Building your network marketing business


Title: The Miracle of Part-Time Work (Start Your Own Business Through Network Marketing)

Author: Jim Ronn

Translator: Ameneh Karimi

Publisher: Sail

Topic: Multilevel Marketing / Business Success

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 88

Language: Farsi

Category: Tag:


Building your network marketing business Work is an example of one of the best-selling books to date. This book is one of the best and most well-known books that Jane Ron has ever written and has been able to be welcomed by many people.

In this book, you will be faced with twelve speeches, each of which will have a great impact on the path and process of your life.
By reading this book, you will be faced with a variety of perspectives. It will surely be interesting for you to read this book as well, because this book narrates all the events of Jim Ronn’s life and all the successes and experiences he has achieved in this way. Audiences who read this book can get the best feedback in their lives by following the example of this author’s experiences.

Jim Ronn is the author of the part-time magic book
Jim Ronn is one of the best and most popular writers who has been able to get the best feedback from his audience to date.

He is one of the most well-known writers who has changed the lives of many people so far. One of the best books to date that has attracted a large audience and sold well is The Miracle of Part-Time Work.

Summary of the chapters of the book The Magic of Part-Time Work by Jim Ronn

Chapter 1
Summary of the first chapter of Jim Ronn’s part-time work magic book:

Traveling the world is a lot of fun, especially for me, a farm boy from Idaho, USA.

I did not have many skills when I realized that I could get paid for my work.

I knew how to milk a cow, but I could not make enough money for it.
When I became acquainted with network marketing, in the field of health and nutrition, where I could start from scratch and reach a peak and start it part-time, it revolutionized my life and changed it forever. My life has never been the same.

The biggest task I feel right now is to share and inform this wonderful opportunity with people all over the world, and then along with that, the philosophy of it, because it makes this opportunity fruitful.

If all the effective methods in the world and the best products in the world are available and you have the best support system, but you do not have a philosophy for your activities in order to do the necessary work, then nothing will happen.

Chapter 2
Summary of the second chapter of Jim Ronn’s part-time magic book:

Better a poor horse than no horse at all

The first principle is to know, “Profiting is better than getting paid.” When I realized this principle, I became rich. Making a profit is better than getting a salary.

No one taught me this principle at school. I went to college for a year and a half and never heard of it. I was 25 years old and without money. I am not poor; I just had no money left. The eighth was the ninth. But finally I heard this principle, it is better to make a profit than to get paid.

Chapter 3
Summary of the third chapter of Jim Ronn’s part-time work miracle book:

The first goal was to start a part-time job. I wanted the profit from my part-time job to be equal to my full-time job. That is, the magic of part-time work. It is very exciting for people to have a full time business because they are now trying to make a fortune.

If you focus seriously on these 10, 12, or 15 hours a week, get things done, and learn some of the skills listed below, you will soon be able to do as much as your main job. Make a part-time job. I achieved this result in less than six months.

Chapter 4
Summary of the fourth chapter of Jim Ronn’s part-time magic book:

The next principle that helped change my life was: events will not determine the course of your life, but your reaction to these issues will determine.

We all seem to ride in our boats somehow, but the wind does not determine the route. It is also important to adjust the sail. So remember this, the best thing to remember and the children should understand it.

Chapter 5
Summary of Chapter Five of Jim Ronn’s Part-Time Work Miracle:
One of the biggest philosophies I have learned in network marketing is the law of proportions. Often, if you do enough, it will pay off. This is a key point. If you talk to ten people, one person will answer in the affirmative. Now the ratio starts, one to ten. Talk to ten people, one will be attracted.
Chapter 6
Summary of Chapter 6 of Jim Ronn’s Part-Time Work Magic:

Planting and harvesting was another law that completely changed my life in network marketing. At the heart of the law of planting and harvesting lies the law of proportions.

Well, pay attention to this narration. A story from the Bible. A very beautiful and useful story. Be careful and take notes.

Chapter 7
Summary of Chapter 7 of Jim Ronn’s Part-Time Work Miracle:

I want to share with you a list of my skills that changed my life forever:

“Creating a new philosophy that I can. “Create the ability in yourself. My experience in network marketing led me to learn new skills. I knew how to milk a cow, but it did not make much money.

Chapter 8
Summary of the eighth chapter of Jim Ronn’s part-time magic book:

Now, you can achieve all that has been said using the next skill called attracting others. I learned it and got rich.

By now I had learned three skills: milking cows, selling and attracting people. The skills I learned that led to big profits are: Organizing. Once you have acquired some skills, combine them to see the result, a miracle happens. Bringing people together to work together is a miracle.

Chapter 9
Summary of Chapter 9 of Jim Ronn’s Part-Time Work Miracle:

In this section you will see what works wonders. Its nature is better than money. Money is less important in this area. What is important is called genius. The best way to awaken your genius is to do what you are currently doing – introducing unique products and gaining customers, attracting distributors, encouraging and promoting, and all of the principles I have outlined.

Naboo means finding another way. If this method does not work, we will choose another way. I personally used my genius and got rich. My genius answered in all these campaigns and work struggles, spring, summer and winter competitions.

Chapter 10
Summary of the tenth chapter of Jim Ronn’s part-time magic book:

Life does not tell you if you need it, then you can harvest. It does not tell you if you need to harvest, then you can harvest. Life does not teach us such a thing. He says if you work, there will be good opportunities that you can reap. You harvest if you work, not that you can harvest if you need to.

Learn to work with those who deserve it, not just those who need it.

Chapter 11
Summary of Chapter 11 of Jim Ronn’s Part-Time Work Miracle:

Cash capital does not matter in your business. Money is not your future buyer. Your skills will build the future. Having money without skills is equal to poverty. Money will not work without ambition, money without courage, then you will fail and go bankrupt.

A little money and a lot of courage is all you need. At that time, I was looking for people and attracting them, and money did not matter to me.
What was important to me was the genius, the desire and the passion for the efforts of the people. If they only had one dollar to invest, it would seem too much to me. One dollar and a lot of motivation and I can show you how you can get rich and this is one of the old stories of this company.

Chapter 12
Summary of Chapter Twelve of Jim Ronn’s book The Miracle of Part-Time Work:

If you have a little money and some motivation, I will show you how to get rich, and even if you do not have money, I will show you how to get rich, because you can sell and buy.

Someone said, “As soon as I get the product, I will sell it.” This shows that you do not understand the meaning of this opportunity. You do not understand the miracle of this luck if you say: I have to wait for the product to reach me and then sell it. You probably do not understand the value of your story.

Part of the book Building your network marketing business
At the age of 25, Jim realized that he had never wanted such a life. Jim Ron was in debt and penniless in those years. It was at this time that Jim Ron married and had children, working hard but making a living.

He was sad and disappointed because he felt that he could not fulfill the promises he had made for a better life with himself and his family. It was here that a friend of Jim Ron invited him to listen to a talk by an entrepreneur named John Earl Schaff.
John Earl Schaff was a motivational speaker and a master salesman, so Jim Ronnah inspired him and wanted him to look like him. For the next five years, Chef trained Ron to apply some simple yet important and key philosophies to his life and to teach others to benefit from them as well.

About The Magic of Part-Time Work: Growing and Succeeding in Network Marketing
The Magic of Part-Time Work: Growing and Succeeding in Network Marketing, a best-selling work by one of the most prominent figures in the business world, Jim Ronn, tries to help you on the path to great business success by providing amazing techniques.

The price of the book does not matter, the price you will pay if you do not read the book is important. This is what Jim Rohn will put on the front page of the book Building Your Network Marketing Business.

Network marketing will be one of the main topics discussed in this book. A topic that Jim Ronn mentions as the magic of part-time work. In recent years, this industry in our country has also made significant progress.

Building your network marketing business
Today, many regulatory rules and regulations have been adopted and implemented to establish a proper and legal business. Of course, this does not mean that the utilitarians are no longer active in this field, but as the people become more aware and the legal framework is provided, it can be said that this industry is now on the right track.

This book contains twelve speeches by Jim Ronn. In a very simple way, he teaches you everything he has learned in his life about network marketing. At the end of the book The Magic of Part-Time Work is a very practical interview with Jim Ronn, which covers a large part of the content of this book and has many interesting and interesting points.

Learn more about Jim Ron:
According to Jim Ronn, he may have been the only child farmer. But this child farmer is known as one of the oldest networkers of today.

With his very simple and practical words, he has had an amazing impact on many world famous networkers, so much so that Eric Ware mentions him as one of the most influential trainers in the field of network marketing.

In a part of the book The Magic of Part-Time Work, we read:
Material capital does not matter at all in your business. This is not the money you want to build your future with. Rather, it is your skill that builds your future. You have money and you do not have skills, so I tell you you are still poor. You have money and you have no ambition, what is your position?

You have money, you do not have the courage, so you are bankrupt. What we want is a little money and a lot of courage. Going back to the past, I remember a time when I was looking for new people and recruiting, and money was not important to me at all.
Instead, what mattered to me was the will of the individual, the initiative of the individual, and the courage to experiment. If they had a dollar to invest, I think it would be too much. If you’s a fortune and a little ambitious, I could show you how to get rich and become one of the top examples of a company.

I would go to someone who said, “I have no money.” I said, “I have been looking for you for six months!

“Let me show you how you can do it without money.” Because there is a law in capitalism and write it down that you can buy and sell or sell and buy under certain conditions, as long as you are ambitious. Now if you do not have ambition we can not cure it, and money can not cure the lack of ambition.
But if you have a dollar and a little ambition, I can show you how to get rich. And if you do not have even a dollar, I can show you how to get rich, because you can buy and sell.

Index of the book Building your network marketing business
Foreword by translators
Speech 1: Finding a Job Opportunity
Speech 2: It is better to make a profit than to get paid
Speech 3: The magic of part-time work
Speech 4: Adjust the sail
Speech 5: The law of averages
Speech 6: The law of planting and harvesting
Speech 7: Develop skills
Speech 8: Let’s work together!
Speech 9: Communication, Introduction, Praise
Speech 10: Deserve for the needy
Speech 11: Your skills shape your future
Speech 12: Live well

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