The spy


Title: Spy

Author: Paolo Coelho

Translator: Samira Bayat

Publisher: Nik Farjam

Subject: Brazilian stories

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 112

Language: Farsi



Spy Paolo Coelho is based on the true story of Mata Hari. Mata Hari is the nickname of a Dutch dancer who breaks many of the taboos of his time by establishing a new style of dance.

Mata Hari’s return to Paris as an oriental dancer marks the beginning of a period of fame for her.

He becomes increasingly famous for his unbridled display of free thoughts, but these ambitions eventually pay off.

This period coincides with the beginning of World War I.

Mata Hari is embroiled in a wave of political events that, despite the fact that one hundred years have passed since his death, remain a mystery.

The Spy Novel takes a look at Mata Hari’s tumultuous life.

Mata Hari; Spy or victim?

In The Spy, Coelho explores the true story of a famous figure in the dance world.

The adventures that took place in Mata Hari’s life are so tumultuous that it is like a story. He is considered one of the 10 most famous spies of the century.

His influential role in Rameshgari and the beginning of a new style of dance alongside important figures such as Isadora Duncan and Ruth St. Dennis bring him closer to the influential men and political figures of the time, but these relationships cost him dearly. .

Since Matahari traveled extensively to carry out the program, the German intelligence service asked him to provide information to the Allies in exchange for money.

Mata Hari was reportedly later asked to spy on Allied forces in World War I.
There are rumors that his espionage activities have resulted in the death of 50,000 soldiers. In 1917, the French shot her.

It has been two decades since the release of all German, Dutch and UK MI5 information files about Mata Hari. This collection of elusive data has cast a shadow over Mata Hari’s real life and character.

According to this information, a sudden bankruptcy in Mata Hari’s childhood leads to the breakup of his family. A series of events, such as the rape of his teacher, cause him to seek refuge at the age of 18 with Bipol and Bix.

When he sees a marriage advertisement in the newspaper, he marries a man older than himself and they travel to Indonesia together.

Mata Hari, an alcoholic and tyrannical wife, always criticized him and filled their lives with despair.

So Mata Hari leaves his wife and joins an Indonesian folk dance center. It was from here that he adopted the name Mata Hari, meaning Sun, and became a highly regarded professional.

Some of this information introduces Mata Hari as a very lying character who has dramatic characteristics.

Although there are hidden angles in Mata Hari’s life that did not go unnoticed as a spy, he was never fully identified as a spy, and the Germans never acknowledged this.

His life is as defensible as it is reprehensible.

Other documents show that he was in fact a double agent and that he was killed in the process. Victim of extinguishing the anger of the people from the many casualties that occurred during the First World War.

It has happened many times in history that by holding dramatic trials among the people, by beheading with guillotines or by executing criminals as a bloody pastime, it is possible to distract people from the war and the people behind the scenes and calm them down.

Mata Hari narrated by Paolo Coelho and cinema

In his book Spy, Paolo Coelho describes a part of Mata Hari’s life in very simple, fluent and attractive language based on this information.

In this book, Coelho distances himself from his usual mystical style and tries to narrate the mysterious life of Mata Hari without biasing or interfering with the facts of his life.

Based on the life of Mata Hari, which has a completely Hollywood color and smell, a film was made in 1931.

In this film, “Greta Garbo” appeared as Mata Hari.

In 2016, a 12-episode series based on the story of Mata Hari was made.

Paulo Coelho; Creator of mystical stories for today
Paulo Coelho (born 1974) is a Brazilian writer who rose to worldwide fame by writing novels with a mystical theme.

As a teenager, Coelho was opposed to the Catholic traditions he espoused in his family.

The riots prompted his family to send him to a psychiatric hospital.

These conflicts had such an impact on his life balance that he decided to travel to Santiago on foot in Spain.

This trip had a profound effect on his life and changed his outlook on the spiritual aspects of life.

The Magician’s Memoirs is a kind of Coelho’s biography itself, based on the experiences of this journey.

Readers’ response to the book took Coelho seriously into the world of writing.

The most famous books of Paolo Coelho
“The Alchemist” is one of Coelho’s most famous works, a story about a young shepherd who, in pursuit of a recurring dream, abandons his daily life in search of a hidden treasure.

The meaning of existence, the acquisition of wisdom and love are the main themes of his books.

Coelho readers find his books inspiring and effective in changing the way we look at spiritual matters.

“I Sit by the Pedira River and Cry” is the first part of the “And on the Seventh Day” trilogy, which is about a week in the life of a young girl whose life undergoes profound changes that she did not expect at all.

“Veronica Decides to Die” is the second part of the “On the Seventh Day” trilogy of novels about fascination and madness, and is influenced by Coelho’s experience of drug addiction and hospitalization in a psychiatric hospital.

The last part of the trilogy “Satan and the Fairy Maiden” is about a philosophical and religious view, good and evil, purity and ugliness in existence and man.

Each book in the trilogy narrates the lives of three different characters over the course of a week.

During this seven-day period, the characters are confronted with realities such as death and non-existence, and human encounter with themselves and their inner qualities.

The books “The Alchemist”, “Breida”, “Memories of a Magician”, “Veronica Decides to Die”, “The Fifth Mountain”, “Eleven Minutes”, “I Sit and Cry by the Pedra River”, “The Devil and Miss Prim”, “Zuhair” , “The Wizard of Portbello”, “The Valkyries”, “Because the River is Flowing” by this author have been published in Persian in Iran.

Coelho writing style
Jorge Luis Borges, the famous and contemporary Argentine writer; William Blake, the eighteenth-century English poet and painter; Georges Amado, the Brazilian novelist and poet; and Henry Miller, the bold American writer;

He is one of the popular writers of Coelho, who has greatly benefited from his thoughts and works in his works.

Along with these writers, Coelho was in a spiritual crisis that caused him to experience various sects. His mysticism is mostly rooted in the spiritual styles of East Asia such as Buddhism, Hinduism and Taoism.

The combination of traditional ideas with modern insights has given Coelho’s works a distinctive feature.

The messages that Coelho conveys to readers through his work are very broad and fall into a wide range of subjects.

We read in a part of the spy book
“Memories always win, and with them comes an evil that is even scarier than melancholy: regret. Regret is my only companion in this cell.

Except when the spiritual sisters come to talk.

They do not talk about God or condemn me for what this society sees and does;

They generally say one or two words and then the memories erupt from my tongue. I dive upside down in this river as if I want to go back to the past.

A nun asked me, “If God gave you another chance, would you live differently?”

I said yes, but the fact is that I do not know. All I know is that my heart is like a ghost town, full of emotions, passion, loneliness, shame, pride, betrayal and sorrow. I am a woman who was born at the wrong time and there is no cure for such pain.

I do not know whether the future will remember me or not; “But if I live in their memory, they will see me not as a victim, but as someone who was scared but bravely went and paid the price.”

In this new work, the author of the best-selling novel The Alchemist, Paolo Coelho, brings to life one of the most mysterious women in history, Mata Hari.
Mata Hari was a pseudonym for Margaret Zelle. She had a strange and adventurous childhood.

Both of his parents died when he was 16, and some raped him.

After reaching adulthood, she married an officer and they moved to another place. While learning Javanese dance and her two children dying of syphilis, she separated from her husband and moved to Paris.

A woman whose only crime was that she was an “independent woman.” When Mata Hari arrived in Paris, she had no money, but within a few months she became one of the city’s most famous women.

As a dancer, she delights her audience; as a prostitute, she seduces the most powerful and famous men in town.
But as the war-torn country becomes paranoid, so has Mata Hari’s lifestyle.

In 1917, he was arrested in his hotel room on the Champs-Elysees and charged with espionage.

The Spy Book is the unforgettable story of a woman who dared to oppose the usual custom and eventually paid the price for this opposition.

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