Introducing the book Like Blood in My Veins by Nader Ebrahimi
Like blood in my veins or Shamlou’s letters to Aida, at first glance, Ahmad Shamlou’s famous name draws us to him; With a matte gold cover and a red ribbon stretched around the book like blood in my veins, with a few lines of inclusion on it, it keeps us where we are. It is as if with the few lines on the red ribbon that is written on the back of the book like blood in my veins, we are captured by Shamloo’s words and with the sadness he eats, we see Shamloo’s hope and despair in the book like blood in my veins and we remember his poem. Which says: “I am the story of despair and hope …”. In the book, like blood in my veins, we drown in the passion of poetry and the sea of words, and we are saved again by the magic of his words …
A little with Ahmad Shamloo, the current poet and author of the book Like Blood in My Veins
Ahmad Shamloo alias A. Bamdad was a writer, poet, translator, researcher, journalist and lexicographer. He founded the form of white poetry or inclusive poetry; His works have been translated into Swedish, Turkish, Kurdish, German, English, French, etc.
Her marriage ended in divorce twice, and she eventually met Ida, who lived with her for the rest of her life. Aida’s influence on Shamloo and her life was such that under the influence of her love for her, after years of not writing poetry, she composed the collections “Aida: Tree, Dagger and Memory” and “Aida in the Mirror”. He also published “The Moment and Always” … Shamloo says about Aida: “Everything I write is for her and for her and at her will … I found with Aida the person I had never found in my life . »
Who’s the idea of a book like blood in my veins?
Aida Sarkisian, known as Aida Shamlou, is the mistress of Ahmad Shamlou, his last and third wife. Aida’s brilliance is clearly seen in Shamloo’s works, and we owe the sweet pleasure we get from reading Shamloo to Aida’s love and affection, which ripples through many of Shamloo’s works and poems. Aida helped Shamloo in compiling and writing the book Alley … In the book Bam Boland, Aida also tells a light of her forty years of life with Shamloo and her character. Aida has a strange, silent and shadowy personality and Shamloo calls her “patient, nurse and believer”.
Let’s flip through the book like blood in my veins
Turning the book like blood in my veins, we come to a list that shows twenty letters, each letter has its own name and date. Letters are fascinating and exciting, and they move us forward in the book. Letters such as: Aida, the hope and the glass of my life .. Aida, the pulses of my heart; My good idea; Do not doubt; Aida, my God and my religion and … Aida Sarkisian, after fifteen years of Shamloo’s death, allowed the publication of these letters and the book Like Blood in My Veins; Shamloo’s letters to Aida were attractive and soulful.
The sweetness of the inclusive words and his art of creating words in the book like blood in my veins enchants the reader and even for a moment you can not put down the book like blood in my veins. The atmosphere of the book, like blood in my veins, shows Shamloo’s thoughts, feelings, inside, mind and heart, and of course, in Shamloo’s bibliographies, he also tells Aida about some of the political and literary issues of the day, which is not without grace … The letters of the book, like blood in my veins, will actually take us to a part of life, including Shamloo, in the forties to fifties …
The feeling of the book is like blood in my veins
The feeling of the book is like blood in my veins or the same letters to Aida, the feeling of love and sweetness and caress. Ahmad Shamloui, who sees all the passion, joy, pleasure and excitement of the world in an idea that has completely captured his heart. At night, if you let go and hold the book like blood in my veins, the pure and unparalleled energy of the inclusive soul will turn the tiredness of your day into joy and vitality.
In this day and age when love has lost its meaning, you read the story of love in the book like blood in my veins, which is both sweet and instructive. Shamloo, who says everything about Aida, reaches Aida again, and Ida, who is silent and does not say anything, so that Shamloo makes her talk with her art. The book, like blood in my veins, not only speaks of the sweetness of love, but also teaches the way of love and makes you think.
You know more about Shamloo in the book Like Blood in My Veins.
In the book Like Blood in My Veins, you get to know Shamloo better and get acquainted with the hidden corners of his mind; You will see the course of Shamloo’s emotional and inner growth after his acquaintance with Aida in the book Like Blood in My Veins, and you will realize Aida’s immense influence on Shamloo’s mood and character.
In a special and strange way, Ida’s love puts Shamloo on the path of evolution and brings words to her mind so that poetry will sprout in her again and again after years; Aida has a tremendous impact on her character and soul, as well as on her poetry and art, which is evident in the margins of the book like blood in my veins. The letters in the book, like blood in my veins, teach us love and life to such an extent that we ourselves are amazed at what we learn in the form of poetry and the passion of the word.
“My work is a complete biography in itself,” Shamloo says of himself. “Poetry is not a perception of life, but life itself.” Therefore, in the book, like blood in my veins, we will see Shamloo himself and the principle of his life … Shamloo, a critic, seeker and concerned, takes such a step towards recognizing Ida that he recognizes and builds himself in her mirror; This is how a real and eternal love is formed that does not fade with marriage … The prose of the book is so smooth and calm like blood in my veins that it sits right in the middle of our heart and amazes us …
The messages in the book are like blood in my veins: inclusive letters to Aida
Every letter in the book, like Blood in My Veins or Shamloo’s Books to Aida, conveys small points and messages to us during Shamloo’s love affair, and clarifies the principles of the relationship for every man and woman. In the first letter of the book, like blood in my veins, you remembered the poem “I see you and my desire grows every time”.
In the book like blood in my veins; Shamloo’s letters to Aida, every time a poem rings in your mind and you are full of enthusiasm. All aspects of Aida’s existence, however small, are sufficient for Shamloo, large and infinite, and she tells stories of her embarrassment in the book Like Blood in My Veins. Aida’s simplest professions are the most exciting for Shamloo.
Shamloo does not see anyone but her when she is there, and when she is not, she does not want anyone but her. The fact that Ida’s happiness is simple is attractive and desirable for Shamloo, and even if she hesitates with her lover during her difficult days, she is ashamed of the dust of sorrow that falls on Aida’s heart; Shamloo wants nothing but Aida’s happiness. It is the purity and clarity of Aida who has solved Shamloo in herself and Shamloo has finally found the true love of her life. The letters he writes are blue on the thirst for love and distance from Aida, and finally the words of the book, like blood in my veins, contain a piece of the heart, in our hands …
When poetry and letters become one in the book, like blood in my veins
When the poem and the letter in the book become like blood in my veins, we become excited, and Shamlou, who praises freedom, reminds Aida of her poem for Aida in Shamlou’s booklet, which says: “Hatred of everything we have. “From everything that surrounds us .. from everything that makes us look after it.”
Shamloo has such a strong belief in the power of love that he is sure that they will not want it, nothing is in front of their feelings and happiness … Shamloo wants to know and discover Aida and expose his soul for Aida and this desire to know and understand Aida that’s beautiful. He even suffers from Aida’s lack of words because he wants to know her more with Aida’s words. In Shamloo’s bibliographies, we read that Shamloo likes her partner to have personal goals and aspirations and is a rebellious and runaway woman.
It is important that we do not forget about our relationship, our purpose and our personal path, and do not tie a rope around our expectations. Aida’s silence includes despair in the soul and removes the poem from her. Aida, words, passion and poetry are included in the heart and brain. If it were not for the book like blood in my veins, there would not have been many of Shamloo’s poems.
From June 27, 1972 to forever in Shamloo’s bibliographies to Aida
Every letter in the book, like blood in my veins, has something new to say to learn about love, relationships and life. The contents of the book, like blood in my veins, are involved with their conflicting emotions; She is passionate about Aida and from her silence, despair .. Shamloo wants to find out from Aida’s words what she is thinking and what she wants more to provide for her. But the idea of the book is like blood in my veins, calm and patient.
Aida also has things to hurt Shamloo and the most important part of this love is that Shamloo worships Aida with all its good and bad and its flaws and goodness. Shamloo sees the little ones with the big and unique Aida and does not look for more. The book, like blood in my veins, shows: Aida is for everything and everything. He is willing to give up everything for Ida; She is full of pride and pride in Ida’s love.
Shamloo turns his back on everything, even wealth, to make his moments with Ida, and this is where the book, like blood in my veins, flips at us. Love is love that persists in storms and trials and the passage of time. Shamloo’s bibliographies change our view of love, relationships, and marriage. Aida and Shamloo love each other because of the principle of their existence and that is enough .. The feeling of love overcomes all their desires and only themselves and their love remain for them. In the book, Shamloo sees love as the way to greatness and perfection, like blood in my veins, and believes: Nothing is small to love.
What does Shamloo achieve with Aida in the book Like Blood in My Veins?
In Shamloo’s books to Aida, Shamloo looks at love from a different perspective than rebellion. In the book, Shamloo wants love like blood in my veins in order to reach the level of humanity and human qualities with it; He wants love to strengthen his abilities, will and faith; With the love he receives from Ida, Shamloo is freed from the captivity of a large, light world. Shamloo takes root, sprouts and blooms in the soil of Aida and under the shelter of Aida.
Aida’s pure and beautiful inside, her modesty and sobriety, apart from her beauties, have captured Shamloo. Inside Ahmed, Aida and inside Aida, Ahmad is disturbed, and this waves like blood in my veins in the book. Shamloo does not sit passively in love and embarrassment, she starts from zero and her hope in love is to help her. Shamloo’s efforts are evident everywhere in Shamloo’s books to Aida, and she fights and moves forward to overcome the difficulties of life. Shamloo and Aida grow together, build themselves, and develop understanding;
They are next to each other, neither burden nor obstacle. In the book, Like Blood in My Veins, Shamloo asks Aida to talk about both her joys and her sufferings, she wants to be with Aida in joy and unhappiness, and she accepts both. Aida and Shamloo In Shamloo’s books to Aida, they show that they believe in each other and in each other’s powers, and that the respect they give each other perpetuates their love life. Nothing and no one can stand between Ahmed and Shamloo or block their love, and this is what today’s loves lack. The loves that blame all the shortcomings on this and that, that they themselves have allowed them to enter the realm of love, and are unaware of it. Shamloo’s books to Aida have many of these warnings.
1- Introducing the book on YouTube
2- Introducing the book in Aparat
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