The mistakes of a man


Title: A Man’s Mistakes

Author: U Sosa

Translator: Sonia Singh

Publisher: Majid

Subject: Male-female relationships – Aspects of psychology / American stories

Age category: Adult

Number of pages: 104

Language: Farsi



The mistakes of a man I wrote are Sosa, translated by Sonia Singh and published by Majid Publications.

About a man’s mistakes
“Women are not the only ones who build walls around themselves; “Men just hide these walls better.” A Man’s Mistakes is about men and their role in marriage and relationships. A role that, if not understood, can destroy the sense of happiness, joy and even identity in marriage and cause infidelity, separation and painful experiences during cohabitation.

ام. In this book, Sosa claims that knowing men opens the way to a successful relationship, that men know what they expect from their relationship, what they want, and what they think is right.
Knowledge of men by women also opens the way to a better understanding of their beliefs about love, inclinations and commitment. ام. With her candid and unconventional language, Sosa addresses the hidden angles of men’s characteristics and with her honest, entertaining and enlightening theories, she gives the audience a correct understanding of a successful marriage.

 In this book, Sosa claims that knowing men about themselves paves the way for a successful relationship, that men know what they expect from their relationship with their spouse, what they want, and what they think is their right. Knowledge of men by women also opens the way to a better understanding of their beliefs about love, inclinations and commitment.

ام. Sosa is an American writer. Sosa has spent her time sharing her thoughts with others on various social networks, and this has caused her to find a large audience. In her works and writings, she encourages women to realize their true worth and to put aside harmful behaviors.

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