Descent into the desert


Title: Descent into the Desert

Author: Ali Shariati

Publisher: Chapakhsh

Subject: Creation anthem

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 643 p

Language Farsi

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Descent into the Desert is the title of the ninth book in the 35-volume collection of works by Dr. Shariati, which was first published in two books entitled “Descent” and “Desert”. In the first part of the book, Shariati, Shariati writes the symbolic story of Adam and his descent from heaven, which is in fact his philosophy of history, which is told in the language of symbols and in the second part, he chooses the desert as the symbol of his homeland Iran. , Depicts the issues of that day and the tumultuous history of Iran and says: “Desert, a history that has been shown in the form of geography.” No one made me, God made me, not as “someone wanted” that I had no one, I was God, someone without people.

He was the one who made me, as he wished, neither asked me nor that “I am” anymore. I was an ownerless flower …… .. Now the book of the descent in the desert is offered to you. Perhaps no book, article or lecture دکتر is as effective as the descent to understand Dr. Ali Shariati. The audio book of the descent writes the symbolic story of Adam and his descent from heaven, which is in fact the philosophy of his history, which is told in the language of symbols.
The book of the descent is like a pool full of water that looks shallow when you look at it from above, but when you enter it you may drown, and there were many religious fanatics who, when they read the descent, thought that Ali Shariati was an apostate. This is how his books were thrown out of libraries and burned, and he was insulted.

Hearing the words of this book, the reader finds himself in the light of a mysterious ray that has shone all over his being from an unknown source. The source of this energy is undoubtedly the molten furnace that has been burning day and night in the painful and awake heart of Dr. Zabaneh.

Introducing the book of descent
The Descent of Ali Shariati (1971-1988) is a religious modernist. In one part of the book we read: “Once a strange incident happened. Accident! I had never found myself like that. One day in the crowd, I came across a face I did not know. He did not know me either. We were rejected. He looked back at me. I turned and looked at him. We were rejected. He looked back at me and I paused, but I did not look back.

We were rejected. That was it? What was he doing? Aren’t these the same people who sometimes cling to themselves and talk nonsense and say hello? Why, this is one of those glasses of fruit salt that boils and foams at once and shakes the heart of a person who now goes head, now falls, sneezes on a person’s head and face, and two puffs that you make, sit down and a few moments later you see a glass It was empty and a little bit of dead glazed water, a yellow liquid like pus, cold and boiling and roaring and nothing else! Leave it. He looked back at me; He stood and still looked at me. I realized; I did not face; I was rejected.
he called. I did not listen. yelled. I hit myself that way, which means I can’t hear. It happened. is comming. No, but not. I hurried to go; I had work, a lot of work; Many were waiting for me; They were eagerly waiting for me. I hurried, but failed. He took my skirts and waited. I waited with a world of disgust, annoyance, worry and anger at this annoyance. I have been bothered again recently; I will stop working for a while; Confuses my mind; It upsets me. “God, how can I get rid of this?”

The Descent into the Desert has been published in Arabic in 864 pages in large format and with a magnificent cover, and includes seven scientific catalogs and a special appendix of Dr. Shariati’s complete will, which will be published in Arabic for the first time. It also contains the writings of Dr. Shariati.
Yasir al-Faqih and Maryam Mirzadeh have translated this book into Arabic and Mohammad Hussein Bazi has written in its introduction: I have left two years of my life; As if it were a full life; This is enough for me in the presence of God, and as a legacy, there is the fruit of the descent into the desert for the Arabic singers.

According to him, Shariati in this book depicts the high religious and religious goals in his own way, and now I can say that this book is due to taking points from philosophy, mysticism, history, psychology, sociology, religions and sects. Myths, anecdotes and proverbs, poetry and narratives and even short stories will create a new school in the understanding of religious thought, especially among the Arabic speakers.

On the back cover of this book, excerpts from the speeches of Imam Musa Sadr and Martyr Mostafa Chamran in mourning Shariati can be seen; Among other things, Imam Musa Sadr has written about this: Shariati is one of the leaders of Islamic thought in the world and has very valuable ideas. In his weekly classes, about six thousand students attended Hosseinieh Ershad.
It has been two years since I read the first book of Shariati, what a storm it was in me, the first book I read was “Hussein the Heir of Adam” was a unique metaphor and speeches, with a strong text in it. A modernist view of religion, another look at superstitions that people know nothing about, and a deep look at each of the issues that really motivate people to read the book and be aware of their deep insights into religion. Be.

“Descent” is written by Dr. “Ali Shariati” which is written at the end of the book of 1348. One of the beautiful books is Dr. Ali Shariati with Kavir, which has a very beautiful text full of beautiful and poetic descriptions.

The word “descent” means “landing.” The general story of the book is about how man descended from the paradise he was in. But Shariati looks at this paradise and that tree in a different way, he knows this as good and bad.
The beginning of the book of the descent of the Shari’a deals with human beings who are nothing, human beings who are merely beasts. He calls those people fourfold, people who have only four angles and nothing else in life. The author believes that these people do not care about their political school or religion, if they believe in the resurrection to accompany the nymphs and have rivers in which honey and milk flow, and in the eyes of the author of this paradise, it is a nauseating paradise. There is a commonality in both modern people and people who follow religion, a person who follows a political school wants his dreams in this world, that is, he wants his paradise here, the religious person wants his paradise in the hereafter and after death. He seeks and because their desires do not hinder each other, they never get confused and do not hinder.

But besides them, there are very few people for whom there is a big difference in whether they are members or followers of any political or religious school, because their paradise is not so empty. Such people are responsible, they feel responsible and do everything to do it, while the large group of empty people do not feel any responsibility and do something according to instinct. They rub their snouts on the ground and lubricate their tongues, turning their faces until they reach a position.
Shariati then goes to the religious leader and the political leaders and examines their ideas about man. Heidegger (if I am right) who says that man is a plan and must be and does not exist. Because he does not see being a Shari’a as a problem that many thinkers see as a problem. He goes on to say that Ali was a Shiite and after him no one became a Shiite and Sartre was an existentialist and after him no one really went to this school because they both had one thing in common and that was the good and bad knowledge that is in the story of the descent. . It is very important for human beings to be able to distinguish between good and bad.

Many were Muslims and worked in the governments of Umar and Uthman, but Ali forbade his children to go there because he knew good and bad, or the good and bad knower, inheriting the fruit from which one had eaten. Sartre in many places in the school of existentialism beats the weak, but sometimes leads to the weak.
Nietzsche, who despises being weak, sometimes does the same thing because they know good and bad and have the power to think and reason. However, there are people who, without any knowledge, go to their deaths due to the atmosphere that a speech, poem, film or anything else puts on them, so that their graves are covered with flowers. In contrast, Shariati tells a beautiful story of a poet who disappears watching the moon and then drowns in the water.

Why? Because logically what is sacrificed must be worth less than what is sacrificed tomorrow; Otherwise, to enjoy and stay, destroy yourself so that others can stay and enjoy. He often misjudges and selfishness causes them to sacrifice themselves.

These things made Sartre not follow him like this and make Ali feel lonely and homeless in the crowd that was all Muslim. But what is homelessness and loneliness? In Shariati’s view, homelessness is not about not being with your compatriots or your fellow citizens, but loneliness and homelessness come to you when no one understands the nonsense and no one is of our own gender. For these reasons, Ali Tanha and Marx say that I am not a Marxist.
Shariati goes on to explain the culture for which man entered the earth. It is also self-creation. That is, man uses the power of thought to search for himself as he should be.

Because he believes that this is the essence of man and the trust that he has placed on man. In the past, there were no insiders and they lived as a tribe, especially among the Arabs, because when someone was a murderer, anyone could be killed in a murderous tribe and it did not matter, but now it is very different. He considers the current society as a society that everyone seeks to build.

But this construction has become difficult again, because in today’s society there are subdivisions that one is deceived by their glamor. It makes human beings consumerist, gives them a belief in materialism, and closes their mouths with consumerism. But that does not stop people from feeling anxious. Anxiety that sent Salman from his country to the hot deserts. He freed the Buddha from the shackles of the palace and money and power and hanged Hallaj.
The descent of man is very sweet and bitter, how sweet it is to open our eyes and how difficult it is to be responsible for seeing ugliness and shouting and not screaming. Maybe man has not been in paradise, he has seen all the deserts as paradise because he did not know what paradise is, just as he did not know his ugliness, and after eating that forbidden fruit, that fruit of responsibility, the fruit of understanding and understanding ugliness well They realized themselves and wrapped the grape leaves around themselves so as not to be ashamed of the naked because they had seen what shame is and what ugliness is, and from then on nothing was as beautiful as before because there is no real beauty in this world.

Now, with the same view, people who do not have a taste of that forbidden fruit in their mouths see everything as beautiful and find themselves happy. Not to all the psychology books and nonsense he promotes in books and on television, but to close one’s eyes, be stupid and deny what is, and this is the way to be happy.

In the rest of the book, there are similes and beautiful descriptions of Adam’s creation, and it describes how Adam descended, which is not without merit. But the last paragraph of the book is very beautiful and poetic:
“But today it comes so bright and light! Despair, when it reaches absolute, becomes so clear and soothing. What power and richness it is to suddenly have nothing! Anxiety is all asceticism. There is no pit. The desert is not a mirage, the roads are all deserted, the roads are all dismantled, and what can I say? The existence of a walnut is empty! I have reached the end of all roads.

I’m coming back. Return! I will seek the paradise I left. We wash our hands of that first sin, rebellion .. I conquer all the pavilions of my first heaven from myself! Nature, history, society and self. There, love and God and I will conspire to redesign the world; Let’s start creation again. In this age, God will not be alone. In this world, I will no longer be a stranger. We take this sky from Jan Berr; We unveil the unseen; We bring the kingdom down to earth. A paradise where all trees are forbidden; A world whose hands are designed by our artist … “

Book Overview
The very famous book “Descent in the Desert” is one of the best books by Dr. Ali Shariati, which is the 13th volume of the collection of works by Yar Safar. Descent in the Desert is the title of a book that was first published in two books entitled “Descent” and ” “Desert” have been published.

In the first part of the book, Shariati, Shariati writes the symbolic story of Adam and his descent from heaven, which is in fact his philosophy of history, which is told in the language of symbols and in the second part, he chooses the desert as the symbol of his homeland Iran. , Depicts the issues of that day and the tumultuous history of Iran and says: “Desert, a history that is shown in terms of geography.”

There is no Godou on the way. There is no mirage of deception in this desert. Roads are all deserted, roads are all dismantled and what can I say? You are an empty walnut! I have reached the end of all roads, the hard world is depressing and ruined. what should I do?
The rare book “Descent in the Desert” is one of the most important works of Dr. Ali Shariati.

The book of descent into the desert has two parts. The first part, entitled “Descent”, is a symbolic expression of the story of the descent of Adam and Eve from heaven to earth. This chapter is in fact the philosophy of Shari’a history which has been expressed in the language of symbol and symbol. The second part of the book, entitled “Desert”; In essence, Shariati’s political view is based on the conditions of those days in Iran. He depicts Iran as a desert and tries to express the political suffocation of the time by expressing the characteristics of the desert.

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