The Miraculous mind


Title: The Miraculous Mind

Author: Carol S. Duvik

Translator: Mohammad Parsa Khosh Sokht Yazdi

Publisher: Superior Man

Subject: Success aspects of psychology

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 319

Language: Farsi



The Miracle Mind is one of the best books ever written on psychology. This book has been able to attract the most sales to date and attract a large audience.

These days, the best books written in the field of psychology are in the field of career success, and by reading them, you can feel a fundamental change in your life. The selection of these books is based on your goals and you can order and read them according to your needs.

This book will help you a lot if you want to change your mindset about what is happening around your life.
Carol Duke, a renowned professor of psychology at Stanford University, has come up with a pioneering idea as a result of decades of research into achievement and success: “The power of our thinking and attitude” explains why our success owes much to our abilities and talents. It’s not us, but how we treat them is very important. He explains why praising people’s intelligence and ability does not only lead them to success and good achievements, but can also jeopardize it.

Book Name: Miraculous Mind

Introducing the book The Silent Miracle Worker by Seyed Reza Hayat Al-Ghayeb
“Silent Miracle Worker” by “Seyyed Reza Hayat Al-Ghayb” introduces himself to the audience with a bold claim. The cover of this book states that “If you are going to read only one book in your whole life, you should choose this book!”. But you can understand the reason for such a claim by reading this remarkable work by “Seyyed Reza Hayat al-Ghayb”, who really acts as a “silent miracle worker”.

Unlike those books that try to capture the reader in a specific context and lead him to general and specific goals, “The Silent Miracle Worker” has no such purpose and only a new light on the hidden truths in the darkness of ignorance. Shines. Seeing the truths that were right in front of your eyes but you have never seen them, your life will take on a new shape and color.

You may already be familiar with some of these facts, but like any other human being, there are examples that are hidden from your view and you will be thrilled to read them in The Silent Miracle Worker. “Sayyid Reza Hayat al-Ghayb” wrote this work in a way that different audiences, at different levels of consciousness with different opinions, can enjoy reading it and gain new insights.
Inspired by several hundred books and lectures by the world’s top masters, this book is a full-blown self-promotion book that helps readers live freely, have better relationships, and have times of peace on the path to happiness and well-being. And experience love.

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