Practicing the power of now


Title: Exercising the force of the present

Author: Eckhart Tull

Translator: Mehrdad Yousefi

Publisher: Nik Farjam

Subject: Spiritual life

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 104

Language: Farsi

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Introducing Practicing the power of now book
Eckhart Trap’s book Exercise for the Present and translated by Fatemeh Mashayekhi has been translated into 15 living languages ​​of the world and has changed many lives. The secret of the success of this book should be considered from the heart and inevitably sit on the heart.

The practice of the present contains exercises to strengthen the present and the life in the moment, and by offering strategies and meditations to get rid of pain, suffering and all the old and negative patterns of behavior, invites the reader to live in the moment and to understand and experience the realm of existence. A realm whose place is deep and infinite peace and contains great vitality, and within it lies the vitality of love.

However, the effects of self-centered mind madness are still ubiquitous; But a new phenomenon is about to take shape. Never before have people been so prepared to shatter the collective mental patterns that have long held mankind captive to suffering.

A new state of consciousness is taking shape. We have suffered enough! This awareness is being born within you even now; The moment you hold this book in your hand and read the lines that indicate the possibility of experiencing a free life; A life in which you no longer impose suffering on yourself or others.
Also, in addition to the exercises, the book Practicing the power of now provides shorter sections of the main book that, while recalling some ideas and concepts, can be used as a basis for incorporating those concepts into the daily routine.

Many sections are suitable for study with reflection. When you have such a study, you are not actually studying for new information. Rather, you want to enter a different level of consciousness as you study. That’s why you can read a section over and over again, and each time that section is still fresh and new.

Only the word that is written or said in the presence has the power to make such a change, and this power is the force that awakens the presence in the reader.
The best way to read these passages is to read them slowly. In many cases, you may want to pause and allow yourself to meditate in peace or quiet. Sometimes you may want to accidentally open the book and read a few lines.

In this book, Eckhart Tolle does not describe the story and mythology, but writes his objective experience in discovering the essence of life in the form of spiritual questions and answers.

In a part of the book Exercise for the Present, we read:
Once you use your mind, and especially when a creative solution is needed, you will oscillate between thought and stillness, between mind and subconscious every few minutes. Consciousness without thought is a state of mindlessness. Only then can creative thinking be possible. Because only then will thought have real power. Thought alone, when no longer connected to a much wider range of consciousness, quickly becomes empty, irrational, and destructive.

Index of the book Practicing the power of now
Part One: Achieving the Present Force
1: Buddhism and enlightenment
2: The origin of fear
3: Log in

About Practicing the power of now
Re-awareness of being and staying in that state of “emotional cognition” is called enlightenment. The word enlightenment evokes a kind of transcendental achievement, and the soul loves it. While enlightenment is the natural state, the feeling of connection with existence, the connection with something infinite and immortal, which, in the end, is a wonderful, personal nature, and at the same time much greater than it is.

Enlightenment is finding one’s true nature beyond letter and form. The inability to sense this connection creates the illusion of separation from oneself and the world around one.
Then, consciously or unconsciously, you see yourself as a single particle, fear emerges, and internal and external contradictions seem normal. The greatest obstacle in the way of experiencing the truth of connection is one of self-knowledge with the mind, which causes thought to become involuntary.

Not being able to stop thinking is a terrible problem, but since almost all of us suffer from it, we do not realize it and consider it a normal state. The incessant noise of the mind prevents us from finding the realm of inner peace that is inseparable from existence. It all forms a “mental illusion self” that casts a shadow of fear and suffering over us.

With a single mind, it creates opaque veils of concepts, labels, images, words, judgments, and definitions that block the way to all true relationships. It is the curtain between you and yourself, your fellow human beings, nature and God.

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