Women running with wolves


Title: Women who run with wolves

Author: Clarcia Pincola Estes

Translator: Simin Movahed

Publisher: Forbidden

Subject: Forbidden

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 650 p

Language: Farsi

Categories: ,


Introducing the book Women Who Run with Wolves by Clarissa Pincola Estes
The book Women Who Run with Wolves is a book by Clarissa Pincola Estes, first published in 1992. “Inside every woman lives a wild woman. The same powerful force that is full of insight, passion, creativity and timeless knowledge. “The savage woman reflects the instinctive nature of women, which is endangered today.” In this valuable book, Dr. Estes, a follower of Carl Jung and a myth-making storyteller, demonstrates how women can regain their vitality through what she calls “mental archaeological excavations in the ruins.” “Subconsciously leaves the female sex.”
Using myths, fairy tales, and indigenous stories from different cultures, Dr. Estes helps women reconnect their minds to the archetypal physical and mental characteristics of the “wild woman.” In this book, Clarissa Pincola Estes creates a new culture for describing the female psyche. The book Women Who Run with Wolves is a useful and life-giving work, and in the truest sense of the word, it explores the minds of women.

Excerpt from the book Women Who Run with Wolves: “… Whoever approaches a woman is in the presence of two women. An outer being and an inner creature. The outer being lives in the light of day and is easily visible. It is often in line with human tangible culture, but the inner creature often suddenly appears and disappears quickly, leaving behind a strange and wonderful feeling, as if it had a natural wild spirit. One is more stable and lively and the other is more careless and cold.Civilized self is a good being but a little lonely.
A wild self is good in itself, but it is desirable to have a relationship with another. The loss of women’s spiritual and emotional powers is due to the separation of these two natures from each other and to pretending that there is no other … “In this book, the author first tells a story and a myth that most of us have heard. According to those stories and their psychological analysis, he expresses points about the soul of women and how to pay attention to it and listen to what she has to say.

So that women can increase their self-confidence and have faith in their feelings and inner decisions. If you are interested in analytical psychology, if you like the writings of “Carl Gustav Jung” and his method of psychology, be sure to read this book. I recommend reading this book to both ladies and gentlemen.

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