The Legend of Creation


Title: The Legend of Creation

Author: Sadegh Hedayat

Publisher: Forbidden

Subject: Persian short stories

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 23 p

Language: Farsi



Afsaneh Afarinesh is a short play in three scenes by Sadegh Hedayat, a famous Iranian writer, which was published in limited editions by Dr. Hassan Shahid Nouraei in Paris. Undoubtedly, the author intended to criticize the creation and the way of its formation from the point of view of the Semitic religions using the language of humor; The play ends with the earthly love of Adam and Eve.

Sadegh Hedayat (born February 17, 1903 in Tehran – died April 9, 1951 in Paris) was an Iranian writer, novelist, translator, and intellectual. He is known along with the great Alavi and Sadegh Chubak, the fathers of modern Iranian fiction.

Hedayat was one of the pioneers of modern Iranian fiction and an outstanding intellectual. Many scholars have considered his novel The Blind Owl to be the most famous and brilliant work of contemporary Iranian fiction. Although well-known for his writing guidance, he has also translated works by great writers such as Jean-Paul Sartre, Franz Kafka, and Anton Chekhov. The volume of works and articles written about Sadegh Hedayat’s writings, lifestyle, and suicide reflects his profound influence on the Iranian intellectual movement.

I have to say a few lines about the book The Legend of Creation or the Tent of Creation. First of all, this work by Sadegh Hedayat is a short and, of course, full of character play. And it is a marquee or a comedy show and of course black humor. The author is one of the greatest and most professional novelists and novelists in Iran.
But the desire to leave a mark in the field of drama, although other plays such as Parvin Dokhtar Sasan also has. But the subject of this play and the fantasy humor used for taboo characters creates a new work. This work was never published in Iran and what is available is a very rare French edition and the rest is a copy of the original French edition.

Hedayat was one of the pioneers of modern Iranian fiction and one of the prominent Iranian intellectuals. His best work is the novel The Blind Owl, which is considered one of the most famous works of contemporary Iranian fiction. The volume of works and articles written about Sadegh Hedayat’s writings, lifestyle, and suicide reflects his profound influence on the Iranian intellectual movement.

Although he is well known for his writing guidance, he has also translated works by great writers. Sadegh Hedayat committed suicide on April 10, 1961 in Paris. His tomb is located in the Paris Cemetery in Paris.

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