

Title: Jee

Author: Christian Boben

Translator: Farzin Gazrani

Publisher: Third

Subject: French story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 134 p

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


Geai is a different view of the world and different aspects of social life. A story mixed with subtle humor that is written with a simple prose, free from ambiguity and with creative descriptions.

The concept of love and the kind of view that “Boban” has on love is the main focus of the story. He considers love as the source and reason of life. “Jege”, one of the characters in the story, although he died a long time ago, is alive because of the essence of love, but only lovers can see him.
Seemingly living people, who are just moving corpses, cannot see him. The story is about the life of an exceptional boy named “Alben” who, due to having a different mind and spirit, is considered an abnormal member of human society and is rejected by those around him.
“Jege” is a ghost woman with a magical and healing smile who is her only companion in solitude. Eight-year-old Alben, though mentally special and abnormal, is curious, meticulous, and far-sighted in his view of the universe. He scrutinizes his surroundings with extraordinary knowledge and insight.
Alben’s only distinguishing feature is his childish qualities, which do not change into adult maturity and rationality over time. The free and bold nature of “Albany” is in conflict with the limitations of social law. The dry and domineering laws of the industrial world annoy him with the pressures and endless struggles of modern life. This conflict with the structures of modern society is manifested in a part of the story in which “Jege” introduces an industrial pigsty, which is a symbol of the modern capitalist system, as a symbol of hell, and “Albany” arbitrarily and Undoubtedly, it breaks its locks.
Boban sees daily acceptance and living in the straits of the dry laws and limitations of modern life as a form of collective ignorance, and his goal is to break all these barriers and achieve true freedom in all aspects of human life.
Introducing the book by Christian Boban
Albany is a rural and different boy. A boy who considers life a blessing and enjoys it. An unusual boy with the ghost of his dead friend Jee. . . The story starts from Albany’s childhood and reaches adulthood and the beginning of his life changes …

Two thousand three hundred and forty-two days had passed since his death, and he began to smile. At first, no one saw that smile. What about things that no one sees? grow. Everything that grows grows in the unseen, and over time, takes on more power and more space. So Jeje’s smile, which had been drowned in Lake Sixtus in Iser for two thousand three hundred and forty-two days, began to radiate more and more.

Beautiful parts of the book Geai
It was really worrying if you did not guess something else would start at what ends.

Children and those who vaguely hold the fire of childhood: Geniuses and lunatics have nothing to hear in the churches.

What are you thinking about? Mistresses want to be intimate (and that’s the least), so they want to be smart. But no matter how enlightened they think they are, they wish to hear only one answer to their question and have only one answer in mind: I think of you.

About the author Geai:
Christian Boban is a French writer born on April 24, 1951 in Le Cruzo.

Christian (sometimes spelled “Christian” in Persian) is always very interested in his hometown. After studying philosophy, he worked in various fields: from working in a city library in Otten, a museum in Le Cruzo, and writing a newspaper for a local publication.

He turned to writing in 1977 and has written more than 60 works to date. Childhood, love and loneliness are the means of creating most of his works. Boban’s works are intertwined like chains, each illuminating another image and together forming a picture of the author’s life and thoughts.

For him, simple life experiences – childhood, love, loneliness – are the basis for creating works of love. Boban pays more attention to the sound and tone of speech than to the themes and words; However, his writings are full of ideas. An idea that comes from his love life and his love for life. To write for Boban is to sing sounds.
In Iran, Christian Boben was introduced with the book Praise of Nothing (éloge du rien) in 1373 and the book Another Face (Ľ Autre visage) in 1374 with the translation of Pirooz Siar. But Bobben rose to fame with his book Le Très-Bas, translated by the same translator.

After that, the fever of translating his works intensified in the country, because in a few years, almost half of his works were translated into Persian. Several of his novels even have more than one translator. For example, in addition to the same title, Geai’s novel La Folle Allure has been published under the title Madness.

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