The Feather


Title:  The feather

Author: Charlotte Mary Mattison

Translator: Meymant Dana

Publisher: Behnoud

Subject: English story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 283 p

Language Farsi

Categories: ,


Charlotte Mary Mattison’s the feather work is an impressive story that, while simple, has a strange charisma. The interesting thing about the book is that it has gained more fame and popularity in Iran than in its native land. The Feather is a romance novel with a linear narrative. Roger Dalton, the protagonist of the story, gives his written story to Vivian, Dalton’s old friend, and asks him to publish it.

Vivian reads Dalton’s manuscripts, written in the first person.

And of course, in many places, the story is in dialogue.

The feathered book is a symbol of lightness, softness, purity and instability.
The story proceeds with an exciting theme and all its scenes are full of feelings, tears and sighs and expressing the emotions of the narrator and his beloved and expressing intimate scenes between the two. Dalton has been an insurance expert for about 40 years and lives a quiet, simple and happy life with his wife and child until the case of Madame Cotter’s wife’s death is handed over to him.

Love usually comes to you suddenly and where you least expect it, and Dalton gets caught up in one of those moments.

“Feather” is the story of Roger Dalton’s unusual love for Mavis Cottrell.
Charlotte Mary Mathison repeatedly puts Dalton in decision-making situations, as if to remind Dalton that this is the path she has chosen, and now she has to decide whether she is willing to pay for love again.

Dalton describes the controversial novel very carefully and shares us in his despair, romance and suffering.

In the middle of the book we ask ourselves what is the meaning of our life? Is it anything but love?

The story culminates when Dalton is convinced of the answer to this question

And unique love scenes are created that evoke the feelings of every human being who has experienced love.

Part of the text of the novel feather
His face was young and attractive! Few women considered her ugly!

There was a wave in his eyes that made him a happy man.

He was sentenced by a court to three years in prison with continuous work.

Everyone else in his place looked angry and upset, but he had a calm, smiling face.

He knew that he would be taken to a prison where he would have to spend three years without any hope of meeting.

However, he still considered himself happy.
The trial judges’ attempt to discover the whereabouts of the hideout led to the use of 1,200 pounds, which is not a small amount of money. They could not understand why this amount of money was taken away. He was always quiet and did not answer any of the judges’ questions except when he wished, and it was his constant silence that made all the judges of the court think he was stubborn and stupid.

I had forgotten all about it because it took more than four years for me to discover all the secrets in court that day. I have known Roger Dalton since childhood. I was a classmate of hers. My acquaintance with him started from behind school desks and benches. I do not remember when I was in the class, because of his beautiful voice in the school choir, he was accepted, he went to church with other people every week and sang.

But after that, due to the differences in our thoughts and tastes, we gradually distanced ourselves from each other, and although we were classmates a year or two later, there was no close relationship between us. Roger always liked to be alone and think, but I was the opposite. In the summer I entertained myself with football and coffee and sandwiches, and in the winter I spent time on the tennis court. I do not know why after a few years it lost its heat and warmth so that he himself was surprised and sad…
But this did not diminish his interest in music, especially the violin. It should be noted that he played all the songs with perfect skill on violin, organ and piano. As long as I was with him, I asked him to play the organ. Roger’s economic situation was mediocre. His two older brothers traded like his father. He was not more than thirty-two years old at the start of the war. He was sent to France with the British army, and after the end of the war he returned to London and worked in the insurance office, and now that he was imprisoned, he was not more than forty-one years old. I later heard that he had served as a Turkish colonel. He was considered a distinguished and worthy officer of the army.

I did not have any contact with him after he was imprisoned because I always wondered how Roger had made such a mistake with the qualities I knew about him. Some said that when he was in prison, none of his family members mentioned him, they all considered him dead. Also, after his release, none of them, not even his friends, accepted him. Of course, I was convinced that my old friend Roger Dalton had never done such an offense without a compelling reason.
But with these interpretations, I did not find out anything from him at that time. If I had been Roger, I would never have forgotten that day, because the judge in his black and white dress did not refrain from insulting or humiliating him. But Dalton remained calm and indifferent. Finally, the three-year prison term came to an end…

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