The prayer of ganj alarsh


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The prayer of ganj alarsh

Let me say this, the prayer of the treasure of the Throne has two properties:
1- It will take you to your desires and give it to you as much as you are anxious and aware.

2- You pray because you have proved your servitude and dependence and belonging and it does not matter to you whether they give or not, they fulfill or not. And you do not even wait for the answer that the truth of worship and servitude is prayer; “Prayer is the root of worship.” [1]

His soul is prayer. Says:

The guardian of your job is to pray, and do not be bound by the fact that you do not hear or hear.

It is in this moaning that you get in touch, and it is the devil’s trick that he does not hear the sound to silence your whisper.

It is narrated that one of the names of the Day of Judgment is the Day of Judgment. Even regret for the believers. On that day, they say that you prayed and it was not answered for some reason. Now for what we did not give you, all this for you. Someone regrets and says I wish none of my prayers were answered. [2]

Do not suffer at all whether it was fulfilled or not; Because the truth of prayer is that I am in need; “Lord, why did He not send you down from the good of the poor?” [3]
Moses fled and is in the streets and deserts of Medina and has no one, he says I need you. This. What is more romantic and beautiful than this?

More importantly, he asked before entitlement and questioning; “Or first with the blessings before the righteousness.” [4]

And in another place, he said: “You are the one who benefits from your sins against you.” [5] He took care of me before I knew I wanted eyes, tongue, and limbs.

Bring thirst and water with everyone. Panic and Anas together. What other suffering?
Now, after I understand and want and insist, will not forgive? While forgiveness does not diminish him; “How can a king lose his property?” [6]

These steps must be strengthened so that until there is no answer, we do not suffer and count these as our own resources.

He is so gentle, knowledgeable and dear that he gives two wages to those who came and did not arrive, one is the wage and the reward of their departure and the other is the wage of their deprivation.
The prayer of the treasure of the throne

Another point is that expectation should be set aside and patience should not be given whenever you want, when you ask him, it means that you have approached his richness, care, kindness and mercy from your weakness and helplessness. So you are no longer the ruler. He is the Lord and the Wise.

According to the narration, Moses’ prayer for Pharaoh, who asked God to drown him, was answered and it was said to Moses: [8]

Forty years after Pharaoh’s prayer was answered, he drowned. [9]

And the last point is that you, who are aware of your weakness and helplessness and turn to him, do not show him the way. Leave it to him and delegate.

It is narrated in the story of Yusuf that he says:

And. .. «فَاسْتَجابَ لَهُ رَبُّهُ». [11]

Prison is better for me, and God answered. After he was imprisoned and captured, he said to a young man who was with him in prison and was saved and served the king:

Remember me before the king, and because of this he remained in prison for several more years; فَلَبِثَ فِي السِّجْنِ بِضْعِ سِينَ ». [13]

If you want to be saved, say God save me. Why do you say that prison is better for me and then you turn to someone else?
As Moses said: “Lord, save me from the people of the oppressors.” [14]

And he said, “Lord, why did you not send down from among the poor the poor?” [15]

It is narrated that one of the scholars was in need of a woman and was trapped. He came to the shrine of Hazrat Amir (AS) and asked him to give him a child and he calculated that if they give a child, they will not give it from the air. They give a woman to a man.

Ironically, he had a good wife from the Arab nobility, and she had a child at the age of six months, and the woman died head over heels. The child stays on the father’s hand, cries and wants milk. The man came to the shrine with the child and said, “I did not know that you do not understand the language of irony.” I wanted a wife, what do I do for a child?

The question is, why did you show the way? And you played and asked sarcastically? Ask him and leave him to be wise and familiar with pain.

The prayer of the treasure of the throne

4- Reza is strongly involved in worship. Expectations and illusions either deprive the principle of prayer and worship or arouse a person in his worship and make him rebellious and incite the beloved.

Where pressure is applied to a jar, it breaks and disintegrates from the weaker point. So if there is pressure and trouble and you leave worship, realize that this is your weakness. How can you not give up your food and clothes when you are caught, but abandon worship? So try to fix this weakness and strengthen it.
5- Practice and graduation are effective in strength in worship. Conversely imposed which is disgusting and tedious. “Continuous less is better than more boring.”

Always have a small and continuous thing between you and your God that this continuous connection saves a person and brings him to fruition.

It is narrated that some people were going to Karbala from Kermanshah when they were attacked by bandits and thieves and the caravan was looted. “I came up a hill and saw black tents,” said one caravan survivor, who had the opportunity and money. An old man was there. I entered him.

He entertained me. I entrusted my trust to him. It was not long before the looting of the caravan ended. I saw that from the hills, thieves came to the same black tents and put the stolen objects inside the tents. It turned out that the old man was the boss of the thieves in the area. I told myself that they looted the caravan, I handed over my property to them.

The thieves gathered in the tents, I saw the weather was back, I walked slowly to at least save my life when the old man called; where are you going? I said let me go. The old man said, “Come and get your loan.” I was surprised. When I took my property, my tongue opened.
I said if you allow me I have a question.

Said say. I asked, “Aren’t you the boss of these?” I brought it with my own hands? The old man said that it is true that we steal, but we are not rebels and we steal because of our poverty and we have made a pact with ourselves not to betray the trust. We have kept this line.

What is important is that man leaves something for himself and has an excuse and does not stand on everything and does not step back and do not close all the doors on himself and does not destroy the bridges.

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