

Title: Drop in the Wind

Author: Jojo Moyes

Translator: Zohreh Gholipour

Publisher: Atisa

Subject: English stories

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 484

Language: Farsi



Introducing the book Windfallen by Jojo Moyes
The book “Leave in the Wind” is centered on women and tells two stories in the past and the future in parallel! The story begins with the life of Lottie, a World War II refugee.

Lottie is taken over by Dr. Holden’s family, and Lottie grows up with Dr. Holden’s daughter, Celia, who was also her age. These two girls like to have new experiences and open the door of a new world for themselves away from their family!

As a London-based traditionalist group settles down near their home, they explore their lives and learn new ways of life. In the meantime, Lottie falls in love and this love changes the lives of a series of people. In the present tense of the story, which is told about fifty years after what was said,

Born on August 4, 1969 in London, England, Jojo Moyes is an English journalist who has been writing romance novels since 2002. He is one of only a handful of authors to have twice won the Romantic Novel of the Year Award by the Romantic Novelists Association, and his work has been translated into eleven different languages.

About the book Windfallen

“Leave in the Wind” by Jojo Moyes (1969) is an English woman writer who has achieved considerable success in the book market with her romance novels. In part of this book we read: My mother once told me that if you peel an apple and peel it off your shoulders, you can discover the identity of the man you are going to marry. He said, “You see, it takes on a piece of skin, literally, or at least sometimes it does.”

Mom wanted to answer everything so desperately that she could not easily get under the load. The skin of the apple looked like 7 or 2 and she listed all kinds of names with B and D wherever she could think of, even if I did not know that name.
But Guy did not need an apple. I knew him from the first moment I saw him; I recognized his face as clearly as I knew my name.

His face was something that kept me away from my family, he fell in love with me. He praised me and he took beautiful little children with me.

His face was something I stared at in silence to repeat the marriage contract, His face was the first thing I saw in the morning and the last thing my night’s sweet breath was.

Did he know these? Of course he knew. He saved me, you know – like knights, in muddy, dirty clothes instead of shining armor, a knight who suddenly appeared from the heart of darkness and led me to the light; Well, that is, from the waiting room of the station.

Release in the Wind is a book by Jojo Moyes, published in 2004. The novel was first published in England as Foreign Fruit and then in the United States as Windfallen.

This novel is the second novel by Jojo Moyes who won the Romance Novel of the Year award for the first time after writing this book. The writing style and the way of telling the story is beautifully repeated in almost all of his books, and this issue not only did not diminish the attractiveness of this author’s works, but also made the author’s fans wait for his new books. Be interested.

Written on the back cover of the book Drop in the Wind:

Anything that is good should be snatched away immediately. If your eye can not see the value of something enough, then you do not deserve it. Daisy stared at the angels, now eagerly wanting them to be his.

“Sometimes destiny has things in our pockets that we do not imagine, just believe enough that good things will happen to us.”

Excerpt from the book Drop in the Wind by Jojo Moyes:

My mother once told me that if you peel an apple and peel it off your shoulder, you can discover the identity of the man you are going to marry. She said, “You see, a piece of skin takes on a literal shape, or at least sometimes it does.” Mom wanted to answer everything so desperately that she could not easily get under the load. The apple skin looked like 7 or 2 and she lined up all sorts of names with B and D from wherever she could think, even if she did not. I recognized.

But Guy did not need an apple. I knew him from the first moment I saw him; I recognized his face as clearly as I knew my name. His face was something that took me away from my family, he fell in love with me, he praised me and he had beautiful little children with me.
His face was something I stared at in silence to repeat the marriage contract, his face was the first thing I saw in the morning and the last thing my night’s sweet breath was…

About Jojo Moyes

Jojo Moyes was born on August 4, 1969 in London. She is an English journalist, and one of the few writers to win the Romance Novel of the Year Award.

Jojo Moyes winning the Foreign Fruit Award in 2004 and the Last Letter from her Beloved in 2011; Her works have been translated into eleven languages.

She is a 47-year-old writer who wrote part-time until he decided in 2002 to write a full-time book.
My novel has been translated before you in at least 28 countries of the world, many people do not like to drop this book at all after reading it; To write the book, Moyes has done a great deal of research into the real life of a paralyzed athlete and patients with disabilities and their nurses.

She continued the book Before You in 2015 and published the book After You.
Works by this author include Refugee Rain, Foreign Fruit, Bridal Ship, Silver Bay
Horse dancing and night music named.

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