The Meaning of Life


Title: The meaning of life

Author: Alan Dubaten

Translator: Homa Qanad

Publisher: Malikan

Topic: life, philosophy, meaning of life

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 104 p

Language: Farsi



The Meaning of Life by Alan Dubaton examines a wide range of topics, including love, family, nature, etc., and then teaches you how you can give more meaning to your activities.

Few people are ready to search for the meaning of life and have taken such a path. In other words, not all human beings have such ambitions. Meaningful lives are reserved for extraordinary people: saints, artists, scientists, scholars, doctors, socio-political activists, explorers, leaders, etc.

The truth is that the issue of discovering the meaning of life is relevant to all human beings. You all need to research it and be able to describe meaningful life. Nothing unpleasant about this issue should remain unresolved. Structurally meaningful life may be individual, useful, attractive, and familiar. This book is for this purpose.

A meaningful life is close to a happy life, but it differs in important respects. Some of the meaningful components of life are:
Meaningful activities are not necessarily the ones you do most often, but the ones you value the most and miss the most.

– Meaningful life depends on some of your transcendent abilities and uses them; For example, abilities related to affection, caring, communication, self-understanding, empathy, intelligence, and creativity.

– Meaningful life is seen in the long run. Projects, relationships, interests and commitments all grow together. Meaningful activities have an effect on themselves, even if the emotions that led you to them have disappeared.

The goal of a meaningful life is not necessarily to achieve lasting satisfaction. You may have a meaningful life, but you are often in a bad mood; Just as you may have fun all the time, but most of your life is meaningless.
The book Meaning of Life studies a set of choices that show that the meaning of life may be different for everyone. In fact, the topics discussed in this book revolve around eight significant activities: love, family, work, friendship, culture, politics, nature, and philosophy.

Most of these topics are well-known, and this book is not going to offer a whole new meaning to life, but is a reminder of familiar options and explains them. These options should guide you and help you find the one you are looking for.

Adding meaning to life does not require major external actions. In this book, Alain de Botton shows you that your life certainly has many meaningful aspects right now, but you do not properly value, understand, or appreciate them. It’s time to dump her and move on.
The School of Life is a global institution founded by Alain Dubatten to help people who want a more fulfilling life. The school was founded in 2008. The work published in this school will help you to have a better understanding of yourself and improve your relationships, jobs and social life.

In a part of the book, we read :
Some of us feel the strong need to go out and think more than is usually allowed or considered normal. This thinking may seem like the most meaningful thing we can do. After being with others for a long time, we need to be alone with our minds.

The immature experience is all-fragile, impenetrable, all-encompassing, misleading, or exciting, and we regularly discipline it away from distractions. We stay up late, we think in the bathroom, we wake up early in the morning, we put our thoughts on paper, we walk, and we feel light and fresh by holding emotions and magically turning emotions into ideas. We turn to philosophy and implicitly agree with Socrates, who believed that an unanalyzed life was worthless, or at least a torment.

We have to shake ourselves and think; Because we are sad on certain days, but we can not identify the cause of this sadness that roams our minds, right where our conscious mind does not have access. The more we ignore the discomfort, the more it paints everything we deal with. Our experience is no longer tasteful. Dust overshadows our consciousness, or we become confused in a nervous way.
Our thoughts do not rest. We try to calm down by running away from ourselves and taking refuge in the phone and playing games. Our stairs are flying. We bite the hardened skin of our fingers. Our minds know there are things to focus on, but these are escapes of understanding and spread a wave of anxiety among our thoughts. We may feel grumpy, frantic, and suddenly upset.

An overly public or intense search for the meaning of life seems like a weird, mischievous, and hilarious pastime. It is not something that an ordinary mortal can do, or if he does, he can go a long way. Few people are ready to take such a path and find the answer in their lives; We do not all have such ambitions.

Meaningful lives are reserved for extraordinary people: saints, artists, scientists, scholars, physicians, socio-political activists, explorers, leaders, and so on. If we discover the meaning of life, we may find it incomprehensible; It may be written in Latin or in computer code. We think to ourselves that it is not something that directs our activities, or illuminates our path. We always act with a short-sighted view of the meaning of life;
Without acknowledging it ourselves.
However, the truth is that this applies to everyone. We all need to search for it, and describe meaningful lives. There should be nothing unpleasant about this.

Structurally meaningful lives may be individual, useful, engaging, and familiar. This is a handbook for this purpose.
This book deals with a wide range of topics including love, family, friendship, work, self-knowledge and nature in which we can find the meaning of life. We learn why some things make sense and some things do not, and how we can give more meaning to our activities.

The School of Life is a global institution founded in 2008 by Alan Dubaton to help people achieve a more fulfilling life. Publications published in School of Life are a resource that helps us better understand ourselves and improve our relationships, jobs and social life. It also helps us to find peace of mind and to spend our free time better.

The Meaning of Life is a book published by Alan Dubaton (School of Life Company). Homa Qanad translated this work into Persian and released it by Milkan Publications.

About the book
In The Leading Book, Alain Dubaton tries to discover the meaning of life. He believes that we should all step into the search for the meaning of life. A meaningful life is close to a happy life, but it also has fundamental differences. The meaning of each person’s life varies according to their abilities. By studying the book, we find the meaning of life. Meaningful activities are those that we value a lot and miss with more intensity. The topics covered by Alan Dubaton in The Meaning of Life revolve around eight significant activities: love, family, work, friendship, culture, politics, nature, and philosophy. Dubatan hopes that by reading this book, we will realize the meaning of our life and appreciate it more than before.

To whom do we suggest reading the meaning of life?
Like Alain Dubois, we believe that discovering the meaning of life is relevant to all of us humans. We should all seek the meaning of life; Therefore, we recommend reading the book The Meaning of Life to all audiences.

Sentences of the Book
In Plato’s dialogue, in The Treatise 1, Aristophanes, the playwright, states that the source of love is the desire to perfect ourselves by finding our “lost half.” First, in a humorous sense, all human beings are considered to be soft, with two backs and sides, and four arms and four legs, with two faces turning on one head in different directions. These verses were so powerful and so arrogant that Zeus had to divide them into male and female halves, and from that day on each of us longs to rejoin the half from which one day he was separated.

We do not need to believe a literary story to recognize a symbolic truth in it: we fall in love with people who promise to perfect us in some way. Among the joys of the first days of love, we are grateful to find someone who seems to admire our qualities and temperament.
Unlike us, they may be extremely patient with the details of administrative work, or accustomed to disobeying officials. They may be able to keep everything in order and avoid confusion, or they may be particularly depressed and have a sensitive nature and engage with deeper thought and emotional currents.

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