Five books by the poet Shahyar Ghanbari


Title: Five books by the poet Shahyar Ghanbari (five large letters in a fist)

Author: Shahyar Ghanbari

Publisher: Look

Subject: Persian poetry

Age category: Adult

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


Five books by the poet Shahyar Ghanbari (five large letters in a fist) are written by Shahriar Ghanbari. This book has been published by Negah Publications and has been marketed in 1222 pages. Its last edition was related to the year 1396-1398 and can be included in the Iranian poetry section in terms of subject matter.

Five books by the poet; The collection of works of Shahyar Ghanbari (Ghabdar) includes the following books:

The sea in me
Where were you when you first heard “Friday”?

“The Story of Two Fishes” was the story of how old were you?

Which day did you turn the page on “Gray Week”?

How did you get drunk on the “good smell of wheat”?

Letter, breath, migration, childish, always absent,

Curse letter, ban, Bibi Abi and…
Which night did you breathe in private?

I will tell you everything.

Leonard Shahyar
Leonard Shehyar; Cohen according to Shahyar Ghanbari. Undoubtedly, there is a translation of his songs and poems, in addition to the lyrics, dialogues and summaries, my views on him…

You say silence

It is closer to calm

until the

To poetry.

But if the silence

As a gift

I offer it to you

(Because I know silence)

You will say:

– This


is not.


Is another.

And you send my gift back.

Saying to be beautiful
Of the twenty-four wounds of love

Twenty-four times “I love you”

A poem to watch. . .

Twenty-four times

Your big eyes in seconds

Of the twenty-four blue truths

On the screen

From the explosion of memories. . . Landscape fragments

And in the beginning: it was a landscape. . .

Write, clean hours
Preface to the book you have in your hand:

Sohrab Sepehri, the great poet of his wife, says: No curtain is complete. That is, you can go back and add to the effect of something. I have also gone to my poems and songs many times before, to reach a “better” and “more complete” narrative. This book is two books in one book. From Sohrab Sepehri to Houshang Ebtehaj, From Rabindranath Tagore to Bob Dylan “Robert Bresson” to “Salvador Dali” have joined the banquet of this book.

Shahyar Ghanbari 2017

Landless tree
“Landless Tree” is an opportunity for the poet to speak with the most beautiful songs in the pages of the book and to resonate his song in all uncultured cities and passages. Talk about the childish nostalgia that is the colorful dream of its readers.
The secret of the immortality of songs from “Sea in me” to “Landless Tree” is in the choice of words that connect the poet to the historical roots of his land. And indeed, the years away from home have not emptied his words of pain and love.
The journey is not over
When their hands
Fry the apples
Love does not know
Blood knows…

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