The razors edge


Title: Razor Edge

Author: Somerset Maugham

Translator: Shahrzad Bayat Movahed

Publisher: Mahi

Subject: English story

Age category: Adult

Cover: Paperback

Number of pages: 368 p

Language Farsi

Categories: ,


The razors edge of the story is the young Shurideh, disillusioned with the First World War, who turns his back on his fortune and steps into a mystical behavior to find answers to his questions.
Somerset Maugham, the famous British writer, takes the reader by the hand and takes him to thirty-year-old Europe, to the wet and rainy streets of London, to the crowded cafes and fog of Paris smoke, and in the form of a charming and beautiful story, tells the life of its heroes. .
“This book is undoubtedly one of the most readable and fascinating works of English literature of the twentieth century.”

Perhaps the first thing to note when reading this book is that the narrator of this novel is the author himself, Somerset Maugham. He is the one who accompanies the reader through the ups and downs of the story, and with his powerful pen and sincere narration, he inspires the audience to enjoy reading a pleasant novel.
After explaining his way of telling the story, Moam first takes the reader to Chicago and introduces him to his aristocratic and wealthy friend, Elliott Templeton. In this part of the book, the author delicately introduces the reader to Elliott’s life situation, his extensive relationships with elders and aristocrats, his numerous parties, and, most importantly, Elliott’s behavioral characteristics.

The next turning point in the story is where the author introduces the reader to Elliott’s sister and her niece Isabel. Isabel – one of the main characters of the story – is a young and beautiful girl who is going to marry his mistress, Larry – the main character of the story – in the not too distant future.

Larry is a 20-year-old who has just returned from World War I and the events of the war have changed his situation. In addition to being harmed twice in the war, he has also suffered emotional frustration and change, and is now unable to show interest in ordinary life in the United States.
Larry refuses job offers because he wants to find the right answer to his basic questions about what and why life, he likes to study, travel and deal with phenomena, ideas and thoughts. And get acquainted with different worldviews in life so that he may be able to understand the main path, purpose and meaning of his life.

On the other hand, since it is not possible to start a life together without Larry having a job, even when everyone expects him to be able to meet all of Isabel’s needs and provide her with a dream life, it is Larry who He has to decide which way to choose from this difficult dilemma…

Larry’s choice and decision to move on is the beginning of a vibrant, compelling, and unexpected narrative, beautifully written by Somerset Maugham.

About the book “razor Edge”
The novel “razor Edge” can be considered more than just a novel. In the context of the individual lives of the characters in the story, the author has pointed out issues that are necessary for every human being to study and address. An adventurous story full of pure experiences in which many questions about the existence of God, what and the meaning of life and in general all the important topics about life, in the end, fascination, simplicity and charm are addressed.

Another noteworthy point about this book is that the author, in addition to a complete and pleasant narration of the main character of the story, finally delicates and punctuates the lives of other characters in the story and in response to these fundamental questions, they Is also challenging.

Excerpts from the text of the book “razor Edge”
“The character of men and women is not limited to themselves; The land where they were born, the village apartment or cottage where they learned to walk, the legends they heard, the food they ate, the school they went to, their favorite sports, the poets who read their poems, and the god they worshiped. “They have faith, everyone and everything has made their character.” (Blade Edge Novel – Page 9)

“Sometimes a small event has an effect hundreds of times larger than the size of the event.” (Blade Edge Novel – page 63)

“I talked to him about it when I was in Chicago. He said the document does not hurt at all. I think Larry knew what he wanted and felt he could not find it in college. You know, some people are monotonous in their learning. There are those who move in the direction of others. “I think Larry is one of those people who can only go his own way.” (Blade Edge Novel – Page 107)
“I think someone who lies, cheats and is unkind is bad.” (Blade Edge Novel – Page 241)

“Life as a whole is hell, but if one does not enjoy it as much as one can, it is very foolish.” (Blade Edge Novel – page 262)

“Anyway, it never mattered to me that people thought I was a little stupid.” (Razor Edge Novel – Page 294)

“I kept asking myself, ‘What is the purpose of life?’ My own survival was a kind of happiness. I wanted to make a living out of my life, but I did not know what to make of it. I had never thought much about the existence of God. But now I was thinking about him. I did not understand why there is evil in the world. I knew I was very ignorant. I did not have anyone to learn from and I really wanted to learn. That was when I started reading. “I read as much as I could.” (Razor Edge Novel-page 296)

“He believed that what is done independently of self-interest refines the mind, and that the tasks we are given are opportunities given to man to forget his individual self and to become one with the world itself.” (Razor Edge Novel-page 321)
“Nothing in the world is stable, and if we expect otherwise, we are fools. “But if we are not happy with the short time we have, we will be stupid.” (Blade Edge Novel-page 325)

“I think wisdom is the balance between the desires of body and soul.” (Razor Edge Novel-page 328)

The doctor who became rich through writing; William Somerset Maugham. He left medicine and chose writing. He wrote twenty novels, twenty-five plays and dozens of short stories. Of course, during his 91 years of life. However, only a few of his novels survived in history; Including the influential razor-edged novel.

The razor Edge is the story of a young pilot named Larry, who seeks the meaning of life during and after World War II. He turns his back on his life to discover his questions and steps on a mystical behavior.
The rwzor Edge is narrated by the author: I have never started a novel with so much fear. If I call this book a novel, it’s because I do not know another name for it. I do not have much to tell and my work is not the end of death or marriage.

The razor Edge is a storytelling and engaging novel that is the result of the author’s experiences in traveling around the world, which has led to his extensive knowledge of life.

Twice adapted from the book Edge of the Blade; First time in 1946 Edmund Goulding and second time John Byrum in 1984

Mowam felt very bad at the end of his life, because he had come to the conclusion that he had always remained at a secondary level. But his storytelling skills in writing short stories led him to a high and well-known position. The prestigious Somerset Maugham Literary Prize bears witness to this claim.
Mawm takes the singer by the hand and takes him to thirty-year-old Europe, to the wet and rainy streets of London, to the crowded cafes covered in smoke from Paris, and in the form of a charming and beautiful story, to tell the story of the lives of its heroes. This book is undoubtedly one of the most readable and fascinating works of English literature of the twentieth century.

Sentences from the book razor Edge
Every human being is a combination of a part that opens its eyes to the world, a town house or a country cottage where it has learned to walk, games that it has played as a child, legends that it has heard from others, food that it has eaten, school that it has attended, sports that it pursues. The poets whose poetry he recited and the God in whom he believed.

These all go hand in hand to make him what he is, and these are not things that man can understand by hearing, being and its quality. We can understand these only when we have seen and become part of the experience of life, and because we can only know the people of other countries who are strangers to us, we can not make them alive in the pages of the book. (Blade Edge Novel – Page 5)
I ask myself: Wouldn’t it be better for me to go the way others have gone and let everything that comes to me come? And then I remembered the cove that was full of life an hour ago and is now dead. How cruel and meaningless! The helpless man asks himself: What is this life? What does it mean? Is it really meant or is it just the result of a blind mistake of destiny? (Blade Edge Novel – Page 61)

I am young and I want to enjoy my life. I want to do all the things that others do. I want to go to parties, to dance parties, to play golf, to ride horses. I want to wear beautiful clothes. Can you not understand how embarrassing it is when a young girl is worse off than her surroundings? (Blade Edge Novel – Page 92)

A loveless person can also live happily. (Blade Novel – Page 207)
Is there anything more practical and useful in the world than learning the right way to live? (Blade Edge Novel – Page 266)

Life as a whole is hell, but if one does not enjoy it as much as one can, one is very stupid. (Blade Novel – Page 282)

I gradually realized that I could help others. Not only will I eliminate their pain, but I will also instill fear in their hearts. You do not know how many people have this disease. I do not mean only the fear of heights and the fear of limited places. Many people are afraid of death and even of life, and these are more and more people who live in health and comfort and seemingly carefree, and yet, at every moment, fear tortures their lives. I sometimes think that fear hurts the human soul more than any other emotion. (Blade Edge Novel – Page 311)

I thought that if there was a god as great as we imagined, the best praise for him would undoubtedly be for everyone to strive and be good according to what he understands. (Blade Novel – Page 320)
I made my decision very soon. I decided not to return to the ship. I had left nothing on the ship except a small bag. I walked slowly to find a hotel for myself. After a few minutes, I found a place and got a room. My belongings consisted of a set of clothes I was wearing, some cash, a passport and a bank credit card. I felt so free that I laughed out loud. (Blade Edge Novel – Page 330)

Perhaps in the distant future, the day will come when man, with more insight, will realize that he must seek Tesla and encouragement in his own soul. (Blade Edge Novel – Page 338)
The pleasures of this world are all-pervading and only “infinite” can give eternal joy. But being steadfast does not make good better, and white no whiter. If the rose sometimes loses the beauty that it had at dawn, sometimes at noon, what is true is its dawn beauty. Nothing in the world is stable, and if one expects something to survive, one is foolish. But if he does not enjoy what he has for a short time, he is even stupider. (Blade Edge Novel – Page 349)

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