Mr. Author’s cold coffee is an Iranian romance novel with an enigmatic-emotional theme, which has reached its twentieth edition in almost a month, and can be said to be surprising. The novel has been reprinted more than fifty times to date.
About the Mr. Author’s cold coffee book
Before I got to the book, I was fascinated by the public hype about the novel. I thought to myself, what could this book be that is so popular with everyone, that is, an Iranian novel can be so good?
In fact, I do not have a good view of Iranian novels. However, I decided to go to the author’s book Cold Coffee and realized that yes, this book is really a good and different novel. Of course, a good and different novel for people who do not read much. This novel is more popular among young people. Maybe if the end of the book was as good as the rest of the book, I could use words like “very good” to describe it.
In my opinion, the basis of this book’s popularity is based on its short and readable texts throughout the book. When I finished the book, I said to myself, the author must have had a lot of good and philosophical short writings, or for example, he has been writing and collecting these short writings for years and has decided to publish these texts in the form of a story. The book was full of texts that could be immersed in and read over and over again.
What really caught my eye in this book was the protagonist. The protagonist is a writer, and I felt that the author of the book – Roozbeh Moin – in the form of this character is trying to teach others how to write a book, and in fairness also points out good points. (At least for someone who does not know how to write a novel, there are good points in the book.) In general, he wants to say that being a writer and writing a story is not about sitting in a corner and waiting for something extraordinary to inspire you. Writing is a skill that must be achieved with effort.
While reading the book Mr. Author’s cold coffee , I constantly admired the author for what a good book he wrote and how well he plays with the reader’s mind. But when I got to the end of the book, I was quite surprised. The end of the book was unexpected, strange and I can even say disappointing. As far as I can suggest you do not read the last 18 pages of the book!
Another thing about this novel is that there is a tiny riddle at the end of the book that engages the reader’s mind. The answer to this riddle is not something special or important in my opinion, unless the author intends to publish the continuation of this book.
Finally, I suggest you read this novel if you have not read many books or you are just starting to read a book and you are looking for a popular book with a simple and fluent text.

Excerpts from the text of the author’s cold coffee book
Undoubtedly, music is one of the most important and influential arts. When music sits in the soul, you can enter a new arena of discovering the beauties of the art world and just realize that everything in nature has its own song and music, even stories. (Mr. Cold Coffee Book – Page 9)
Falling in love is like listening to the sound of a piano in a crowded cafe. If you want to listen to that beautiful sound, you have to close your eyes and go through the rest of the sounds and not hear them. You were so beautiful that I did not hear any sound because of it. (Cold Coffee Book by Mr. Author – Page 11)
Waiting for the scariest part of loving a girl is the fear that she will not come or that it will come too late, but I think if one day I am interested in a boy, I will try to get him myself, why? The answer is very simple, I love it and I want to be with someone I love, being loved alone is enough for me. (Cold Coffee Book by Mr. Author – Page 23)
More dangerous than people who do not read any books are people who read only a few books. (Cold Coffee Book by Mr. Author – Page 32)
Time passed quickly in the asylum, and although I had only been there for a few days, I was so old for a few years, because living in a place you do not love is always painful and exhausting, every second that passes seems like you miss many hours and The hands carry the pieces of existence with them, and time passed quickly because a brutal conspiracy was being hatched against me outside the sanatorium. I was tall and crazy, I could not do anything. (Cold Coffee Book by Mr. Author – Page 121)
“I know very well that a question should never be repeated to anyone, except when you are sure that the side of the corner is heavy, because otherwise the side is thinking about what kind of fur to deliver, if he wants to tell the truth, that’s definitely the case,” the boss said. “He said first.” (Cold Coffee Book by the author – page 176)
“Everyone may have a song they can’t listen to for a long time,” Maral said. A song that evokes the past for you and you do not want to erase it or throw it away, you leave that corner aside, sometimes the songs are full of memories and are respected. “Like some people, it is true that you may not be able to see and talk to them anymore, but they will not be erased from your life, because they are not forgettable, they always have a safe place in the corner of your heart.” (Mr. Cold Coffee Book – Page 191)
I think God created three things with more taste, woman, art and love, but I wonder how passionately he created you, the woman of the loving artist! (The author’s cold coffee book – page 196)
1- Introducing the book on YouTube
2- Introducing the book in Aparat
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