Introducing the book Ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old by Deepak Chopra
The Endless Mind, the Perpetual Body by Deepak Chopra is a book on quantum and not aging. In this book, the author examines and analyzes the subject of longevity, body and soul, vital force and old age. In 15 chapters, Chopra explains in plain and simple language that the beliefs that man has in his life about aging and ruin are wrong.
The book of the Ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old
“Automated processes play a very important role in our aging because as we age, our ability to coordinate these operations decreases. The life of the subconscious life leads to many disorders, while acting on the level of the conscious mind prevents them from working. “Conscious attention to the function of the body, rather than leaving it to involuntary attention, affects how we age.” These passages from Deepak Chopra’s book The Mind of the Infinite, the Perpetual Body, show us that aging does not mean exhaustion and disability. A person can have a stable mind and body even over time.
About the book Ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old
To understand the contents of the book, it is enough to put aside the preconceived hypotheses in your mind and go on an exciting journey with Chopra. Travel to a place where there are no conventional rules for aging. The book Mindlessness introduces the reader’s enduring body to new dimensions. Dimensions that a new world opens up to. In this book, Choprak presents a new definition of birth, survival and destruction.
An overview of the chapters of the book The Endless Mind, the Enduring Body
Part One: A Land Without Aging
Chapter 1: Exercise: Re-interpreting the body
Part Two: Aging and Awareness
Chapter 2: Learn not to grow old: The relationship between belief and biology
Chapter 3: The Beginning of Awakening
Chapter 4: Practicing the use of the power of consciousness
Part III: Overcoming Aging
Chapter 5: Wrinkles in Quantum Square
Chapter 6: The flow of intelligence, maintaining the balance of life
Chapter 7: Invisible Treatment: Aging, Stress, and Body Rhythms
Chapter 8: Uncertain Wisdom
Part 4: Lasting Life
Chapter 9: Young Centuries: A Lesson to Learn From the Old
Chapter 10: Unlimited Life: The Future of Long Life
Chapter 11: Secrets of Longevity
Chapter 12: The Tail of Life
Part 5: Breaking the spell of death
Chapter 13: Time Metabolism …
Chapter 14: The Spell of Mortality: Overcoming the Illusion of Death.
Chapter 15: Exercise: The Endless Way
Why should one read the book of the infinite mind, the enduring body
The book The Mind of the Endless Body is a new book on the subject of aging. Mehdi Qaracheh Daghi has translated this book into Persian and published it in mind. If you are one of the people who are afraid of aging, this book will be a suitable and ideal choice for you.
The book The Mind of the Endless is a durable body suitable for the adult age group.
The number of pages of the printed version of the book is 440 pages, which by reading it for 20 minutes a day, you can read this book in 20 days.
The Book of the Endless Mind, the Enduring Body, is one of the most voluminous and long books on the subject of vital force. This book is a good choice for people who have more time to study and want to spend more time studying in terms of longevity.
About Deepak Chopra
Deepak Chopra is an Indo-American writer and therapist specializing in traditional and spiritual medicine. Chopra has inspired millions of people around the world with his books and lectures.
Before immigrating to the United States, Chopra studied medicine in India in 1970, and after immigrating to the United States, she worked in the field of mental and physical health. Chopra believes in the scientific relationship between mind and body and has a worldwide reputation for human ability.
Dibak Chopra is the author of popular books such as The Mind of the Infinite, the Perpetual Body, Quantum Healing and the Creation of Abundance, The Elixir, The Reflection of the Shadow, Living in Lasting Happiness, and The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success. Chopra lectures annually in various countries, including the United States, India, Japan and Australia, and illuminates the hearts of millions of readers and fans with his speeches. In his books and lectures, he presents his methods and strategies for readers to have a happier life.
In one part of the book, the mind of the infinite, we read of the permanent body
The strongest creatures seem to live longer. If this is true, the monkey will be a poor candidate for longevity. At birth, we are born helpless and helpless from the mother’s womb. Unlike other animals, the human baby can not stand on its own two feet and walk after its mother as soon as it is born.
As we know, the human baby can not even sit or roll. What we can do at birth – sucking, swallowing, salivating, hiccuping, blinking eyelids, yawning, sneezing, coughing, crying and sleeping – does not help our survival much, except for the first two, sucking and Swallowing that gives us the power to eat. Most animals have a way of protecting “D. ان.آ. » They have: having a shell, feathers and skin; But the skin of the human body is so delicate that it can be easily punctured.
“January. ان.آ. » We are powerless against wind, rain, cold and heat and it suffers from it. Even exposure to the sun can lead to cancer. After many years of evolution, man still can not run fast enough to escape from lions and leopards, and if he decides to survive and fight, his teeth, nails and fists can not withstand the danger of these animals; Therefore, it is not true to say that humans do not live longer than 115 or 120 years longer than other warm-blooded mammals.
At least in our time, a Japanese islander named Shige Shio Isumi (136) reached the age limit. He was born two months after Lincoln’s death in 1865 and died 120 years and 237 days later in 1986. According to Isumi doctors, he was in good physical condition for several months before his death. At the age of 110, he walked every day. In the book of record holders, they have published a picture of Isumi with his white beard, which has been surrounded by several children born after the age of 110.
About the book Ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old:
Aging, a topic that has occupied the minds of countless people for centuries, is now addressed in the valuable book The Ageless Body, Timeless Mind, so you can look at it from the angle that Deepak Chopra wants.
So far, many theories have been put forward to try to show you how to live longer. But the truth is that all beings in the universe follow the same formula.
All of God’s creatures first enter this universe and are annihilated to a certain extent after a lifetime. Do you think there is a way for human beings to achieve their long-held dream? Can we not grow old or postpone it? Yes, this is exactly the problem that Dr. Chopra examines from different perspectives in his book The Mind of Impressions.
In this book, Chopra introduces you to a new definition of birth and puts things in front of your eyes that you have not thought about before. According to him, many of the beliefs you have had about aging for years are thoughts imposed by society. Beliefs that can change all of them and lead a life of infinity. It is enough to forget the past beliefs and replace them with new theories. So, let’s travel together and enter the world that Deepak Chopra believes in. A world in which old age, weakness and death will be incomprehensible.
Learn more about Deepak Chopra:
Deepak Chopra is an Indian writer and physician known worldwide for promoting spiritual medicine. He has published more than forty books, many of which have sold well. He has also written several stories and collections of spiritual poems from India and Iran.
The mind is the endless body of the durable: Who is quantum and not aging properly:
This book is for all people who want to consciously go through all the stages of their lives and end their journey with various awareness-raising exercises.
Selected sentences of the book The Mind of the Endless, the Persistent Body: Quantum and Not Aging:
– We grow old when we stop growing.
– If the belief in eternal life is lost, not only love, but all the guardians of life in the world will be destroyed in an instant.
– I am moving in the infinity of the force of nature; I am the keeper of the fire of the soul; And I am the guardian of life and healing.
In a part of the book The Mind of the Endless, the Persistent Body: Quantum and Not Aging we read:
Although consciousness is programmed in human beings in thousands of different ways, the most convincing of them is what we believe. Belief is something you resort to because you think it is right. But contrary to belief, belief is usually dumb. “This room is too small,” says one who is afraid of closed spaces.
Or “too many people have gathered here.” When you place a person with these characteristics in a small, crowded room, their body reacts spontaneously. Somewhere in his consciousness lies a belief that he shows physical signs of fear without having to think. The adrenaline rush that beats in his heart, the sweating of his hands, the numbness of his breath and dizziness are commanded from a place deeper than the mind of the thinker, and take on an external form.
People with phobias try desperately to overcome their fears with the help of thought, but to no avail. The thoughts of one who is afraid of closed environments, “there is no reason to be afraid,” “small rooms are not dangerous,” “others behave naturally, why can I not get out of this situation?” Confessions are logical, but the body under command is something beyond thought.
Contents of the book Ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old
Part One: The Land Without the Old
Chapter 1: Exercise: Re-interpreting the body
Part Two: Aging and Awareness
Chapter 2: Learn not to age: The Relationship between Belief and Biology
Chapter 3: The Beginning of Awakening
Chapter 4: Exercise: Using the Power of Consciousness
Part 3: Overcoming Aging
Chapter 5: Wrinkles in Quantum Square
Chapter 6: The flow of intelligence, maintaining the balance of life
Chapter 7: Invisible Treatment: Aging, Stress, and Body Rhythms
Chapter 8: Uncertain Wisdom
Part 4: Lasting Life
Chapter 9: Young Centuries: A Lesson to Learn From the Old
Chapter 10: Unlimited Life: The Future of Long Life
Chapter 11: Secrets of Longevity
Chapter 12: The breath of life
Part 5: Breaking the spell of death
Chapter 13: Metabolism of Time
Chapter 14: The Spell of Immortality: Overcoming the Illusion of Death
Chapter 15: Exercise: The Way of the Ends
2- Introducing the book Ageless body, timeless mind : the quantum alternative to growing old in Aparat
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