Human is a soul not a body


Title: Man is a soul, not a body

Author: Raouf Obaid

Translator: Kazem Khalkhali

Publisher: Book World

Subject: Psychology

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 2 c, 1291 pages / illustrated / photo

Language Farsi

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Human is a soul not a body  The work of Raouf Obaid is a professor of criminal law at Ayn al-Shams University Law School. Dr. Obaid has authored a number of works, best known for his two-volume book, Man Is a Soul, Not a Body. passed away.

An excerpt from the book Man is the soul, not the body

For a long time, the immortality of the soul among the ancients has been the subject of philosophical and doctrinal debate, and then it has gradually developed and evolved among the scholars of modern sciences and has reached a stage where the method of scientific cognition of the soul has been considered.

This development of the new spiritual science began almost a century and a half ago and continues today. What is certain is that science and philosophy have long been aware of nothing more important than knowing how the soul is. In addition, the relationship between this issue and the present and future of human beings, in order to recognize the factors of happiness, cruelty, is more intense than other sciences.
So, dear reader, who wants to know himself and be aware of the purpose of his life, and to understand the extent of his beliefs about the soul, when he read the contents of this book and realized how much the study of issues related to the soul involves problems and difficulties. Is, he says to himself (I want to increase my knowledge about the soul) because he considers it a great service to himself. Because knowing the contents of this book makes people know the value of those who have served this science.

So I dedicate my dissertation to such a reader. A dissertation that only a sense of responsibility for this issue made me write it. The reader will be more aware of the soul. I have no doubt that this treatise not only increases people’s knowledge of the soul, but also strengthens their sense of self-control. Gain the future, and confidence in their own destiny.

A critique of the book Man is the soul, not the body:
Regarding this book, you should draw your attention to the following points:

1- This book has been able to deal with this important matter (human truth) to some extent and to express things about the human soul and spirit that are in accordance with reality. But it also has its drawbacks, some of which we will point out in the future

2 – The research method in this book is experimental. Somewhere he writes: “These scientists used all the new scientific tools that were very precise and all the methods of logical analysis, induction, inference, and finally they used all the analytical methods of Descartes and other scientists. They came to this conclusion. That the subject of the new psychology is more serious than carrying superstition or illusions.)

The method of experimental sciences, which is inductive, etc., has characteristics that can not be trusted in the occult and transcendental matters. That is, citing scientific (experimental) research in these matters is not very valid. Although some results have been reached in this book, but it is not methodologically valid. The reason is that in order to examine these matters, one must go to reason and rational arguments, not experience.
Islamic philosophers have done a lot of research in this regard. In their works, they have reached conclusions about the soul (soul) with a rational method and a definite argument, and they have presented them in detail in their works. And the description of the system and the four journeys. Also, independent scholars have written works on this subject, such as Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli.

In comparing this book (Man is a soul, not a body) with those works and books of Islamic philosophers about the soul, we come to the conclusion that the contents of this book are primitive and have a lot of hesitation and ambiguity. It is like a human being with weak eyesight announcing his observations in the dark night !!!

Yes, when the way to reach a result in a category is inappropriate, one can not expect the results to be one hundred percent true. This issue is evident in this book. Because although the generalities are correct, in most of the comments in the details, they are wrong.
3- As it was mentioned, some of the contents of this book are incorrect from the Islamic point of view and in some cases contradictory. This can be seen throughout the book, we briefly mention some of these passages that are contrary to Islamic teachings:

A: He writes somewhere: (Death is an easy transfer from this world to another world that is more advanced than this world)
B: (And if we are saddened by the death of them (our lost loved ones), they will be saddened. Because they do not consider themselves dead)
A: (It has been proven that death is a very simple act, like the transition from waking to sleep, and from sleep to waking. Our etheric body replaces our physical body, which carries our intellect.)
D: (Due to the connection with the revealed spirits, sometimes the spirits choose a nickname for themselves. The nickname of this spirit was also (silver tree).) And …
These and other matters mentioned in this book are rejected and incorrect in Islam, both by rational argument and by narrative reason. Therefore, in reading this book, it is necessary to pay attention to these matters.

In general, we recommend this book to those who have dry materialistic thoughts and are alien to the unseen world, like most European and American citizens. To divert their attention to the realities of the universe and to free them from the ignorance and darkness in which they are trapped.

But for Muslim students, in their religion, this issue (the issue of the soul), which has been raised under various titles, can not be of much use. It is as if a graduate student in mathematics is studying third grade math. In the Qur’an (Surah Al-Baqarah 2: 2), the belief in the unseen is a sign for the believers.
(These scientists used all the new scientific tools that were very precise and all the methods of logical analysis, induction, inference, and finally used all the analytical methods of Descartes and other scientists. They came to the conclusion that the subject of the new spiritual science , Is more serious than carrying superstition or illusions.)

For further reading, we can refer to the book Man and Faith of Shahid Motahhari and the book of self-knowledge lessons of Allameh Hassanzadeh Amoli.

Author: Dr. Raouf Obaid, Professor of Law at Ain Al-Shams University, Cairo

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