Short answers to big questions


Title: Short answers to big questions

Author: Stephen Hawking

Translator: Faezeh Ghasemi

Publisher: Atisa

Subject: Science, religion, philosophy / various topics

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 128 pages / illustrated

Language: Farsi

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Introducing the book Short Answers to the Big Questions by Hawking

Questions about what the world is, its beginning and its end are among the most important questions for which human beings have always sought answers. Many scholars have asked Stephen Hawking’s views on the “Big Questions,” and the book The Short Answers to the Big Questions is a collection of answers by the great scientist of our time to these questions, compiled from Hawking’s personal archive and published in book form. This book is also referred to as the last book published by Stephen Hawking.

Hawking is known for his work in cosmology and quantum gravity, especially on black holes. He had amyotrophic lateral sclerosis and was unable to move; He could not sit, he could not get up, he could not walk. He could not even move his arms or legs or bend his body, and he could not even speak.

On the back cover of the book are short answers to the big questions:

How did it all start? Is there another intelligent life in the universe? Can we predict the future? What is inside a black hole? Is time travel possible? Will man survive? Do we have to go to space to live? Will artificial intelligence prevail over us?

A book of short answers to big questions
The book includes a preface, introduction and footnote, but the main topics of the book are in ten chapters. An important chapter before the ten main chapters of the book entitled “Why should we ask big questions?” Come. The table of contents of the book is:

Is there a god?
How did it all start?
Is there another intelligent life in the universe?
Can we predict the future?
What is inside a black hole?
Is time travel possible?
Will our life on earth continue?
Do we have to go to space to live?
Will artificial intelligence affect us?
How can we shape the future?
Stephen Hawking writes at the beginning of the first chapter of the book, “Is There a God?”

Science has increasingly answered questions that were previously in the realm of religion. Religion was an old attempt to answer the questions we all ask: Why are we here, where did we come from? Long ago, the answer was almost the same: the gods made everything right. The world was a horrible place, so everyone believed in supernatural beings in order to survive natural phenomena such as thunder, storms or eclipses. Today, science gives better and more consistent answers, but people are always looking for religion because it gives them peace of mind and they do not trust or understand science.

Centuries thought that people with disabilities like me were victims of the divine curse, well, I may have upset someone up there, but I prefer to think that everything can be explained in another way; By the laws of nature. If you believe in science like me, you will find that certain rules are always followed.

In the following, Stephen Hawking gives a specialized description of scientific theories and laws and research done in this field. Among other things, the result of the energy of the universe is zero, and as a result of this scientific property, a god was not necessary to create the world. He then goes on to explain the research and theories about black holes and states:

In my opinion, the role of time in the beginning of the universe is the ultimate key to eliminating the need for a cloud designer and shows how the universe came into being. When we return to the moment of the Big Bang, the universe gets smaller and smaller until we finally get to a point where the whole universe is so small that it is practically too small and too dense a black hole. There is no time inside today’s boulders, so we can not go back to before the Big Bang because there was no time before the Big Bang.

Parts of the book become a little specialized and may require research and study and Google, but in general, the narration of the book can be understood with a little reflection.

In the final chapters of the book, short answers to Hawking’s great questions address the fact that human life on Earth will not continue under these conditions because the climate of the entire planet is deteriorating and in the future the earth will become the planet Venus and therefore states That man must seek to travel to other planets.

Predicting the future from this scientist’s language at the end of the book is also very impressive and very thought-provoking. But Hawking’s final words are addressed to young people:

Remember to look up at the stars, not at the bottom of your feet. Try to understand what you see, and think about what has made the universe possible. Be curious. No matter how difficult life may seem, there is always something you can do to succeed. The important thing is not to give up, to control your imagination and shape the future.

[Book Introduction: The Book of the Wise Man – The Book of the God-like Man from New Publication]

A book of short answers to big questions

Sentences from the text of the book Short answers to big questions

I am a scientist. A profoundly fascinated scientist in physics and cosmology and the universe and the future of humanity. My parents raised me to be always curious and to research like my father and try to answer the many questions that science asks us. I have spent my life traveling in the universe, in my mind. I have tried to answer some big questions with theoretical physics.

I hope that in the future, even when I am no more, the powerful will be able to show their creativity, courage and leadership. I hope that they will consider the challenges of the Sustainable Development Goals and that their approach will not be in the personal interest but in the collective interest. I understand the value of time very well. Take the opportunity. Do something now.

I agree that this is hard to understand if you are not a mathematician, but it is true. The endless network of billions and billions of galaxies that pull each other by gravity acts like giant repositories. The universe is like a huge battery that stores negative energy. The positive side of things, the matter and energy we see, is like a hill. The corresponding hole in the hill or the negative side of things is wide in space.

Einstein realized something extraordinary: that the two basic things needed to create the universe, matter and energy, are essentially one thing; Like two sides of a coin. The simple meaning of its famous equation, E = mc2, is that matter can be considered a form of energy, and vice versa.

The question of whether or not the universe began was very important to the German philosopher Immanuel Kant. In his view, there are many contradictions in both cases. If the universe had a starting point, why did it wait indefinitely for it to begin?

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