The book Assert Yourself: A Guide to Intelligent Management by Cal Lemon identifies the characteristics of assertive personalities, compares them with other people in the community, and offers strategies for establishing a relationship based on assertiveness.
Brave and decisive people take a different approach than other people. The book Assert Yourself shows that the first step in communicating about work and social issues is the first step.
In the next stage, decisive relationships without words and how to beautify the appearance of courageous people are of paramount importance.
In this book, in addition to analyzing the types of characters and comparing their performance with decisive and brave people, how to resolve disputes through assertiveness, as well as communication with managers, employees and customers in this way, and in the end teaches you that How can a society, no matter how small or large, be made up of determined and courageous people?
Learn more about Cal Lemon:
Cal LeMon, founder and ambassador of Wealth I. ان. C (Ins) is working in the field of international teamwork training and the importance of counseling.
As a skilled speaker and group business coach, Lemon focuses more on the importance of an organization’s employees, and most of his lectures are based on: People listen to you when they know they are important to you. He gives more than 100 lectures each year, 70% of which focus on employees.
Cal Lemon specializes in leadership development, creativity as a market strategy, organizational restructuring, and organizational dispute resolution.

Assert Yourself in a part of the book, we read:
Let’s face it! Managers have something we do not have, power. You may be scared to see a manager, because he has the power and authority. There is a subtle message to us in the titles engraved on wooden doors or small paintings on large tables, that managers are the designers of the future.
Power, like a match, can be both destructive and constructive. Managers who have thinking and thinking can use their power to grow and succeed employees and empower them. Ninety percent of managers use their position to help people achieve their personal goals.
A decisive personality in any business relationship is not afraid of the power of the manager. Decisiveness and assertiveness increase a person’s authority, because his feelings and thoughts are properly expressed. An employee who expresses himself boldly and decisively can perform his assigned work tasks completely and in the best way.
At the same time, if his feelings and thoughts are expressed in a proper and desirable way at the right time and place, he can no longer prevent them from occurring, or conceal them or deny them. If both the manager and the employee see assertiveness as a positive change, there will be no more danger or threat to either.
Expressing yourself in any relationship with your manager is a positive weight. We review the eight needs of managers below, along with the type of answers and reactions suggested by each interactive person with a bold nature.
Express the table of contents of the book
Chapter One: Decisive Decision
Aggressive person
Passive personality
Decisive person
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Chapter Two: The Stages of Gaining Courage
Acquire your idea
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Chapter Three: Confrontation; The first step in establishing relationships based on assertiveness
Confrontation time
Meeting place
Control your emotions
Practice talking to yourself
Focus on deep breathing
Visualize your positive state of mind at the end of the confrontation session
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Chapter 4: Your Decisive and Non-Verbal Relationships
Body language of aggressive characters
1- Appearance
2- Facial effects
3- Expressive movements
4- Eye contact
5- The tone of the voice
Passive personality body language
1- Appearance
2- Facial effects
3- Expressive movements
4- Eye contact
5- The tone of the voice
Body language of daring characters
1- Appearance
2- Facial effects
3- Expressive movements
4- Eye contact
5- The tone of the voice
Tips for grooming and maintaining the appearance of daring characters
1- Jewelry and ornaments
2- Hair
3- Unconditional positive attention
4- Sitting position with the body bent forward
5- Eye contact
6- How to arrange tables and chairs in meetings
7- Imitating the utterances, movements and words of the other party
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Chapter Five: Resolving Disputes Through Assertiveness
1- Compulsion
2. Smoothing
3. Discussion
4. Compromise
5- Dealing with the disputed problem; Cooperation and mutual acceptance
Confrontation and acceptance: A firm answer to the issue at hand
1- Define the disputed issue based on the type of your demands.
2. Ask the other person about possible solutions.
3- Choose a solution that meets the demands of both parties.
4. Present a practical plan in which both parties have responsibilities.
5. Start a practical plan together.
6- Check the solutions.
Eight principles of resolute confrontation with differences
1- Using short sentences and phrases
2- Talk quietly
3- Calming the sound
4- Using a strong tone
5- Summarizing sentences
6- Using explanations
7- Confirmation of events
8- Controlling the situation
Common stressful situations
1- Timely telephone calls
2- Uninvited guests
3- Ignorant employees
4- “Sacrificing” characters
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Chapter Six: Communicating with Managers Based on Dare to Express
Managers need to be challenged.
Managers need all their employees to be subject to the same rules.
Managers work by the hour.
Managers need short, concise conversations.
Managers need results.
Managers expect you to respect their position and authority.
Managers expect employees to take the initiative.
Managers do not like to be surprised.
Situations that require a decisive response
1- This is not my duty!
2- You are wrong!
3- In relation to my annual performance evaluation …
4- Increasing salaries is my right!
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Chapter 7: A Strong Relationship with Employees and the Dead
Strong relationship with dead people
Protesting character and always complaining
Time bomb (a character who is moody and behaves inappropriately)
Cunning and cunning characters (like foxes)
Unresponsive character (like a silent wall)
Prodigal and lazy character
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Chapter 8: Strong relationship with customers
For-profit customer
Decisive strategy for handling customer complaints
B- Non-profit customer
Frontline customers
Telephone client
1- Identify the real message.
2. Show the options exactly.
3. Use sentences that start with “I”.
D. Unreliable customer
How to deal with angry people
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Chapter 9: Teaching Others How to Communicate Based on Expression
Firing skills
Negative expression
Negative query
Record broken
Broken wheel technique
Formal agreement
Respond decisively to negative behaviors
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1- Introducing the book Assert Yourself on YouTube
2- Introducing the book Assert Yourself in Aparat
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