42deep thought on life, the universe and everything


Title: 42 Pure Thoughts (Reflections on Life, the World, and Everything Else)

Author: Mark Vernon

Translator: Pejman Tehranian

Publisher: Neu

Subject: Cosmology

Age category: All ages

Language: Farsi



“42deep thought on life, the universe and everything” by Mark Vernon is a book about being and life, happy life, daily life, social life, work, etc. Mark Vernon, English writer and journalist, and Born in 1966, he studied theology and physics and holds a doctorate in philosophy.

About the author of the book
He has written numerous books on friendship, God, spirituality, religion, and philosophical and moral issues in many newspapers and magazines, including The Guardian. He can also be called a religious scholar.

He is an active participant in radio and television programs and debates, and also teaches at the Eidler Academy in London. Vernon himself mentions this work in the book’s introduction: My source of inspiration is philosophy;

Not a philosophy of rules and ambiguities or issues, but a philosophy that raises the question: “How do I live?” The ancient philosophers also understood this subject.

Their philosophy was a philosophy in search of both meaning and insight, a philosophy inspired by practical challenges as well as rational results, aimed not only at accurate understanding of things but also at individual transformation. They used to be fascinated by short sentences. They believed that even if your real goal was to inflate your sail, wisdom was a radar that could steer you in the right direction.

Socrates said that wisdom is not like water that can be poured into a pan from a bottle. The wisdom of life is evident in one’s habits and choices, desires and reflections.

Thus, 42 pure thought presents a different but ancient approach to the eternal issues of life, which is human happiness and comfort. This book, through analogy and anecdote, uses the question and quote of philosophy in the way of flourishing in life.

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