The present Shahrbanoo book is a valuable work of the contemporary author, Professor Ali Asghar Rahimzadeh Safavid, who has introduced it to the public in the name of “The Story of Shahrbanoo”.
What I considered necessary to mention about this book is first its very authoritative sources, which have historically increased the value of the book, and then the eloquent and smooth pen of the author, who has given a special spirit and sweetness to this part of history through storytelling.
The events of this historical novel are related to the late Sassanid period and the early Arab conquests. In this novel, the author depicts the story of two Iranian princesses. “Azarmidokht” who ruled Iran for a short period and another “Shahrbanoo” the daughter of Yazdgerd III, who was captured by the Arabs and according to numerous and authentic historical narrations, Imam Hussein (AS) chose her as his wife.
In the history of Islam, Shahrbanu has been called “Shah Zanan”, “Shah Ijahan”, “Shahrbanuyeh”, “Jahaneh Banuyeh”, “Fatemeh”, “Maryam”, “Salameh Sandieh” and “Ghazaleh”.
He died in the year 38 AH. From his wife Hussein Ibn Ali (AS), he brought a son named Ali, whom the Shiites call “Zayn al-Abidin” and “Sayyid al-Sajidin” and all the Imams (AS) are from his cross.
The life story of Shahrbanoo, the wife of Imam Hussein (AS), which is discussed in 4 parts in this book, has the following features:
1- It is a historical novel that has been written with a sweet and pleasant prose and the author has tried to use the pure Persian word common in the Sassanid era, but at the same time bring its current common meaning in footnotes.
2- The following authoritative sources have been used in writing this book. A) Geographical documents: Estakhri, Ibn Khordad Beh, Masoudi, Yaqut Hamavi, Ibn Battuta, Travelogue of Naser Khosrow Alavi, Professor Lestrange in the book Lands of the Eastern Caliphate. B) Historical documents: Tabari, Ibn Athir, Masoudi, Noldeke, Fatouh al-Baldan Blazeri, Shahnameh of Ferdowsi, collection of Pahlavi texts, other works by Biruni, Bas Empire by Saint Martin, History of Iranian industry by A. Gayet, trade and navigation In the Indian Ocean by V.william, The Byzantine Empire by Frost.
3- The most important aspect of the story is the description of oppression and corruption ruling the Sassanid court, which was one of the important factors in the victory of the Muslim Arabs over the forces of Yazdgerd III and the tendency of most Iranians to Islam, which is carefully and delicately portrayed in this book.

Index of the book
Speech sequence
Servant of Astan Sepad Akhshij
Amr and Ghobad
People’s Association
Finally work
Marwa and Marghwa
Arab conquests
The story of forests
Iranian Movement
In the Iranian army
Iranian spy
Darfash Kavian
Luck overturned
The story of Shahrbanoo
third part
The story of Shahrbanoo
Golestan Hall
Destruction of Iran
Seven-spell spell
The dawn of Babylon and the king of astonishment
Coronation of Yazdgerd
Coronation ritual
Jirga of the wicked
The first letter of the Indian ambassador to Maharaja Deccan
War on religions with newcomers
The house of the prisoners
You have Emad religion
The second letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
The third letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
Ignore falling in love
Preparations for war
The fourth letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
Two loving princes
The fifth letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
The sixth letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
Letter from General Rostam Iran
Qadisiyah War
At the court
The seventh letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
The last decision
The eighth letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
Arab poet
The ninth letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
Second peace with the Arabs
The bride of the Prophet (PBUH)
Part IV
The bride of the Prophet
The tenth letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
The 11th letter of the Indian ambassador to his king
After many years
In the house of the governor of Ray province
Sources and references
1- Introducing the book on YouTube
2- Introducing the book in Aparat
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