Porcia Mansion

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