

Title: Desert

Author: Jean-Marie Gustave Loclio

Translator: Samira Bayat

Publisher: Rain Rain

Subject: French story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 322 p

Language Farsi

Categories: ,


Desert is a novel by Jean-Marie Gustave Lucelio, first published in 1980. The story of this novel consists of two different narrative lines. The first narrative takes place in the desert and tells the story of a teenage boy named Noor and infamous warriors named Blue Men. The people of the tribe of Noor, driven from their land by the French colonial forces, go to a valley to seek the help of the spiritual leadership known as the Water of the Eyes.

The second narrative line of this novel tells the story of Lala, a descendant of blue men. Although Lala is an orphan living in a slum near a coastal city in Morocco, the blood of her brave and powerful ancestors flows in her veins. She is forced to leave her home to avoid marrying an old and rich man. Lala goes to France and goes through many bittersweet adventures, but she never betrays the blood of her ancestors.

Excerpts from the book Desert (text pleasure)

There is no insect, no bird, nothing like it, yet there are thousands of moving points in the sky, as if there are large flocks of ants, mosquitoes and flies above. They do not fly in the white air, they walk in all directions, with a feverish haste, as if they did not know where they were fleeing. Maybe they are the faces of people who live in the city, in cities so big that you can never leave them, where there are so many cars, so many people that you can never see a face twice.
Sometimes Lala thinks that she is just waiting for the days to come, but when the days come, she realizes that they are not the ones she was waiting for. Waiting, that’s it.
It is a strange land, this city, with all its people, because if you do not show yourself, they will not really pay attention to you.

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