

Title: Shahriarnameh

Author: Osman Mokhtar Ghaznavi

Translator: Dr. Gholam Hossein Bigdeli

Publisher: Ministry of Guidance

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 238

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


Introducing Shahriarnameh book
Shahriyarnameh is one of the heroic poems that has been written in imitation of Ferdowsi’s Shahnameh. Its narrator is an anonymous poet named Mokhtari who probably lived during the Safavid period.

The subject of this poem is the report of the heroism of Shahriar Borzoo in the lands of India, Iran and Mazandaran, which along with the main hero of the story, also refers to the performances of other heroes of the Rostam family. According to some evidences, apparently there are two narrations from Shahriyarnameh: one is the present narration and the other is a longer narration of a poet named Farrokhi about whom we do not know much.

The sage Abu Omar Baha’uddin Uthman ibn Umar Mukhtari of Ghazni is one of the great narrators and epics of the last half of the eleventh century and the first half of the twelfth century AD.
His birth is mentioned between 1065-1077 and his death is between 1118-1154. Mokhtari has been a master in composing lyric poems, odes, quatrains, pieces, compositions and Masnavi; However, he is more inclined to recite poems and Masnavi, and in his literary heritage, his poems and Masnavi are superior to other types of his poetry. Masnavi “Shahriarnameh” and “Honarnameh Yamini”, which together form most of his poems, have been dedicated to national epics and have given speeches.

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