Introducing the book The unheard cry for meaning: psychotherapy and humonism by Victor Frankel.
The concept of therapy is the traditional interpretation of psychotherapy. In traditional psychotherapy, the patient is not treated like a human being, a creature who is always in search of meaning, and in fact the search for meaning and its value aspect, which is very obvious in human beings, is not taken seriously. Self-transcendence not only means striving to realize oneself, but also means finding another human being to love.

Victor Emile Frankel (March 26, 1905 – September 2, 1997) was an Austrian psychiatrist and neurologist who invented logotherapy. Frankel was born in Vienna. During high school, he enthusiastically studied the views of philosophers and lectured on general psychology. Frankl became acquainted with psychoanalysis during this period. At the age of 16, he began corresponding with Freud and sent him one of his manuscripts in the field of psychoanalysis, which was published three years later in the International Journal of Psychoanalysis.
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